What kind of fake 'games' do you enjoy playing as a Killer?

Playing as the Pig, I rather enjoy making up and playing an unofficial 'game' with the Survivors.
For instance;
If I down a Survivor, I might pick them as a candidate for the 'Game' - I put an RBT on them if it's not already put on and I let them wiggle off in front of a Jigsaw Box.
If they get the RBT off with the Jigsaw Box, they are free to go until I encounter them again.
If they don't, they get hooked.
If I don't successfully catch them before they reach the next Jigsaw Box (not a common occurrence, but still possible as it happened to me just now), they get to try their luck on that one as well.
Occasionally if I'm feeling nice, as any Killer, I'll let the last Survivor if they're in Dying State wiggle off me and complete the last generators and go for the Exit Gate.
As soon as the Gate is opened, if they manage to evade the one attack I might or might not make, they are free to go. If not, I carry them to the exit gate and drop them off because either way's a win as the Survivor would keep their precious item (if any) and more Bloodpoints.
Believe me when I say that playing either of these games only serves to punish me; if a Survivor escapes then I don't get the points I would have for killing them and getting a full win. And either way, it gives everybody else free game to go for gens, totems, and chests as I dedicate to the one Survivor I'm playing my 'game' with.
Does anybody enjoy doing something like this? It makes it fun to put this extra spin on the Pig, and being merciful as any Killer.
Down survivors and start a slug race.
Also basement loot goblin leather-face.2 -
I used to like doing it at the beginning but the survivors always get lucky for me so it's not worth doing.
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With Michael, I will stay at Tier 1 of EW and play peek a boo. I know they cant hear me, but I get a kick out of it. Walk up behind them, and say peek a boo. If they dont notice me after I do that, I stab them. If they run off before I stab, I just go and find someone else to play peek a boo with. I dont do it often, but boredom does kick in from time to time.
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Basement lottery is classic that Bahroo brought about in the first year. You drag the last person to the basement if the chest is still there, then let them loot if. If they get a flashlight, they get a free blind and are allowed to get the hatch. Otherwise, it's a hook.
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@Steve said:
@lasombra1979 said:
With Michael, I will stay at Tier 1 of EW and play peek a boo. I know they cant hear me, but I get a kick out of it. Walk up behind them, and say peek a boo. If they dont notice me after I do that, I stab them. If they run off before I stab, I just go and find someone else to play peek a boo with. I dont do it often, but boredom does kick in from time to time.I'm definitely going to be trying this game out.
Only happened once, but I did manage a 4K from a round of Peek a boo.
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I enjoy Initial D drifting Billy with Moonshine + Doom Engravings :
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I love the hillbilly, my favorite way of playing is to go full tryhard hook everyone twice without ever tunneling then revealing the fact that I had no intention of killing anyone. I let the survivors leave, usually they don't get but one or two gens done by the time everybody is hooked twice so it is kinda obvious to them when I quit trying to kill them. The only thing I ever ask in return from the survivors is a good chase, if they can evade me for a really long time then it feels so much better to catch them. I like a challenge and the ability to reward everyone if they give me one. "To any devs that read this thanks for making such a fun game!"
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My slugg build on huntress is kinda enjoyable against altruistic SWF, especially when they cant use their lightsabres and DS