Would you guys and gals at BHVR like to address us with what you’re planning with Dedicated Servers? I expect another delay to console and more painful testing over on pc. The Fall Season ends on the 21st or 23 (I forgot which day exactly), but you have little over 10 days (as of right now) to address it in some fashion. I hope for the best.
Question to the community as if there is any notable improvements as of recent on pc? What would you like to improve (outside of hit registration, grabs, and latency)
Asking for a developer update during the holiday season seems a bit insensitive. Developers should be able to enjoy the holidays in peace, just like everyone else.
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I mean, the holiday seasonal time of peace and relaxation does not make up the entirety of December. Just a small portion of it.
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It’s December 9th. They’re not on holiday vacation yet? Why would it be wrong to ask them to see result of their work while they’re working????
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Agreed. I would much rather have an improved performance (especially on console) and two chapters per year than the 4 chapters and weak performance that we have now.
We have enough content. Fix the game.
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3 chapters a year (every 4 months). Gives more time to fix/balance the content. While also giving the devs more time to fix and optimize or add to the things they never get around too (for example controller sensitivity)
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Stop mixing religion with job
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I personally would love more optimisation for console and pc. I play on a ps4 Pro and it freezes constantly. Every other game I have is fine
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I’d like to know on what the hell theyre planning to do with Legion, because right now, they’re all over the place with this Killer and we need to know on whether or not there will be some form of rework for them here in the near future after the supposed Doctor rework.
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Ikr? Whats good with you? You sound entitled, by any chance do you mainly play survivors?
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Legion is doing fine. This isn’t a legion discussion
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It isn't the holidays is literally the first week of December
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We'll probably learn some stuff and then they'll take off for a while.
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As much as I agree with you; these guys have Thousands of people waiting for an answer; let alone the fact it's their Job too. At least to some degree
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Developer updates discuss multiple things, from the dedicated servers to perk and Killer changes. I’m just stating what I would want to see from an announcement.
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Ohhh okayyy. You know how it is reading the forums, most people when they go completely off topic from the discussion they’re usually just complaining like a b*tch. Well than yea I would love to hear what the devs think about current legion as well as the slight doctor leaked changes. I mea yea, personally I’d also love to hear more what they think would be ideal changes for some of the more useless/less used perks
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There's an ini tweak you can do to disable antialising and blur, it should make your fps good again. Had the same issue until I did it
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You do know there's a good portion of people who aren't religious who still celebrate the holiday right?
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I don't think anyone should call the DBD community insensitive for wanting updates, given the state of the game and history of the devs.
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I’d be one (the creator of the discussion)
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I agree don’t get me wrong I love to get new content. But would much rather have the game fixed. It’s an amazing game but needs work. When I can be a killer an kill someone while there inside of a locker. Or be a survivor an while running lag an when I come to I’m downed or I am running dead into a tree. Please fix thanks.
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doctor changes inc in that developer update.
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Do you think the whole team of dbd devs should go on vacation? One part will leave now while one portion works on their game and when they conclude their vacations the others will go on vacation, but they must always be working on their game.
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I don’t see any religion mentioned in that post. Please don’t bring your activism into this forum, there are plenty of other places to complain about religion, this isn’t one of them.
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Holiday=holy day. Christmas are tied to religion. Please keep your holidays to yourself
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I just want a buff for console :(
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Play PC.
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Pretty sure Dec 9-21 aren't all holiday days, some of them sure but not all. So there's no excuse for the devs to not still be working, that's plenty of time to just address to the community what they're doing. It's not like the OP is asking them to push bug fixes or new content. The devs could just easily type a post and put it on the front page of the forum.
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the servers are fine for me for the most part. no laggs.
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Congratulations in not only being an ######### and assuming people's main roles because they're trying to defend some game devs, but also fueling the constant divide between killers and survivors which constantly plagues this community and is the root cause of toxicity. You deserve an award.
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No matter how much time you'll give them it'll never be enough. I feel like DBD has been on a standstill when it comes to new things. Yes we're getting a new killer every 3 months but in 3 years we haven't had a major update that didnt involve new ways for them to monetise the game. The store and rift were the only big updates in my opinion that added something to the game apart from their usual dlc. Monetisation has grown, the playerbase has grown, events have been put on hold even though we've really only had one in the past (halloween) that was actually unique with a new objective and yet nothing new like a gamemode or new objectives have been introduced. New dlc--> new bug/balance fixes --> more bugs --> new dlc -->...
After the recent "dbd back in the day" videos that have been uploaded by different channels on youtube I really asked myself why and how dbd ever got this big.
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You must not know how to read because I was defending the devs for their time off, moron
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You're literally calling someone saying that the devs deserve holiday breaks entitled, but go off honey. Read the comment you quoted, and if you don't see the issue there I can't really help you.
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No, yeah i wrote it wrong, the second part was a direct reply to the main post, youre stupid very stupid
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"I wrote it wrong"
"You're stupid"
So you admit it's your fault then... It's not? Good greif man, make up your mind. How is it my fault for interpreting your false information correctly to what you'd written? Lmfao.