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So when are we getting some killer BUFFS?
Cause its been quite awhile and a lot of killer nerfs in a row lately.
What are you talking about, legion got buffed a few weeks ago 😂
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Or, hear me out, we don't. Just because you don't get a 4k every game doesn't mean killers need to be buffed.
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Leaks suggest Doctor changes, so Soon(TM)?
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Who said anything about a 4k? I'm tired of that trying to be forced in my mouth when I have never ONCE called for or demanded that. I just want the weaker killers to actually get buffed so they are fun and strong. Not OP, not constant 4ks. Strong. Because they are alone vs 4. And right now those 4 are much stronger then most killers.
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What killers are exactly weak?
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Pig, Legion, Leatherface, Clown, Doctor. At the bare minimum. Nurse.
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Wraith, LF, Legion, Plague, Piggy, Trapper, Demo and kinda Myers.
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yea kinda, but still gets me 4ks <3
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Buff clown, get rid of the slowdown when he throws his bottles. And make pig move faster while crouched.
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Wraith literally gets increased movement speed, no terror radius, and near invisibility with his power. How is this weak?
LF gets to instadown survivors with his chainsaw. Not weak at all.
Legion is a God at buying time by forcing survivors to mend and heal. That's two health states they have to heal.
The Plague could use a buff or two yeah.
The pig gets a 0 terror radius, lunge attack, and takes a survivor out of the game for a bit by giving them a reverse bear trap.
I see many people, even in red ranks, step in trapper traps these days. It could take anywhere from 1 try to 7 tries to get out of a trap AND the trap leaves you injured if you do manage to get out.
The demogorgon is kind of weak I agree.
Myers being weak is a joke. I'm not even going to try to explain this one.
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Nurse... weak? 🤣
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You mostly just listed their abilities and assume that means they’re strong. All of these killers are very weak in the higher ranks. Myers is fine imo tho.
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The very concept of some of these killers is strong. People in high ranks that use a killer and can't secure kills obviously don't know how to play said killer very well. While yes, some killers do need buffs/reworks, some are fine where they are. People that play them just don't know how to play them well.
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Did you just say LF wasn't weak? Yeah, maybe at camping and that's it.
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Most don’t have the actual tools to catch survivors AND down them. Where as killers like Billy and Spirit have both, the others can only do one.
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Anyone who says LF isn't weak is kinda a joke, besides Groot, but I'll humor you.
Wraith is nowhere near invisible. He is good at getting the first hit but gets destroyed by loops and flashlights. No chase power, mediocre map pressure.
LF's power slows him down and can be EASILY juked. Zero map pressure, zero chase pressure.
Legion buys at max, 12 seconds. He slows down the game by 12 seconds. Mediocre chase pressure, despite not being able to down Survivors, zero map pressure.
Pig's TR hiding crouch is hella slow, her dash is loud and easily dodged and her RBT is not a good time staller as it can be removed immediately.
Trapper has zero map pressure and zero chase pressure. He can cut off loops, that is all.
Myers is on the weaker side. He has good snowball and some stealth, but he still gets looped for 2 gens. His Tier III is nice but it has zero bonuses if people just through down pallets early. Zero map pressure, good chase pressure.
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What rank are you? With how self-righteous and haughty you act, I'd say Rank 10.
Oh, the ability to 4K does not make a Killer good.
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Trajectory of the game has been killer sided.
Infinites gone, vaulting/perk/map/pallet nerfs, bloodlust added, end game timer added, hatch close added. All this has made being killer easier and survivor harder since release.
2 escapes, 2 kills is the devs unit of metric. You don’t have to like that but it’s whats given the survivors all their nerfs and all the killers current buffs.
The OP's post doesn't really take into consideration the overall perspective of the current state of the game.
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After infinite was added faster vacuum pallets. And SWF. And smaller survivor hit boxes, creating looping, which is still an exploit to this day. After that survivors where given increased time to hang on hook before they died, making them have more leeway to make mistakes and stay on gens.And that was at the same time as the killer cube, the most one sided change to ranking during the entire life of this game. Its been up and down and back and forth for both sides, and will continue to be so. That dosen't change the fact that killers needs buffs.
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The overall perspective of the game is moving closer towards balance. Somethings still need to be ironed out, like the last of the infinite's and god loops; along with Mori's and Keys.
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Maybe because all of these changes were healthier for the game's longevity? Take a look back at footage from anytime before Curtain Call was released, so around before summer 2018. The game was so survivor sided it wasn't even funny. Let's list a few things that were broken and survivor sided back then.
1. Pallet Vacuum
2. Exhaustion recovering while running, meaning potentially 2 Sprint Bursts, 2 Balanced Landings, 2 Dead Hards, in one chase.
3. No Entity blocker, meaning infinites were truly infinite.
4. Instablinds
5. Instaheals
6. Self Care pre nerf
7. Many killers were in a worse spot, Hag, Trapper, Wraith, and especially Freddy, all of them being great examples before getting a few QoL changes.
8. Insane amounts of pallets on maps.
9. Old DS
10. Old Mettle of Man
11. Survivors prolonging the endgame for no reason before EGC.
12. Hatch standoffs
13. No Bloodlust. You could run a killer around the Shack for the whole game.
That's an easy 13, when there are so many more things to be listed. You can't deny it, the game was very heavily survivor sided back then. These things were removed to make the game healthier for killers, who were the laughing stock of the game until Curtain Call started fixing everything. These changes were all very necessary, and have left the game in a much better spot than it was during 2016 - Mid 2018.
Edit: For some more great examples, take a look at this video from March 2018.
Post edited by Spooky13 on6 -
Can't agree that looping is an exploit. It's the survivors main defense against killers. If no one could loop the game would be over before a single gen could be touched.
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seriously?? nurse is weak in your eyes?
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Its an exploit because its using an unintended side effect of making survivor hit boxes smaller. And somehow people managed to escape before it existed.
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Well, what else are we to assume? Even BHVR'S stats show that killers are performing at 50% or above. Since they have said several times that 2 kill average is where they want to be, it means they are in the right range. You must want more than 2 per match if you are asking for buffs.
I main Trapper and have no problem getting red rank every month. I'm not even that good. There are definitely things on both sides that need to be looked at, but killers in general are in a good place.
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I have to agree on this one!
She's not weak, namely.
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@Spooky13 you forgot
14. window vacuum,
15 insta gens(old old bnp),
16 half of the infinite windows (now half of buildings that had infinite windows have them closed/nerfed/50% to spawn or its ironworks of infinite)
17 Ballanced landing creating infinites
18 hook respawn
19 gens took less time
20 no exhaust (so you could run every speed perk)
btw if they would add vanila dbd that would be living hell for killers (even if they would have old ebony mori) except nurse
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Hell, I think even Nurse or Spirit would have trouble in vanilla DBD. A coordinated 4 man SWF with BNP could end the game in under 3 minutes, on top of having crazy chase potential and being able to heal super fast. Back in 1.0.0, Self Care healed at 80% of regular speed, Exaustion had a cooldown of 20 seconds, a Sabo Squad could make the game practically unwinnable. Anyone who thinks these changes should've stayed is out of their minds.
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We shouldn't go off of ranking/pipping. Legion, one of the worst killers, is incredibly easy to rank with die to the nature of their power. You could probably have 3, maybe even 4 survivors escape, and still pip or probably even double pip. Does this mean Legion is a good killer by any means? Hell no! Again, by this logic, Hillbilly, Ghostface, and every instadown killer would be terrible, because they are very hard to pip with, again, because of the nature of their power.
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The above post is from a person who has never been at red ranks as killer.
We call them the "common entitled survivor".
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This man just said nurse is weak lol.
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The context of the thread is that the OP wants killer buffs because there's been recent nerfs to killer. I explained historically that's not the case, that the devs have their unit of metric and that's why killer was nerfed recently.
You're actually agreeing with me it seems. You just chose to frame it as OP survivor's, whereas the tone of my post was a nerf to survivor's. Just a point to clarify an OP survivor can be nerfed.
Actually if I was to try and make sense of your post it would be in the context of agreeing with the devs? 2 escape, 2 survive. So you agree with previous survivor nerfs along with recent killer nerfs. Which is fine, I don't particularly agree or disagree with their stance.
It just wasn't the point I was making.
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You are ignoring Legion's kill ratio, which is at or above 50%. Nothing to do with pipping. I believe Clown was the only one below 50%. If I remember correctly, he was at 46%. BHVR said that DCs were not included in the stats and were treated as outliers.
Now, does that mean all killers have no problems? No, it does not. But it does go against the idea that killers in general need a buff.
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Nurse isn’t weak... she’s op on most maps then really trash on others (indoor/new map).
Obvs if survivors can power through ruin then the killer is weak... that’s all of them though. Devs need to make a solution on this. No killer can counter this.
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you also have to remember that a lot of people like to kill themselves on their first hook, I see my teammates do it all the time especially when playing against Freddy. it completely ruins the game for us teammates.
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Nurse is by no means weak. She's the exact same viability as before only except you can't use blinks in as rapid succession
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killer buffs? you are asking for too much mate.
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Both of you are off topic. OP wants all killers to be near the same power level, not all killers being buffed as a whole.
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I haven't seen any undeserved nerfs around but imo nerfs should always take priority above buffs. That isn't to say buffs aren't badly needed.
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Someone that thinks Legion was nerferd
/sadly not sarcasm
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Please explain to me how in any way shape or form they have been buffed? Genuinely curious.
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Read the patch notes :)
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Yeah I did, no buffs there bud.
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regarding OP, killers just received tons of buffs recently.
honestly, i dont know what you'd want to buff here...
when they fix gen times, overall killer buffs wont be needed imo.
sure, we can buff the individual low tier killers, but i dont think a buff across the board would be needed.
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Third seal in real life
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Pig is the one who deserve it
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I'll tell you what sir or ma'am, what looks good on paper is not necessarily good in action.
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You already got a new braindead killer, what more do you want? As long as they dont start doing balance on all sides, they should first finish all killer nerfs before doing anything else. Cause then killers cant complain anymore about "being gutted" without reasoning.
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Still a kill. Just like a killer who goes and stands in the corner or concedes a map. Still an escape. Or one who let's survivors go just to be nice. Still an escape.
By your logic, we should remove all successful face camps and hard camps that die on first hook. Does not work that way.
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Well the fact that she lost most of her map pressure, that survivors can outrun in a straight line as base, she is add on dependent, and survivors can see the nurse before the nurse even blinks to that position.
Yeah she lost her title as the strongest killer and has become and add on dependent mid tier killer.
And you basically played yourself. It's obvious you never even touch any killer.
Yes, you just named their abilities, except most are weak as they are extremely loop able, making it so they can't hit you for a long time if you are good.
And @Pulsar basically countered every point you made: