Reminder that this game is still survivor sided.



  • DarthRane
    DarthRane Member Posts: 198
    edited December 2019

    Lol okay so he woulda hit them and then they woulda got the Sprint boost and now they are not broken by the plagues ability he made the right play with the killer he was playing lol. You're showing your lack of knowledge my friend.

    I agree he shouldn't have respected any but the point stands if they aren't punishing him for it aka actually taking advantage of that actual loop he has no insentive to stop respecting it

    So again up until the the one survivor hit him he made the right play. It's only a bad play if they actually take advantage of the respect of they just plop it down then he has made the right move. This why I stated already they were mediocre survivors at best can speak about the blonde cause all she did was abuse the god loop lol although the gen play was interesting

    Patrol the gens lol I guess you didn't pay attention to the map he was on or the killer he was playing 😂 and the one gen with Sprint granted easy access to god loop no matter which way the survivor went

    It amazes me the mental gymnastics people go throw to justify the lop sidedness of this game

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    I agree. Survivors are stealthy enough as is (they all hide if I get them into a 3 gen scenario and the game lasts way longer than it should)

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    We know lol.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Yes this we all saw from the statistics. We also saw Freddy still needs more buffs and Nurse needs more nerfs.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    They were wounded when they did the window juke, so actually no speed boost would’ve mattered, in fact, they would’ve gotten hooked.

    I did pay attention to his killer, he should have no problem picking a certain part of the map to patrol and the survivors would be on one hit down so they couldn’t make it to the god loop. Unless they cleanse which isn’t a good play.

    I’d recommend you use this advice in future games if that loop is a big problem for you. :)

  • DarthRane
    DarthRane Member Posts: 198

    Vast majority of maps are in survi it's favor regardless of the tiles, the primary difference is whether or not you have a god tier loop connection or just a strong loop connection.

    About the only thing that plays in the killers favor MOST of the time is the gates at end game collapse they are almost always close enough to monitor if you're down to a single survivor scenario

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    What's powerful about loop connections? Unless there is a window that pallet and that entire loop can be depleted. I do see how some window setups can be broken if spawned in a certain way in some maps, but these areas are thankfully hard to reach giving the killer a chance to zone you elsewhere and get run along normal loops.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    Why is the answer Bamboozle... but if people tell survivors to run BT or DS to counter tunneling we get laughed it because “survivors shouldn’t be forced to use a perk.”

  • KiraElijah
    KiraElijah Member Posts: 1,187

    Actually, if you check the stats, the worst killer has a 50-60% Kill Percentage, soooooooo.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318
  • Haku
    Haku Member Posts: 614
    edited December 2019

    Wow. I would never in a million years expect someone to say that on these forums. Good one ! Very smart one. I do it it every time I can. Sadly it is only possible on maps like lets say smaller corn maps where you can see the unsafe gen early on or azarov for example where the middle gen is a top prior to avoid 3 gens, or street gens on Haddonfield etc. But for big maps thats almost impossible. I can't run the entire shelter woods to see where the gens are placed. I hate the corner gens on Lerys too. And big new - literally nobody else care about that. It is usually just me

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    Actually if you read the post Peanits specifically says stats aren’t the end all be all, many factors need to be considered.

  • RynerLuteTLD
    RynerLuteTLD Member Posts: 1

    I mean a look at how it's so survivor oriented is the new DLC. Oni during PTB was a completely different Oni than the official released Oni. I remember watching Ohm and a few other streamers being able to navigate across the map at ease with oni during PTB and during official release they can no longer do that as the movement got nerfed. You can't quickly move around obstacles etc while dashing, for some reason the hitboxes or something is nerfed when using your club, you get super slowed down when having to hold it to instant down them so unless you are dashing and attacking with the club it's basically a normal attack. Then the numerous glitches where the club gets stuck in the air for far longer than it should allowing the survivors to successfully evade/get away is complete and utter bullshit.

    Now I also play survivor and am higher ranked as a survivor than a killer as it's a lot easier to lvl as a survivor IMO. The only perk I really despise killers using is hex ruin cause in some maps it's nearly impossible to find and there are too many toxic killers that use hex ruin. They are called little ######### killers because they require ruin as a clutch cause they cannot gen guard at all. I literally was a tapp against an freddy who's a streamer on the ps4 version of the game and the dude camped everyone, used hex ruin, was super butthurt I got his ruin immediately. I went back and watched his stream of our match and the dude kept saying we were gen rushing, we were obviously a party etc. when none of us were in a party and the killer just kept trying to stay near his stupid tokens and camp one dude while the rest of us finished 3 gens in the first few mins cause he was being stupid and just camping instead of going around trying to find survivors. I could of got the hatch escape as I was right next to it but instead I went and saved the 2nd to last survivor while he was being camped and tried luring him away, instead he got my friend then found me as I was about to enter the hatch and just camped me so my first time on the hook was also my demise. Now I confronted the dude by looking up his stream after the match and called him out for being a camping ######### and the dude said "I normally don't camp but you guys were obviously a team and gen rushing the hell out of me, I wouldn't of gotten any kills if I didn't camp. Look at my other matches today and you will see I don't usually camp." Well I looked at his entire 4 hour stream and in every single match the dude was a camper or "patrolled" literally a few feet away around corners or something waiting for the survivors to try to rescue each other cause instead of trying to chase and guard gens the killers mindset was get one and camp him to lure the others to him.

    So personally this is my play style as a killer:

    I run BBQ & Chilli, Agitation, Iron Grasp, Iron Maiden and as soon I hook a survivor I look around for prey and if I don't see anyone I know they are either close by or in a locker. So first I'd look around the general area to see if I can spot them and if they are being stealthy I will just go to gens and hit them waiting for them to make a mistake and rescue their survivor buddy, then I'd head back to that area (usually is about half the map distance or more away) and I find them usually being healed and I hit the weakened one ignoring the healthy state ones because honestly I am a toxic killer and rather target the one who is in a one hit K.O. state rather than get into a stupid chase with one that is fully healed and will need to get hit multiple times (unless of course the person is body blocking and being super annoying, then I will hit them to make them ######### off and then continue to get their friend). Then I would proceed to hook the person again and rinse and repeat until I get a quad or one of them gets a hatch escape or they somehow finish all the gens and open the gate and two escape. It happens but is rare cause my play style I am a rank 15 killer against rank 8-11's and am getting 3-4 kills per match at about 54k bloodpoints per match at least 3 iridescent qualities and last one being gold.

    So from my perspective killers need to stop being so trashy, stop the camping, stop relying on crutches and just get good and survivors need to stop bitching and complaining and getting killers nerfed. Honestly want a refund on oni cause yet again he is not the killer I purchased cause they nerfed him. Why the hell even allow him to go to PTB for people to see and want him when he's just going to get nerfed to hell and not be the same killer he was shown to be. I wasted a lot of money buying new killers, cosmetics for them etc only for them to be nerfed and make playing them not as fun. Honestly I would of been fine with most the changes done to him but at least allow the movement or let him see the blood orbs better to combat the stealthy survivors.. got in a 1 hour long match against two survivors who kept being super stealth sneaking away from the gens. I had to keep going across the map guarding two gens to prevent them from getting the last one done. I did it and got one of them hooked three times and the last one got away in a hatch. But I injured them more than enough times where if the blood orbs was actually reliable I'd of been able to more easily catch them and stop an annoying match like that from happening. Note: I didn't use any items or add ons as this was oni's release date I played him without any of those and just with the perks I said above.

  • StrodeWins
    StrodeWins Member Posts: 274

    the game is balanced, and neither survivor nor killer sided.

  • DarthRane
    DarthRane Member Posts: 198

    Lmao now you're just making ######### up I rewatched it just to make sure I wasn't remembering the video I correctly again there was no survivor ALREADY injured that he let vault a window so he made the right play. But nice try and if you think I missed it provide the time stamp.

    I noticed you gave up on the respect pallets argument because you realized in this situation I was right about that to. So again the only thing that was really wrong with the play in this video is his first chase.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Look, I know what I saw but I’m not watching the video again. If you don’t wanna accept that killers mess up then that is ok but this discussion isn’t doing any good so I’ll just go ahead and end it here.

  • Angelicus23
    Angelicus23 Member Posts: 2,551

    Entity:''puts three pallets in front of windows''

    Killer mains:This game is survivor sided!

    Rest of the people:But what about survivors getting nerfer on every single chapter and mid chapter?

    Killer mains: Balance

    Out of the joke now, just a little reminder that bloodlust, spirit fury, bamboozle and brutal s. are there. It just takes 15 seconds too get faster.

    And also, azarov is a variation well known for being some of the best maps for survivor, then there are other maps that are extremely difficult too scape and with none-few safe pallets, no infinites or shack.

  • Drazen
    Drazen Member Posts: 400

    Actually u can win without bt and ds but on killer side u are forced to run 1-2 perks to slow game down to actually have a chance lol

  • Glory
    Glory Member Posts: 241

    To be fair, suffocation pit is a deadly map otherwise. The center is strong enough to let a god-tier survivor run forever, if the killer doesn't know how to reverse or cut loops/gyms, but with it being divided in half, it's poison to get rescues or to not 3-gen yourself

  • BBQnDemogorgon
    BBQnDemogorgon Member Posts: 3,615
    edited December 2019

    Needs to be 75-85. The 90% that aren't amazing at survivor make killers look stronger than they are in the statistics.

    Even red ranks aren't accurate worse players can still reach rank 1 and not every match is a coordinated swf god squad

    If its 75/85 it may actually be 50 against god swf.

    There may be bad killers in red ranks too so statistics shouldn't be used like that. Its deeper than percentages.

  • Jukenobi
    Jukenobi Member Posts: 301

    Never said it was good. Still an option for window blocking. It can be fun for meme builds. I think people just take this game far to seriously, if you get stuck in a loop like that, you should probably break off?

  • Thanatos_x
    Thanatos_x Member Posts: 201


  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited December 2019

    You never implied it was good nor bad... you just said "Bamboozle" as if it's the cure all to this issue.

    Bamboozle is situational and only good on certain builds that can work off it... like Wraiths Pallet/Window build or any Killer blocking Shack window... but than they can still go to another pallet. So having 1 slot for that 1 time scenario is pretty bad.

    That's kinda why you hardly ever see it at Red Ranks... cause it's bad. I don't even know what we're talking about anymore until I looked back at the OPs post... since you took so long to reply.

    The point is though, one perk doesn't fix this... but you can meme or center a build around it.