Hilarious SWF Build

Hey guys, ran into the SWF group with the funniest build ever. Everyone should try it sometime. /s
They run meta perks like this, disrespect and bully me all game with moonwalking, and then have the nerve complain about me running Sloppy and Ruin on my Nurse. In a game where I'm really just trying to do a challenge and I'm not worried about winning at all.
Just plain disgusting.
Don't worry in another 2 years the game will finally be balanced lol it took to years to get the killers to a point where it's not COMPLETELY impossible to have a good match just.
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They got a huge advantage without downsides. No need to complain from their side.
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Why post one game where you lost against an swf that are 6 ranks above you. All that you proved was that this (what I assume is a 3 man swf) have decided to run the exact same build.
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I have 1200 hours and that speaks more than rank. I've been Rank 1 before several times and I just really don't care about a number that's basically meaningless once it goes below 9. I didn't even do that badly in this game and most of them were on death hook.
They just had no respect for killer at all.
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Honestly, you coming here and whining about it on the forums is super cringe.
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I understand playing with your friends to have FUN, mess around with the killer etc. But where is the fun when every one of you is running the strongest perks in the game and you're trying to escape as fast as possible?
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Bc almost every single killer is running the strongest perks in the game, and hook chasing with them.
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Because of the sweaty SWFs. A well coordinated (dont know if I wrote that right) SWF will go through the gens insanely fast, and theres not much the killer can do. And what would you consider "the strongest perks" for killer? Because how I see it now is that the meta for rank 1 killer is to slow down the gen speed as much as possible.
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Losing with ruin nurse, couldn't imagine. :/
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anyways I see a total of 12 perks that would of been completely useless had you not been proxy hook chasing
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ruin(Bc it’s strong if you can’t find the totem Bc survivors don’t know how to act), devour, obsession perks, bbq, pgtw, make your choice, nemesis with PWYF then they shove them on the strongest killers with the best to really good addons. This is honestly a don’t tunnel or slug build on every single one of them Bc that’s what survivors face 95% of the time.
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None of those perks/perk combinations is even close as strong as a sweaty swf with these perks.
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You missed that period when these used the old MoM, ahh, such good times.
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Exactly. I remember going against a 4 man swf with all of them using MoM with Clown :))))
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"Bullying with moonwalking"
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Looks like you’re sweating just as hard. Probably got all the gens done Bc you were hanging out around the hooks and costing yourself the game Bc you didn’t evolve in the match. Bc you would of saved yourself so much time and won had you not.
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God forbid that Survivors are using good Perks.
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The Perks aren't the issue. It's the communication that SWF groups have access to that cause the issue.
The Perks only do so much when playing Solo Survivors.
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I dont mind loosing against swf at all but it really makes me mad if they disrespect, I make sure to give them a good time if I see them again which mostly happens
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It's not their job to respect you, and it's not your job to babysit them and be nice to them. Cry more bro or actually learn
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But they didn't even have tool boxes! Lol
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How is moonwalking disrespectful? Hello?
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I'm just bothered by them being too lazy to make sure they have their perks equipped in the same order. Weak performance! 😔
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Honestly, whack.
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Escape is the fun part for me. I don't bm but I like to escape or at least help my teammates escape.
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You are not supposed to even have a chance vs half decent SWF if they want to win. Thats how devs have told us.
From McCote himself
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We can only wait a additional buffs for SWF... 🤣
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Man, I thought this was actually gonna be a fun post about perks that people used. Talk about click bait.
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Just do what i do. Block all nonfriend player interaction. Then lower your rank by sitting in matches and not playing at all. Makes it easier to do challenges and you actually get to play against more fun survivors more of the time. If i play in a match where i can tell they are communicating together i instantly leave. This strategy pisses off those nasty 12 year olds and makes the game fun for me. I dont even care if this post pisses anyone off because im still going to do it because its fun. I dont even see what they send me because they are blocked. Its freaking awesome. Also, if i play against a troll i camp them on purpose and let everyone else go.
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If you have the time to get yourself into a moonwalk after I hit you then you clearly don't think I'm good enough to catch you. That's the most blatant disrespect I saw in the whole game. It's why I used my Mori on the Claudette doing it instead of someone else. That and she was my obsession.
Other disrespectful things included ignoring my presence and continuing to search a chest even after I hit him, moonwalking out the exit gate, and of course the ever so constant buttdancing.
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That literally makes no sense. Stop making up excuses.
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What makes a survivor fun? They wait until their teammates get hook stage 2? They try to loop around a dropped unsafe pallet? They let you camp and tunnel with no consequence? I would like to know.
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3 of their perks are dead if you don't play in a specific way. Is there a problem with that?
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You're clearly survivor biased, running BT, DS unbreakable and Dead hard/Sprint burst is literally the most tryhard build you can use when playing survivor. And I dont hang around hooks, what do you think I am, a rank 13?
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Knowing that killers also have strong perks, and being able to see that those were clearly no slugging and no tunneling perks that would of gave someone an advantage if only you were doing those two things makes me survivor biased? 👌
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That Borrowed Time lvl 1 looks so out of place
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OCD intensifies
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To be fair.. your scored the most points... and idk if you popped or not.. but you had some meta perks and a mori.. so I feel like it should've been even. You could've just moried whoever was getting on your nerves since you said they were on death hook.
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Seems like they were correct in their assumption if you had to use a Mori haha
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How does running Meta perks automatically make you biased towards one side?
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Tip:just get good at the game. Ive been placed against toxic survivors with meta perks and ive always been able to kill them and im rank 4 as killer. If they are playing dumb then you should play smart. And if you have been chasing that survivor for longer than about 2 minutes then leave them and patrol gens. Its not that hard
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What's really funny to me is that everyone is complaining about "unbalanced" games. What are the Bloodpoint scores in that picture? Sure as hell looks balanced to me. Yeah the survivors ran annoying builds. And yes, the killer could be seen as having an annoying build also. Both sides of this coin are crying about the same thing.
I am a survivor main who plays a lot of swf with friends, and we do not bully killers. We lose a lot of games too because we are not the best at the game either. But at the end of the day, I've played well enough to be a red rank (4 currently) and if we lose a handful of games but its fun, is it really all that bad? I don't have to run off 20 wins in a row to have fun playing the game.
My point is that if people stopped complaining about "survivors this" and "killers that", the game would be a lot more fun. Seriously, it seems like the entire community feels like the devs owe them something. They already built a game that you clearly like enough to be on the forums for. Why don't we all stop being so entitled and just play?
Because from my vantage point the game is pretty balanced.
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So let me get this straight... You DC if the survivors are better than you? AND you're bragging about it, wow now I've seen it all. Lmao toxicity breeds toxicity. Have fun when the DC bans start getting implemented 🤣
I have NEVER DCd on purpose, no matter how toxic or try hard the killer was.
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Ehm respecting others is 1 of the good manners even if you don't know them.
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Being toxic gets you in chases, so it's advantageous. I don't care about how others feel in a competitive environment
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Some survivors make it obvious they run ds and adrenaline.
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Complains about moonwalking??
You're nurse with good add ons and a mori, and meta perks too. What is going on in this post.
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I don't mean if the Game is going.I mean if the Exit Gates are opened.In Game of course it can be tactical.If the Killer weren't camping or tunneling why beeing toxic at the End?It creates more toxic Killers in my Opinion.
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I used two meta perks (although Ruin is more of a required perk since not running it all but guarantees a brutal killer or worse result) and Sloppy Butcher, which is a great perk but I wouldn't call it meta on its own. Remember Me is decent and it was used only to guarantee an obsession. How does that equate to their entire team running the same tryhard build with the same meta perks with only one person having two different perks, that are also both meta...