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General Discussions

How do you think behaviour will make this game more scary?

Member Posts: 453
edited December 2019 in General Discussions

I noticed they lowered the overall lighting levels so they have one thing right.

But what do you think they will or could do next to help make the game scary?

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  • Member Posts: 1,520

    Maybe some random effects.

    As example: If a survivor runs it can happen that he falls over a stone.

    The chance that this happen, should be really, really small, because a game mechanic like this can start be really annoying, but it should still strong enough that it sticks in the mind of the survivors.

    What I know... Maybe a 0,010% or so.

    So more that it has a placebo effect, just a other way around.

    Imo, to many things are just too static and with this predictable.

  • Member Posts: 2,396

    Remove the ability for survivors to be confident. This is “supposed” to be a horror game, the survivor should be scared when they see a killer coming at them. Not run up to a killer, do their little tbagging dance and click their flashlight at them. There needs to be more threat, how they do that? I don’t know.

    I do think there should be more immersion.

  • Member Posts: 1,208

    Addition of smell-o-vision in next patch.

  • Member Posts: 1,609

    I realy regret needing to be a scared baby clauddete

  • Member Posts: 281

    Bring more monsters in the game. Demogorgon actually brought back that sense of dread I lost because I got experienced with the game. He looks and sounds terrifying hearing those stomps and roars across the map just sells his image....of course he's loopable so rip.

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    I'd like this as well. I'm much more of a fan of "creature" type killers rather than humanoid. I really hope they explore this more.

  • Member Posts: 2,529

    Strong killers.

    I always get my heart beating in chases versus Nurses, or Spirits. I try to stealth against those killers.

    Whenever I face a Bubba, or Wraith, or Clown, I purpose go out my way to get chased, because otherwise I am mentally AFK for over 50% of the match.

  • Member Posts: 1,303

    This is why I love GF. Now, if they could just Re-work him so he could run while in shroud on a cooldown, not attack like legion, but just run, that's straight nightmare fuel. Would give him the map pressure he's missing for big maps.

  • Member Posts: 2,213
    edited December 2019

    They can't, honestly.

    Stronger killers would make it scarier for a little while but it'll just lose all its scare factor again after a certain amount of time. Jump scares do not count as fear or a game being scary.

    If you've ever played a survival horror then you know what I'm talking about.

  • Member Posts: 669

    I feel like some people just don’t get it. Survivors are not going to fear the killer in a PvP game, no matter how strong the killers are. You do not view the killer the same as you would something trying to kill you in games like Outlast or RE2. In DBD, after playing for a couple hours you just start to view the killer as your opponent in a multiplayer game, you aren’t afraid of that person. There’s much more of a competitive feeling than fear. If they made the killers stronger and got rid of looping...guess what? People aren’t going to be scared, they just aren’t going to play survivor. Nobody wants to be on the losing end constantly in a multiplayer game. This game has a horror theme to it but that’s it, it will never be survival horror.

  • Member Posts: 3,255

    I want some more jumpscare killers like the hag and ghostface plus myers. More dark maps would help not just bright ones.

  • Member Posts: 3,255

    Outlast 2 to this day still keep me on edge especially the school scenes.

  • Member Posts: 142

    First person view mode for survivors :)

  • "right" I can't see anything on that new map, I just keep walking into walls. It's gotten so bad I've given up trying to play on it.

  • Member Posts: 1,790

    I am scared - of going on a hook for a forced time out.

    Making stronger killer won't make me more scared, adding random events like tripping over stones will not make me more scared, adding more jump scares will not make me more scared - all these will do is annoy me. The only times I am nervous are against killers I know are stalking me but I'm not sure where they are - but even then I am not going to be scared.

    Humans have this thing called adaptability where they get used to anything and everything. Anything you create to make things more scary will last maybe a day and and half, then it will be business as usual. Especially in a game where the designers want chases and constant interactions to be a thing.

    About the only game that maintained a decent level of scare for me for a long time was White Noise 2. Indie game where it was all in atmosphere and the paranoia level was high up there. Unfortunately dead now. You can still see youtube videos on it to get the idea.

  • Member Posts: 1,510

    First person point of view when working on generators, and limited camera scope when in a chase would probably make the game scarier without annoying survivors too much.

    While I agree that people eventually adapt - Scream and the Ring scared the living heck out of me as a kid but now I still admire them (The opening of Scream is a modern day masterpiece that outshines the Psycho shower scene - fight me), I’m just used to them - it doesn’t excuse how non threatening it feels to play as survivor. I fully believe killer SHOULD be the role you play when you want to destress and somehow it’s quite the opposite. The length and number of loops contributes to this - good survivors turn a horror movie chase into Benny Hill and it just completely neuters the feeling of being a killer.

    I genuinely believe there has to be a way to both incorporate and legitimize looping and stealth without it being at the expense of the killer’s dignity. You know - turn chases into Helen Shivers jumping out the window vs a scene from Scary Movie or that other spoof.

  • Member Posts: 257

    Buff killers, complete and total map reworks, and nerf survivor perks

    Basically ######### that will never happen

  • Member Posts: 3,278

    I will start with giving Killers their own chase music, I can tell you the sound of the Oni, Michael Myers and Demogorgon music gives you more panic than the regular Trapper, Wraith, Hillbilly, etc. music.

    Like said with other people, it really nulls how terrifying a Killer is when they can run around the same rock and gen for 40 seconds to a minute, I say this cause I did exactly the same thing, no pallet, no nothing, ran it so the Oni would waste his Bloody Fury power and Survivors had time to do what they needed to, I missed many of times just to get down right as his power ended,

  • Member Posts: 202

    There's only really two ways to make the game more scary and it depends on what kind of scary you're looking for.

    Easiest way is with Jumpscares, You make more Killers like Hag, Spirit or Myers.

    If you want an overall Scariness That's a tough one, The games pretty repetitive so after a while all the killers apart from those with jumpscare capability become not so scary. It's like cat and mouse where you realize the cat isn't so scary more so what happens if you loose the chase. You'd need a Killer that's very strong but even then like always people would complain if a killers too strong.

  • Member Posts: 998

    I guess it was mentioned already but this is fun party game that doesn't try to be very scary.

    On the other hand it would be much better if so many loops on so many maps weren't that powerful.

    Take ormund resort for example, safe loops connected to one another and big 2 story building which is safe zone for survivors. Imagine actually getting scared by the killer when you can just loop him for the entire game duration.

  • Member Posts: 202

    Did you see the new Map? A survivor could be crouched right infront of you and you wouldn't be able to see them in some parts.

    If Killer had the same FOV as Survivor then It would be fine but Killers have to play the game trough Horse-blinders so going for more Darkness to make the game more scary isn't a great option when it benefits the survivors and hinders the killer effectively making the killer less of a threat and less scary.

  • Member Posts: 1,520

    Maybe it would help if the game develops no rushing feelings.

    Currently, if a survivor or killer plays for the win, instead for fun (I know that can also hang together, but its beside the point now), they will either rush the generators or try to kill everyone fast as possible.

    While you doing it, you thinking more on your objectives as on anything other and of course not any atmorsphere.

    So, maybe we need some more game modes.

    Maybe a new game mode with large maps like the autohaven and the only objective would be to survive for 10 minutes and if a survivor got caught by the killer in this time, the timer would go higher for 2 minutes or so, so that killers get a bit of a reward for being active and not just staying in a corner.

    Oh, and in this game mode survivors should already die by the first or second hooktime.

    In this game mode, survivors would at least need think more on what the killer does and what he will probably do to them, as on a generator. The stealth mods should btw. be mixed with the standard maps, so that not everyone is running around with the ultimate stealth perks, because you know...? The other maps could still appear.

  • Member Posts: 928

    Make noed basekit.

  • Member Posts: 669
    edited December 2019

    Yes. But people will never view the killer in DBD like you do that. There’s a certain immersion aspect that you get playing alone in that type of game. When you play DBD it’s PvP so it will never feel scary like that. You just want to beat the player you are facing, there’s no fear aspect. I just think people who say buffing killers to very strong will make the game scary have no idea what they are talking about and don’t understand the different mindset between playing this game, and playing Outlast. What some want this game to be, would actually kill the game. This is coming from someone who gets legit terrified playing Outlast or RE. If DBD made killers 3x as strong, it wouldn’t make me feel the same horror. I would just feel annoyed that I’m playing the dominated side in a multiplayer game and want to play the killer or just stop playing. I think the devs are aware of this.

  • Member Posts: 378

    Personally, the only thing that gets me tense is killers who can hide their heartbeat. It keeps me constantly on edge looking around. Strong killers aren't "scary".

  • Member Posts: 669
    edited December 2019

    I can see that. If they ever wanted to make the game kinda scary, they’d have to wipe out the heartbeat system entirely along with massive nerfs and changes everywhere (in other words, won’t happen!) Even then though, survivors aren’t actually scared of the killer, it’s just cheap jumpscare type horror. The whole PvP thing is always going to override everything, people are never going to fear the monster killer who’s being controlled by another player. The immersion of playing a single player survival horror game will NEVER exist with this game. People need to stop calling it survival horror. Its just a horror themed multiplayer game where each side in intended on winning at least close to the same amount of times. None of this crap where people think they’ll be able to roleplay a horror movie killer and crush survivors constantly where maybe 1 gets out at the most. I think that’s where the majority of the balance complaints by killer mains fall. An incorrect vision of the game, not realizing theirs would completely fail. Survivors aren’t playing that nonsense.

  • Member Posts: 982

    Scary games stop being scary when you've played them for the hundredth time and know exactly what's going to happen. BHVR can't change that; nobody can.

    Overpowered killers don't make me think: "Oh no, I'm in danger", they just make me sigh and say "Well, I'm up against this BS again. Why do I even bother?"

    Also, I'd have to say no to the darkness; I can already hardly see a thing on the Yamaoka Estate maps. Darkness benefits the survivors more than Killers.

    All those loud noises do more harm than good for the Demogorgon, really. The footsteps and hissing noises allow you to always pinpoint which direction he's coming from when there's a wall between you and the Demo, and the map-wide noises from missed attacks let you know that it's safe to work on gens when the Demo isn't chasing you.

    In fact, he's one of the worst killers in the game, according to stats.

  • Member Posts: 236

    They could Make Breathing of survivors more noticeable .. , Footsteps .

    Interactions to hold your Breath . Stealth walking .

    Fear Level . It increases the more you mess up skill checks like actual character heart beats . Rushed actions etc .

  • Member Posts: 7,525

    All the people in here "The game isn't scary because killers are weak"

    Are you guys actually serious?

    The game isn't scary beacuse the people who play have been playing for 100+ hours, do you expect any horror movie to still scare you after you watch it 50 times? Unlikely

    The game will never be scary to anyone passed 50+ hours, you can put a killer in who's M1 downs and players wont be scared, they'll be bored and irritated. Powerful killers does not make the game scary, and it never will.

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited December 2019

    "Scary games stop being scary when you've played them for the hundredth time and know exactly what's going to happen. BHVR can't change that; nobody can."

    We know exactly what's going to happen because of the over reliance on pallets and windows being a repetitive and unchanging interaction, not because of how long we've been playing. You can create replayable interactions that are still changing.

    "Overpowered killers don't make me think: "Oh no, I'm in danger", they just make me sigh and say "Well, I'm up against this BS again. Why do I even bother?""

    Strong killers is not the same thing as overpowered killers. That's not what I was talking about at all.

    "Darkness benefits the survivors more than Killers."

    I know, which is why I want more things to help the survivors escape other than just pallets and windows so we can tone them down.

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