Stacking perks - multiple instances

You’ve been given the power (survivor or killer) to run multiple instances of the same perk in your build. What 4 do you run? (Can be 2 & 2, 3 & 1 whatever)
ex: 4 bbq = 400% bonus blood points
4 sprint burst = 12 second speed boost
Feel free to explain how they would work...
The killer dies when you stab them
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4 times Urban evasion makes you crouch at 7.2m/s
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Pwyf =60%movement speed lol
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Or breakout 28% speed with80% wiggle forcing a slug meta
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At that point Dead Hard would be a budget Nurse blink
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Blood warden: 4 minute timer during EGC
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Imagine old remember me x4, that would be quite something!
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I immediately thought of this song when I imagined that:
Personally, I'd either use Monitor and Abuse (Zero terror radius- I can be a stealth Killer while not actually playing a stealth Killer, then have a gigantic terror radius that confuses the hell out of survivors when the chase starts), Thanatophobia (16% slowdown for every injured Survivor would be nothing to scoff at), or Fire Up (16% increased action speed for every completed generator).
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Camaraderie x4 would be a nice meme, 2 minutes and 16 seconds extra hook time 😄
But the true power move is Tenacity x4. I don't know for sure but I feel like the killer wouldn't even be able to catch up to you if it's just Tenacity speed times 4.
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Monitor and abuse for 0 meter terror radius on any killer. And a 64 meter terror radius while in a chase.
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I'd love to see a Feral Frenzy with that bonus.
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Though as survivor I might try 4 Saboteurs. Shred through hooks and they stay gone for a while.
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4 lullaby totems to make it viable.
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4 Decisive strikes. Lasts for 4 minutes and stuns the killer for 20 seconds.
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I would probably stack nurses calling. Aura reading for healing in a 96m radius? Hell yeah.
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Tier 1 whispers
If a survivor is on the map, i will know
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bqq and chili just so i can get 400% extra blood points i mean i would be able to level killers and survivors so fast it would be insane also aura reading is good to.
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Lol, Pop Goes The Weasel.
Oh, you put that Gen at 99%?
PSYCHE! 0%!!!
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4 x Discordance (so I know on which generator multiple survivors were working 48 seconds ago)
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Meh, I'd rather down someone, open the gates and let EGC kill everyone with a 4 minute long blood warden.
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4x distressing on doc.
My TR is the map.
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4 Mad grits, so if I hit someone the wiggle pauses for 12 secs
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This used to be a thing you know, where you could use the same perk in all 4 perk slots (Or not in all 4 but in more than 1 in general) I watched someone with Unrelenting x4 and they moved faster by just swinging lol it was hilarious
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4 times haunted grounds :D
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4 x No Mither. You start the trial sacrificed.
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Make your choice, 240 seconds of purely tunnelling one guy
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4x Stbfl = Machine gun build v 2.0!
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Pop Goes the Weasel x4, instant gen nuke whenever you hook someone.
Alternatively as survivor, self care x4 to heal yourself at we'll make it speeds.
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You're reminding me of the OG Machine Gun build... Gives me flashbacks
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@bkillerc just saying, 4 Sprintburst would be 20 sec of 300% boost
@Satelit just don't dash into a wall, or you get stuck for 4 seconds XD
@Peasant that would make him a new nurse I guess XD warp insanely far and then probably miss because of lack of control and get an evil stun XD
I would like to test several things. Some meme and some for OP
1 Kindred + 3 Open Handed: 40m Killer aura reading :D
4 Botany knowledge: Gimme that medkit, I refill it
4 Resilience: 36% Speed on everything? Wanna see the vaulting animation
Any exhaustion perk + 3 Vigil
3 Agitation + 1 Mad Grit = 36% above normal speed
Would 4 Tinkerer trigger on 40% progress and suppress TR for 48sec? XD
3 Corrupt Intervention + Whispers: All gens blocked for 6 Minutes
4 Stridor on Doctor XD
4 Thanas on Legion with Legion Pin *ewww*
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4x Iron Maiden on Huntress, so you can reload hatchets just by passing by a locker.
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That song did fit that lmao.
But wow I didn't even think about fire up. T3 Myers might as well just run through the window.
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Me brings 4 plunders for the ultimate chance for a key for everyone /almost everyone/ lol
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3 Fixated and healing perk = + 60% movement speed
116,5% speed, no scratchmarks
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Adrenaline x 4
After taking 4 hits of
heroinadrenaline, you die.-----
Distressing x 4
The Survivors know there is a Killer on the map.
Ruin x 1 , Thrill of the Hunt x 3
How to make sure no-ones touches your beloved Ruin ever again.
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4 Prove Thyself's - 4 Survivors pop the gen in 12 seconds.
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4 times Vigil!
.....ANYONE? *crickets*
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These are great I have been lol’ing all thread!! 🤣🤣🤣
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4 Streetwise- reduces by 100% consumption rate for you and allies within a 32 meters
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Ruin x4. Oh you got off the generator? Time to instantly regress 800% of your progress.
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In the same vein as Thanatophobia, x4 Dying Light.
12% slower gen speeds per hook except to the Obsession.
At 5 hooks, that's 62% slower gen speeds. That's half the regular speed.
And then at 9 hooks, that's 108%. The game may be over, but repairs from then on actively *regress* generators.