Remove Freddy’s dreamworld visuals
Just remove them visual effects. Not only is it a disadvantage for both killer and survivor, but it also is very resource hungry and eats A LOT of fps. I drop from ~70 fps average to ~40 fps average in dreamworld as survivor. It's also one of the main reasons why I haven't bought Freddy yet. What's the point of buying a killer who can't be played with solid 60 fps? Same applies to doctor btw.
freddy on Hawkins is almost unplayable with the frame rate
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It's 2019. I don't want to be that guy, but if your PC is that potato that it can't run this game (which is easy enough to run, even in Dream World on Hawkins), you should upgrade. Not expect them to lessen the quality and fidelity of the game to accommodate you.
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Excuse me??? This game looks like a ps3 game!!! It shouldn't be that demanding in the first place! I run games like gta, cod etc with nearly 100 fps on average, ######### are you on about? Besides, I already said that I get average 70 fps in dbd and only doc and Freddy is dipping my fps. It's not my pc, it's dbd being bad optimised!
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Meanwhile, I never drop below 144 on both my rigs, one of which being a very modest rig.
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Well, I have 40 fps on average on my PC (it's very old) and with Freddy I have 25-30...
I still somehow managed to get rank 1 with Freddy, so it doesn't seem to be a huge problem.
Any optimizations would be welcome though.
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Optimization is fine; but removing effects isn't optimization. I would be fine with further optimization.
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Imagine discussing. What a 4head.
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You're asking for the outright removal of visual effects in the game to accommodate your outdated hardware. No discussion needs to happen.
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*cries in PS4 frame rate
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I feel that man. When I play on PS4...that's real pain right there.
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I recommend removing it since devs can't optimise it. There is a huge difference lol
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Outdated hardware. 1070 here. Oh, before talking more: what are you going to say to ps4 players? "muuh outdated hardware aswell, just get a ps7 already 4head"??
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It's a card that's 3 and a half years old, to be fair. As old as DBD.
Even still, it's a good card. I have a 980 on my living room PC, and it runs DBD maxed out at 1080p. Without resolution scaling, even in Freddy's dream world. Perhaps you should optimize your own system if a 1070 can't do that for you at even 1440p.
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Ofc it's a good card, what else? Look at this game, the graphics are garbage and look like from the ps3 times. How is this game not running? My system is optimised, how am I able to run the latest games on 90+ fps with high setting and ONLY dbd not? Dbd is not optimised, it's a coding mess with a huge lack of health. Period. Stop denying it, everyone knows it. DbD is unoptomised.
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What you consider "garbage graphics" is simply an art style. It's like calling Borderlands' graphics garbage.
I'm just saying, if it was a DBD specific issue, it would be unanimous across the why isn't it?
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What makes you so sure it isn't?
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Erm...well, because I have a PC running a GTX 980 from 2014, that doesn't have this issue. So, I mean, immediately shot down. Unless my GTX 980 is a super GTX 980 from the future.
Oh, and also, there's not 49859485948594 threads complaining about it here. Therefore, not a unanimous problem.
Next time, think before you ask silly questions.
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"This doesn't effect me, therefore, no one is effected"
Amazing argument, very cool.
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Your satirical statement would be valid, if the card I speak of wasn't nearly 6 years old, a much older card than his.
And if there were hundreds of threads complaining about this of course. This is PC gaming. Mess with our framerate and the hammer legion begins. Just so happens, that while DBD is unoptimized, sure, removing things isn't the answer, and it's not as bad as he is saying it is (aside from console). If he experiencing that on 1070, I'm calling PEBKAC. Stop trying - there's no version of this where you come out on top.
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Maybe the floaty bits that come with his dream world? Keep the fog. I wouldn't mind that, but then, I don't play him much.
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The visuals should definitely be toned down, especially the ash smh I'll be like oh I just saw a sneaky boi but no just ash
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The game is almost four years old, so it should work on old rigs. My PC runs the game well except with Freddy, which requires me to use low settings. There is no reason dreamworld should be so hard on the gpu when it’s essentially just a filter.
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Weird choice to try and flex about your rig
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Meanwhile, I had no framerate issues even before I bought a new computer. My old rig was running a FX-6300 processor and a 1050 (not even 1050ti, just 1050) with no issues.
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Not going to lie, with how dark the entire game has become now, playing as Freddy is a bit of a visual nightmare. Both the Dream World and Deep Wound makes the game pretty dark.
I'd prefer to be able to see rather than bumping into things that are so dark it blends with the background.
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Known problem, but removing it is prolly not gonna happen I think they are working on an optimization update or something for it....
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*cries in Xbox one frame rate
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Yeah, as a whole this game is horribly horribly optimised. Like closed alpha level optimisation. I have a fairly old laptop, but it still runs the newest Fallout, or Tomb Raider, or Total War game at 40+ fps. However Dbd is the only game where my computer actually stutters, and where I need to meddle with the config files to get decent fps. Which actually makes no ######### sense, because the mapsizes are actually pretty small, and the game graphics don't even look that great.
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Console players: Hold my Friggin BEER!
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Well, knowing how long doctor is out and there wasn't done any optimisation for him with his fps drops a highly doubt any optimisation for Freddy. Lets see, hopefully I'm wrong.
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My GTX 1080ti is broken. I am waiting for warranty claim processing.
So, I bought 1050ti to wait processing. With low setting, when I came dreamworld FPS from 60 drop and swing at 30-48fps.
I think, right now DbD is far from recommend system requirements.