Can everyone not run whatever perk they f want?

okay so, I think what this community needs to understand is that everyone, EVERYONE (both survivors and killers) can run whatever perk they want. They can run meta they can run bad perks but they can run everything their hearts desires. This topic is touched literally every discussion here. ''They run ds so I tunnel&bully&slug'' ''They run noed what a piece of #########''
These kind of comments makes no sense. You can't choose what your killer runs, you can't choose what your survivors run. So STOP. COMPLAINING.
Am I thinking wrong?
Best Answers
In spirit, yes you are correct.
Just clarification, slugging when someone has DS is totally fine.
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I'll never stop complaining, I get a weird enjoyment out of it.
That being said sometimes you just eat the loss and move on with your day
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I always run whatever I want because as a Survivor main it literally doesn't matter what I run.
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Only time I get irritated at a person for running a perk is when I go into struggle and they're sitting there self-caring through sloppy and thana.
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Players are weird. They really are. They make up silly rules and expect others to follow them. I recently had a match where a player started flaming me because I ran NOED on Oni. Apparently it's a rule if a killer is capable of one-shot attacks they aren't allowed to use NOED. So from now on Hillbilly, Myers, Ghostface, Oni, and Leatherface aren't allowed to use NOED. Because.... reasons?
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You can even just go in empty if you want, there's no rules against that.
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I like to play with what I want, then I get yelled at for not having DS or BT.
It's fine, just expect everyone to hate you because you're not playing with what THEY want you to run. I know we shouldn't have to expect it but a lot of people think they run this world, they're the supreme one that everyone has to revolve around.
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You are not wrong, BUT you are also not right the same time. Yes you are able to play whatever perk you want, but in a competitive setting when people are beinf competitive your best option killer OR survivor is bringing perks that best suit your style as survivor. BUT the part where it gets bad is as killer, when you play killer you pick perks that best flow in conjunction with your killers power.
Legion: Thana
Doctor: Distressing.
The area when meta changes is when a survivor can run what they want to fit their play style, where as killer you put perks on to either try and babysit, the killers weaknesses, or further their strengths. Killer Meta and Surv meta aren't a set of "best perks for killers" it's perks to make up for each killers weakness.
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You're allowed to use whatever perks you like, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. As much as I hate Decisive Strike, my opponents aren't doing anything wrong by using it.
However, you have every right to complain about those perks if they frustrate you, especially on the forums. That's how feedback works. And "Just adapt/just play better" isn't always a good response, because you can't just tell somebody that they should be having fun when they're not. And often, learning to play better will only do so much to address the frustration of playing against perks like DS.
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Of course you can run whatever perk you want, and people can have their issues with perks if they want to. There's a big difference between criticizing a perk and criticizing a player for using it.
"I think this perk should be changed" is fine and can actually lead to interesting discussion.
"I think you suck because you use that perk" is whiny scrub behavior and is just uselessly screaming into the void.
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I run whatever I want and I just have fun, of coarse I have my awful matches, on to the next.
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I will use ne perks i want. I will do what ever i want. Cuz its my game. And not theres. But running noed on oni. I dont see a problem with that. Cuz you have to get the blood orbs or hit them to recharge his power. So that perk can come in handy.
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Sounds very reasonable, but it is not.
No complaining means accepting. If you are not fine with something in the game you can either try to become a part of the Dev team or let them know what bothers you.
The same is with the community. You are not fine that Killer is running Red Mori? Let him know in a friendly way, maybe he is changing his attitute. Or it becomes a common opinion and Devs notice it.. they might even change it for good.
It is nowadays so normal that we stop talking to each other what bothers us because "hey its his game, he can do what he wants..."
We all play together and we should give our best that EVERYONE has a good time. Of course you can not make things right for everyone, but you should at least try!
Always try to find a way that you have a good time and those who are in your game aswell.
If you get flamed every game, maybe you should start to think, that you are doing something, that pisses off everyone else and it is time to change that a little bit!?
Just because you can do somthing is still no justification that you should do it.
Well yes if a killer wants to play by slugging then they can absolutely do so.
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Post edited by lunatehuman on4 -
I hate lemons!
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What are you gonna' do, complain about it?
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I feel that first one lol
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It’s just that using NOED on an instadown capable Killer is kinda silly and therefore is not expected. Like why use NOED on Myers and even more so why would you use NOED on the Oni anyway?
Not defending the dude who was complaining but it’s justbpeople find it odd to run NOED on an insta down Killers.
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I don't get why it matters I don't use ds personally but why not just make them use it? It removes a perk from them for the rest of the game and if you slug there's a chance they can be downed near the exit gate where you either let them crawl to the exit or pick them up and get hit by the ds you could have gotten rid of
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If you get mad when ppl disagree or say something you don't like you might want to stop using internet.
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It's a massive momentum killer. It isn't anti-tunnel, it's anti momentum because no matter what you do, you will lose.
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That's not because of a perk. That's just them being dumb lol.
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Deep down we all should be aware that it's the devs fault. We just play the sh-t *shrugs*.
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Ah yes, I too get enjoyment from being a douchebag
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Glad to hear it bro
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I'm gonna post this before I read anymore of these comments. Your post clearly accentuates the OP original point. Lmao Otherwise no clarification for a perk needed.
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I'll further extend my point. If no clarification for a perk is needed, then no clarification for any action is needed. I agree. Except for insidious basement bubba builds. Yes you can laugh at the irony.
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To quote Digital Underground...
"Do whatcha like"
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Tbf if you are running noed on Billy I'm gonna laugh my ass off.. must not be your main lol.
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Honestly you cant really force survivors to use certain perks. Its there choice and i doubt the devs will do anything about that. Me personally i run 2 meta perks and 2 perks i find fun to use
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I don't see why everyone's complaining over a game. it's a game for frying out loud you either win or either have good days or bad days I don't mind if the killers a tunneler a hook camper I don't care what perks there have I'm not bothered as long as I'm gaming n having fun and not only I feel I get better at the game everyone I play against salty people and hook campers there's no rule on how to play when you are a killer so play as you want to play if the killer wants to hook camp then fair play it's his tactic you don't see in horror films where ther killer is giving chances to survivors so why should a horror game be any different
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I have no quarrels with what perk you use the only perk I have a problem with is Franklin's demise. If you want to use it it's your choice I just still hate it
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Exactly. If you feel that a perk is unbalanced, complain about the perk itself.
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What I run on whatever killer is my choice last time I checked. If it is a stupid choice then the match results should reflect it. But if you're curious about my personal justification for that perk, Oni doesn't have 100% uptime on his club plus I haven't unlocked all the perks on him yet. I've had plenty of games where NOED proved itself valuable on Oni.
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You are correct, OP. I hate certain perks but I will never begrudge people for using them. If its in the game, and intended, then its fair.
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Yeah it's always funny getting messages about how I suck, how I cheat ,how I need crutch perks, or how I'm a noob when I run devour hope on GF. Lmao. I do it on purpose to make you gen rushers stop ignoring totems unless you notice ruin is up. It amazes me how much it actually works. I did it as a goof build, but it just keeps working... 😂 Sloppy, nurses, TT, and replace ruin with devour... Try it, you'll have a blast most likely. But be ready for the toxicity!