Possible rework to Bloodpoint offerings?

I think we all know that the Bloodpoint offerings are quite a hassle (50% in on category is barely noticeable). What if they were changed to be universal to all categories?
For instance, make the brown increase it by 25% in all category and so forth. I know that if it were to be implemented, A LOT of the current BP offerings would need complete reworks, but it would allow for more interesting offerings, add-ons, and items to appear more frequently in the bloodweb!
Not sure if it has been discussed before, but I'm open to any suggestion!
But that means I would have to burn my Crispleaf Amaranth Sachet collection :(
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wish they just scrapped all of the common and uncommon ones and made all of them shared across the team like bloody party streamers
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Its very noticiable
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The blood point offerings besides Cakes/Puddings/BPS are a filler for the bloodweb and mostly pointless.
As an example, Fragrant Bog Laurel Costs 5,000 to buy from the blood web (100% More in Objective), so even if you max out Objectives (8.000) you're only getting 3,000 more BP
8,000 + 8,000 - 5,000 (The Cost of the Offering) = 11K
Bog Laurel Sachets are only 50%, but at a cost of 3,000
So 8,000 + 4,000 - 3,000 (The Cost) = 9,000
With the way the offerings work there's actually cases where it costs you for the offering and using it wont obtain you the points back you spent to have the offering, they're silly, they should remove the 50/75% ones and give survivors/killers more items/addons/100% offerings on the web instead.
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Such a flawed system. I wish they would rework them already! I'd rather get more addons, items, and more useful offerings than these. Especially the brown ones.
Not only that, luck offerings are more than useless right now too.
Hopefully there will be some sort of overhaul to the offering system soon!
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At one point they were only 25/50% and then they bumped them, but it just isn't enough imo. Killers & survivors would love to have the chance of more items/higher bp offerings, removing all the fillers for Brown/Yellow would help increase Cakes/Puddings & Items of those same rarities.
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If they get rid of them that would make more room for Moris in the bloodweb.
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and Keys soooo...
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.... fun for everyone! 🥳
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Yeah... Moris and Keys are what keep me going! 😁
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It would only increase Cypress mories.
Slots will still be Yellow/Brown it's just instead of a brown sachet you get a brown toolbox, or brown addon.
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That means more Green Keys @LemeTheMeme
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Should a common give a massive boost? Considering they used to give less at 8000 bp than the cost to buy Id say theyre in an alright place now.
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It’s come a long way from the beginning, that’s no lie, but still isn’t in a good state.
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The only other option would to be able to sell any item, offering, or add on, for half the amount of BPs they’re worth? Would be nice to get rid of junk like luck and brown BP offerings.
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I'd honestly rather just sell all the junk I have for more bloodpoints. I don't even care if I'm selling it for half price. I think I have at least 5 million worth of bloodpoints just not doing anything in my character's inventories.
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You don't get BP back for using items or other addons. As said, these are simply fillers for the bloodweb. You just use them as "backup", so you get up in BP faster once you spent all your BP on a prestige or new chapter. I think there is nothing wrong with BP offerings.
They were pretty stupid before, when the brown 25% bonus offerings gave you a max. of 2000BP. So you would always pay more than they reward (although they still worked as "backup").
If any change, I would suggest to switch the brown offerings to increase the BP awarded during the match, for special actions. For example the Objective offering increases repair BP, Altruism increases healing BP by 25%, Boldness on cleansing totems and Survival for struggling. But that's it
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I agree with you on this topic OP.
Can't every offering simply be like an Envelope at least? You have no idea how well you are going to be doing in each category until the game gets going, e.g. you might have to be more altruistic than other members of the team if they are doing gens but you've burnt an Objective offering so you barely get any extra BP post-game.
It's sad, and the lack of BP earned is more and more depressing with each new Killer/Survivor that comes with each DLC (more Bloodwebs and Perks to earn).
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The only bloodpoint offerings that are worth going for are obviously streamers and such. The ones that only provide one catagory are a waste of BP imo since a streamers cost the same for a green bloodpoint offering but will provide less bonus overall
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I never truly understood why escape cakes, and BPS were considered yellow and green offerings. I think it's along the lines of they will show up more frequently if that's the case, but It is just so annoying having all these fillers that you cant even sell.
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If all survivors are alive, up the ante grants 12% bonus luck to everyone. That is the same amount of luck if every survivor were to run Jar of Salty Lips. I understand that can be very rewarding, but other than that luck only affects bear traps. I feel as if luck needs to apply to more things, or just rework it. I'm not going to run a brown pouch worth 3k BPs, for 1% luck...