8 Survivors 2 Killers - yay or nay?

PoorlyPython9 Member Posts: 12

I'd love a new game mode - double trial! 8 survivors, 2 killers, 10 gens. The maps are so big already I don't feel any changes would need to be made there, what do you think, would you play that mode?

8 Survivors 2 Killers - yay or nay? 75 votes

Yes make it an option
ScarecrowErgoPr0xyBlade92PeasantTheKingOfAllSpacingLlamasTapeKnotDongusFog_KingTheRockstarKnightpootis_BearLaraVermillionArashiNoHanta[Deleted User]rabid_pygmykonchokrch614musstang62AngryFluffyTaiga 50 votes
No, keep only 4v1 mode available
PuggyMohawkBossBlueberryCheersMegaWafflearslaNceerooverAven_FallenHoodiedJawsIsTheNextKillerGrootDudexEaLastShoeAwakeyoTechnicBrucecastro81manzariMattie_MayhemOGgaydavidkingSebaOutbreak 25 votes


  • anonymous31337
    anonymous31337 Member Posts: 192
    Yes make it an option

    I would love a mode with 4 killers (so we can play Julie, Frank, Susie and Joey), but 2 killers is already a step in right direction

  • TheRockstarKnight
    TheRockstarKnight Member Posts: 2,171
    Yes make it an option

    I disagree about not needing changes, but being able to play Kill with Friends has been a dream of mine since I started playing.

  • ArashiNoHanta
    ArashiNoHanta Member Posts: 53
    edited December 2019
    Yes make it an option

    Kill with friends would be a nice thing but if it's hard balancing 4v1 imagine how hard and stressful would be for the devs trying to balance a 8v2 😰

    But who knows...maybe some day they'll manage to do it🤩

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 12,994
    No, keep only 4v1 mode available

    Well, balance is the issue with this mode

    it greatly increases the total generators needed and new maps would have to be made to fit this

    Yes Identity V has duo hunter mode but thats also cause the maps on that game are HUGE compared to dbd with Haddonfield and Hawkins

    It sounds good on paper but so much will need to be done first

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104
    Yes make it an option

    I like the idea and have always wanted to kill with a friend, but I know that there are several balance issues that will need to be handled first.

    Though if folks are insistent on the double everything theme, why not make it give double BP, all the time?

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172
    No, keep only 4v1 mode available

    2 killers does not equal 8 survivors

    Image 2 killers chasing 2 survivors while 6 work on generators....seems like a horrible idea.

    Also if they do a 2v8 gamemode then we will be pulling people and resources away from fixing the 1v4 we currently have and that doesn't seem like a good idea.

  • manzari
    manzari Member Posts: 50
    edited December 2019
    No, keep only 4v1 mode available

    Trust me guys, with the queues already being hideously long, (for me survivor Qs are long and killer Qs are instant for some reason).

    adding a new game mode will make the Qs even longer because half of the people waiting for lobbies will be in another lobby now waiting for a different game, it is NOT a good idea right now with this matchmaking system.

    and other than this, Everything MegaWaffle said.

  • SpideyDude3
    SpideyDude3 Member Posts: 35
    Yes make it an option

    They could make an unranked mode like Smash Bros did with unranked being fun, and ranked being serious. In Dbd unranked there is 2v8 and in ranked the default 1v4😁👍

  • Fog_King
    Fog_King Member Posts: 688
    Yes make it an option

    I voted yes, because we need something new. 8vs 2 or any other combination, new need something new for the game. We have new killers and new survivors, but the base game is the same. A new mode would spice things up.

    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210
    Yes make it an option

    It will be really hard to balance tho. And we will need a new map and set of rules :3

  • frown
    frown Member Posts: 7

    In Custom games, I dont see why it would not be possible.