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Make red ranks great again

All u need is W and M1 and sooner or later u will reach red ranks as a surv.

At the end of a season, there is literally no challenge while playing killer. As a surv you are surrounded by monkeys.

Stop serving red ranks on a silver plate.

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  • Member Posts: 4,570

    The opposite is going to happen. With the new rank reset, you'll have half the community at red ranks within 2 seasons.

    And I agree. Playing solo survivor one year ago was totally fine. Now, it's really frustrating.

  • Member Posts: 877

    Me, trying to understand how an ally got to Red Rank when they get downed in 2 seconds and keep blowing up the gens.

  • Member Posts: 5,564

    Theres a reason there are so many swf teams at red ranks. Even when you get to red ranks as a survivor you have useless teammates who don't even know the rules of the game. If I see a good player when I'm playing solo I will try and create a swf with them since they are reliable.

    Getting to red ranks as a survivor isn't an accomplishment. I've had a survivor who is somehow rank 3. I've faced this player 3 times as killer in the past week and I'm shocked they are above green rank. They never look behind them, don't loop at all and reported me for slugging. As a rank 1 survivor I can get matched with these sorts of players every game if I'm not playing in a swf. Also now that they are at red ranks I'll be stuck with them till they take a month or two break from the game because of rank reset.

    At least an ok killer can make red ranks. They may not be amazing but can easily destroy the baby red rank survivors.

    I'll play in my "op" swf team till I can rely on my other teammates at red ranks.

  • Member Posts: 4,570

    You pip too easy as survivor. I'm playing against some red rank survivors who run in a straight line and ignore pallets and windows. 🤷‍♀️

  • Member Posts: 281
    edited December 2019

    Survivors in red ranks are stupid. It's an all time low recently. No one actually knows how to last in a chase or loop properly, Just drop the pallet as soon as possible. People still opening exit gates when there's a last survivor getting chased and no one can do Ruin. And the list goes on and on, Go run bond and see how incompetent mistakes are riddled everywhere.

    It's ridiculous, No wonder the kill rate is so high because of Survivors are getting dumb skill wise. When we have killers like GF or Wraith popping. That's a yikes

    All the good survivors are jumping into SWF and I don't blame them. Random queue is hell.

  • Member Posts: 4,335

    Well sometimes my lady plays on my account while we take turns. And she should probably be a rank 13 or so. Perhaps this is the case .

    I often wonder what people think when they see my rank after a game with her at the controls

  • Member Posts: 2,768

    The new rank reset is good, if the ranking system would work. It doesn't sadly.

  • Member Posts: 776

    Random queue is hell because of swf (nobody left) and the dev's catering to the survivor community and their vision of "FUN" with easy pips to keep them spending money in the cash shop.

    Who doesn't like to "win" even if they die?

  • Member Posts: 798

    I agree its not hard to reach red ranks even if grtting rank 1 is a bit challenging tho.

    anyway if we compare piping now its harder than the bp system we had before. Literally everyone was rank one

  • Member Posts: 87

    Would it be a good change if they made it so, as a survivor, if you die you don't pip?

  • Member Posts: 490

    So what you’re saying is stop serving SWF... I agree.

  • Member Posts: 202

    Agreed, It's crazy how little rank 1 means.

    Maybe one day If Rank meant something people could pair with and go against people of the same skill level.

  • Member Posts: 968

    No, if I helped my team out tremendously and all because of some masculine guy, wearing a mask puts me on a meat hook that causes me to lose my rank would be pretty dumb.

  • Member Posts: 221

    As I've stated numerous times before, Red Ranks is a punishment, for both sides, not a reward. I've played this game for almost 2 years. I've been Rank 1 survivor and killer. As a "survivor main" that mostly plays solo, you are rewarded with horrible team mates. As a killer, you are rewarded with -5 minute games with a gen rushing SWF. Both result in low blood points and frustration. We need to be REWARDED to be in Red Ranks and it needs to be semi-difficult to get there and stay there. More blood points per match is one thing I can think of as a reward. Like 2x more blood points if you are Red Rank. Maybe 1.5x for Purple Rank. I'm sure they can come up with several things that could be done to reward those players. Until the day comes that the developers understand they need to REWARD people to get to and stay high rank, why would anyone that is not "competitive" want to stay there? Random SWF is usually not much better than solo queue. Dealing with ego's and time schedules is not something I want to have to deal with just to play a game. I'm going to do what I always have. You don't have to "DC" to derank. If it's play a few games, get to red ranks, get disgusted and play Civilization instead OR "play poorly" for several games so I can have fun for several games, that's what I'm going to do. I play this game for "fun", not to sweat my way to the top so I can be the champion of DBD eSports. I don't want to slug, proximity camp or run the most annoying slow down build as killer nor do I want to be the Decisive Strike running, flashlight clicking, gen rushing, bolt to the exit gates douchebag survivor. Getting a 4K or escaping does not = fun. Playing the game as it was initially intended to be played is what is fun to me. I want blood points and don't get caught up in "winning".

  • Member Posts: 928
    edited December 2019

    The red rank potatoes are probably the survivors being carried by their swf friends.

    By the way, they already tried making it harder to pip as survivor and red rank killer ques were too long.

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