Adam has least cosmetics of all the Original Characters.

You know, I've ranted A LOT about many things from this game. I admit it. And I've ranted about this topic before as well, but I mean seriously???
This just SADDENS me... I cannot believe Adam has been out for OVER A YEAR and YUI has more cosmetics than him!!! And she came out like 15 seconds ago!!
This is just ugly. Every character that came out after him has more outfits... @not_Queen @Peanits @Clyde
I know not a lot of people care about Adam (for reasons they wont admit), but there are a few of us that DO.
I know at this point it looks/feels like I'm grasping for straws... and I'm sorry for bringing this up over and over again. But PLEASE, give Adam more love and attention. He's a professor for goodness sake! He deserves respect lmao.
Please talk to Filip and the Art team or whoever has the power to make this happen.
I expect a new outfit in the store and in the upcoming rift when the latter comes out! (just kidding... but not really...)
*cries in freddy who has zero cosmetics*
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He's a licensed character. Completely irrelevant
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Pig and Meyers have skins and they are licensed too
So a little relevant
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My discussion is about dbd original characters. Licensed characters in this thread are completely irrelevant.
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Ok ok, what kind of cosmetics would you like then?
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Popular characters get the most cosmetics, it's that simple.
Partly because that's where the greatest demand is at (i.e. that's how they can please the most players at once) and obviously, partly because those cosmetics are going to draw in more revenue.
Adam has the least cosmetics because he's the least popular of the original characters. It sucks for the few who do like him, but it makes a lot of sense.
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Adam is not nearly as popular as character like Dwight and Meg which is why he doesn't get a lot of them. They make cosmetics for the most played characters first
If more people played Adam he'd get a lot more cosmetics, but he's just not as popular.
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I don't see that as a big deal. Its a 4 cosmetic difference, he's still have 26 cosmetics. It's not like the devs hate Adam. It just happens for him not to be a very popular character, but he's not that far from average.
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At this point, literally ANYTHING. They can give him a tshirt, shorts and sandals. Give him a solid color cap and I will gladly buy it on release.
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It really is unfortunate (and before certain people get huffy, I think you are right in regards to there being a factor into why he hasn’t received as much love and attention :/ Not that it’s intentional but that kind of thing is unfortunately baked into our society :()
I hope he gets more things!
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"I know not a lot of people care about Adam (for reasons they wont admit), but there are a few of us that DO."
Are you calling people racists? Because that just doesn't add up considering Claudette is one of the most popular survivors. People just don't care about Adam because the very thing you are complaining about right now, bad cosmetics plain and simple.
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Its really sad. And honestly i get kinda peeved when people say "he doesnt get used a lot so he doesnt get cosmetics" cuz.... he doesnt get used... BECAUSE he doesnt have cosmetics... why would anyone (old/new) wanna main adam when he literally only has three outfits... one of which has the same hair as his original design... just 2 pixels higher
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Adam having rather plain cosmetics and that being a reason people aren’t inspired to use him is true too, but let’s not pretend people use Claudette because they’re definitely not racist...unfortunately, it seems like an ugly amount of players are precisely that (or ableist) in regards to her. :/
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Are you trying to make this a race thing? Adam doesn't get played because of lack of cosmetics, and why would I play Adam when Claudette has both more cosmetics and better stealth capabilities, not to mention a smaller frame because of the nature of the female models and better perks to boot. This literally has nothing to do with race. The race argument doesn't hold up either because Claudette is one of the most popular survivors, and some people just straight up don't like Adam for no reason at all, or they prefer another survivor. Don't try to make this a race thing when it clearly isn't.
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Adam has a very rare head that litteraly just gives him a lil bit of more hair, FeelsBruhBHVR
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I think they maybe waiting for a new line up of spring trench coat colours to pop up in fashion week to decide on how best to keep Adam boring for the next year....
You have said it right, no one wants to wear his default coat when they start out, because everyone's friend will tell new friends to start off as a Claudette or someone more blended.
Adam needs a cheap more earth tone option and sales will inch up.
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so you assume what they were talking about, then tell them they are wrong when they didnt say anything.
incredible, absolutely phenomenal.
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For the full price xD
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Mabye we should all start playing Adam only with the Base Skin in January? I mean, I have Adam and his Base Skin!
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Honestly I've felt like Adam hasn't had too many cosmetics because the devs can't come up with any unique designs for him like they did with the other survivors. I feel like there is a lot they could do for possible Adam cosmetics but they're at a loss
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"He's not that popular"
Literally Yui didnt EXIST to us two weeks ago and she STILL has more cosmetics than Adam.
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Would agree on that. Like, what would fit with Adam? I cannot think of anything.
To be fair, it is easier to create cosmetics for female characters. And usually they are played more than male characters, so they will most likely earn more money.
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Fun but sad
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Adam, Quentin, and Tapp are the survivors I see the least.
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Really? I've seen quite a few Tapps lately since they started showing him some cosmetic love.
You know who I don't see? Ash.
I see more fellow P3 Quentins and Adams than I do Ashs.
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What reason do you believe people dislike Adam for?
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I hear him all the time on the menu.
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I know; even when he's not one of the four Survivors up there.
It's startled me more than I'd like to admit.
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I mean.... 👀
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To us fans it might be difficult to come up with outfits for him. But the art team and character designers are the ones that literally INVENTED him and I ASSUME gave him a personality. So I dont believe coming up with a look for him would be hard for them AT ALL. Considering that, again, THEY MADE HIM. They should be able to come up with 10 whole outfits for him in a day with "casual clothes for men" on google images.
Point is. I feel like, they are sweeping him under the rug. And Im here BEGGING them to stop that.
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Bad cosmetics lead to fewer cosmetics. What a vicious cycle.
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rip us quentin mains with no cosmetics
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Don't forget bill mains
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Bill has at least one Cosmetic.
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Thats 29 cosmetics too little.
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Just an unpopular survivor I guess :(
I like Adam.
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He has the most conspicuous base skin, so is an immediate turn off, which will affect those with a passing interest.
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I think it is just because he has less like options when it comes to his designs like there is only so much you can do that fits his character
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No it's because of poor popularity from poor cosmetics.
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just to throw my five cents in: quentin has nothing, not even a christmas sweater which could have been so cute with Zzzz's all over it... that's just the nightmare on elmstreet curse, i guess.
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Guys. Please. Licensed characters are completely irrelevant to this post. Im arguing about a character who's ownership belongs 100% to BHVR. Therefore, they have the complete power to do/add whatever they want to him, whenever and however many times they want.
Licensed characters are a different topic.
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@ruler33 Adding more cosmetics would alleviate that problem
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Tapp was the first (better) black guy and now hes getting some love with cosmetics Im ok with this.
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Ok with Adam not getting the love he deserves? Rude.
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Honestly. The cosmetics i love are the pink sweater, the jeans from the tourist outfit, the ugly sweater and the canadian tuxedo.
The rest are just... there..
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As people have said they're not gonna pump out cosmetics for a character that is hardly used. I agree he should have more then a brand new character, but BHVR knows people like using the female characters more so they're trying to market to that.
It is also likely the sales on the cosmetics they did release for him have almost no revenue, so they're trying to not spend a ton of time creating cosmetics for a character that isnt very popular.
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I get that, it's just that they made it happen for Laurie. Bill has a sweater which I love and wear, same for Ash. It just feels like sleepy boi keeps being forgotten. Adams sweater is sweet though <3 Yui just has a looooot of recolored skins which I do not find necessary. Adam has some sets at least :-/ But I totally get that you would want more :)
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I didnt say its impossible for licensed chars to get things, I'm saying that they are on a completely different subject since its a more complicated process that requires both bhvr and the license holders to reach an agreement. I know many people love the licensed chars and main them and want new outfits for them but that thing happening is just not as easy as it is with their original characters. That's why this thread is referring to the OG's. Cuz bhvr can just wake up one day, say "I want dwight to have green hair now" and they'll do it in a week just cuz they can. (which honestly I feel like thats what happens with every character EXCEPT for Adam lmao. They go like "Oh riight... Adam exists..... so what's for lunch?"
On a sidenote: Nightmare characters are on a messy situation where two peoplo/entities own the rights to the characters so thats why its EXTREMELY hard for bhvr to create something new for those characters. I do hope to see new cosmetics for them, Im especially hoping for Quentin's face rework lmao. His default outfits are really cute. I would love to see new cosmetics for him.