Mount Ormound Got Shadow Nerfed?????

Does anyone remember the snow plow on Mount Ormound Resort? It basically a smaller version of the Crane and was orange. What happened to that tile, because I haven’t see it at all since maybe May (early spring). I would assume removing this tile was a shadow nerf or maybe I just don’t have the RNG.
thanks to @CakeDuty for the SS
I think I kind of remember it?
I dunno, I haven't seen it in a long time if it ever did exist. Mount Ormond is the map I get placed on the least so... 🤷♂️
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I remember it
I've stopped seeing it a while ago too tho, I think they may have removed it in Plagues patch, maybe. I just remember that there was a crane there
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I took a break from DBD when Shattered Bloodlines came out. I came back after Demise of the Faithful was released, and in all my time playing I have never seen the snow plow. I saw it in one of Noob3's videos, and it looked like a really strong loop, so maybe that's why they got rid of it? From what I saw, it supported Balanced Landing and had geometry on the tracks of it that survivors could easily run up but killers couldn't, giving survivors an unfair advantage at this particular loop.
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Isn't that tile used in the Legion Showcase for one of Jeff's perks?
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It's been gone for a looong time. Even made a bug report about it once, in case it was a bug, but it's been like 3 months since I wrote that and it have yet to return.
I hope that it'll return someday, cause I loved running up and down the slopes, it felt kinda satisfying
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I hope they get rid of ormond completely, that map is bs.
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I figured they did and ikr! The best part about that thing was just how oddly satisfying it was to go up. Removing it took a lot of character from the map though
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Wish they would nerf it more. That map can be so BS.
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I really have no clue what snow plow you're referring to. I must of missed it before it was removed.
It's still a 💩 map.
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I don't think there ever was a snow plow, to memory.
I agree with others with regards to it being a bad map, those tiles are horrid for any killer and it's just a smidge too bright, much as I love the artistic design aspect of it.
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Do you remember which video it may have been? Interested to see as I will have seen this video but just don't remember the tile at all.
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I think it was the 50 escapes video, although I could be wrong. I'm pretty sure its from one of his streams.
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For people that haven't seen the crane, this is an old screenshot of mine
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Ok I'm almost certain that never made it into live, since I've never seen it and play all the time since before legion's release.
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This was definitely live and was a nice setup to loop and use with Balanced Landing.
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What's bad about it? I'd take Ormond over any Coldwind map any day imo.
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I remember it now that you mention it. I haven't seen this tile in a very, very long time. It probably got removed a few months ago. I wonder why they decided to remove it though.
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Ormond is one of the maps, where nearly all loops are see through. And there are no deadzones. And the map is big. And there's a really strong main building. It's the second worst map for killer in the game imo. Blood Lodge is worse.
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It did.
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Probably, I don't remember seeing it recently.
Maybe it's a Mandela effect and that crane never existed, the picture is photoshopped. /s
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I had forgotten about it and now I miss it so much :(
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Idk, but it was kinda cool loop
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And even then, stats don't confirm that:
Ormand does not have see-through jungle gyms. There are see-through loops. but you're over exaggerating. The map is not big compared to most other maps, and there are even bigger maps. There's usally one safe pallet in the main building upstairs. It depends on RNG if there's a good vault downstairs (the sales counter). But I guess, even that it too strong, right?
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dude i literally completely forgot about this and now I miss it, it gave it more variety
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I've been playing the game since Ghost Face chapter and never ever saw that plow in Ormond.
That's a shame, it looked good.
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Man... I entirely forgot about that! I want it back now.
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IMO m8. There can spawn eight see through pallet loops on each side of main building. And you forgot the god window upstairs in the main building.