Oni Struggles on Console

I have been playing Oni almost exclusively for about a week now, and despite how much I love his design his gameplay is frustrating.

The biggest complaint I have is that console players simply cannot flick Demon Strike after they dash like on PC. Even with sensitivity cranked all the way up, I can barely turn 30 degrees. It's extremely detrimental because all survivors have to do is stay at loops and they are completely safe. This really kills his potential because that is a huge part of his skill cap that simply can't exist on console due to controller limitations. Even without the dash, his one-shot lunge is very difficult to control while survivors have an easy time dodging it.

I've accepted killers that require precise aim will always be at a disadvantage on console (Nurse, Huntress), but it really kills me that Oni seems to be one of them. I love this killer but I feel like I simply can't get better with him due to the limitations console give him.

Fellow console players, I know I am not the only one with these complaints. Do you have similar frustrations? Those who play survivor, do you feel like Oni is easily counterable?

And most importantly, can we use Oni as the most recent example that console players are in need of more controller options? Are there any plans in the near future to give console players higher sensitivity, aim acceleration, or anything else that can give them an easier time in game?
