Oni Struggles on Console

I have been playing Oni almost exclusively for about a week now, and despite how much I love his design his gameplay is frustrating.
The biggest complaint I have is that console players simply cannot flick Demon Strike after they dash like on PC. Even with sensitivity cranked all the way up, I can barely turn 30 degrees. It's extremely detrimental because all survivors have to do is stay at loops and they are completely safe. This really kills his potential because that is a huge part of his skill cap that simply can't exist on console due to controller limitations. Even without the dash, his one-shot lunge is very difficult to control while survivors have an easy time dodging it.
I've accepted killers that require precise aim will always be at a disadvantage on console (Nurse, Huntress), but it really kills me that Oni seems to be one of them. I love this killer but I feel like I simply can't get better with him due to the limitations console give him.
Fellow console players, I know I am not the only one with these complaints. Do you have similar frustrations? Those who play survivor, do you feel like Oni is easily counterable?
And most importantly, can we use Oni as the most recent example that console players are in need of more controller options? Are there any plans in the near future to give console players higher sensitivity, aim acceleration, or anything else that can give them an easier time in game?
100% agree.
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Yes. There really needs to be more controller settins and more key binds. Trying to heal at a pallet put then putting it down because every action is rb.
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I agree with this. I saw Noob3 and Farmer John playing Oni making these crazy turns during Demon Strike and was so jealous. Just constantly saying "They wouldn't have hit that if they were on console."
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Im on console (xbox) and i agree fully he should be given his flick, sadly i doubt the devs will
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We have the face buttons basically unused too.
I hate that when struggling on hook you have to use your left hand on the right stick to look around while mashing the X button; seems like an easy QoL fix to use the left stick to look around while hanging on hook.
It really feels that none of the dev team play much on console to know what little things could make a massive difference to the experience.
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Like all devs PC is the target market making them happy comes before console, now im not saying they dont care what i am saying is that the devs attention will always be on PC as thats where most of the player base and profitt is (correct me if im wrong about player base)
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I agree with you so I just gave up playing him to play a killer a bit more easier to control.
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Preach, man!
Yeah.. I totally agree.. he is very hard to play on console.
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Switch your action to X then instead or R1 or A instead of RB if on Xbox
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Unrelated to the topic but are you guys going to release another hotfix? I didn't see any fixes for the charge addons and wraith not having the speed boost after uncloaking.
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We'll you might have improved it for console but pc now feels awful, whatever you did it it's definitly worse now, rip flick =(
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This is true, I try to line up where I want to look before the struggle starts so I don't have to rotate the camera at all.
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Don't worry. In the last patch devs did a wonderful job of fixing ONI.
Now he is just as bad on PC as he was on console. Good job devs. You outdid yourself.
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i couldnt try him yet. is it really that bad like it sounds?
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Oh now it's a problem because it affects Y'all?
Chickens coming home to roost never made me sad
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problem? he is unfun now lol
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I thought you said you play on console? From what I hear the console version of Oni is better than he was, did you try him after the hotfix?
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on pc, he is worse there now.
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They hardcapped the angle you can turn to like 45 degrees so pretty much if survivors hides right behind the corner of the wall you can't flick to him.
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As a PC only player that uses an Xbox One controller for every single game I play, I can confirm that you guys just need to get better. I completely wreck people with Oni with no issues.
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Yes you can flick on console. You have to hold both joysticks in the direction of the survivor. I've tested this out with people and alone and in actual games multiple times.
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Nope. Feels worse. Hardcapping the angle was a huge mistake. This is from someone who plays on both platforms. You really outdid yourselves this time.