more and more killers nerfs

guess it will never stop huh? freddy was too strong accorind to the statistics so lets cut his balls a bit while nurse still stays unfun. thanks for listining to the community guys <3
Did something happen?
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The recent hotfix?
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Freddys addons got nerfed
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ehhh they should have just made the slowdown add ons not stackable
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and nerfing freddys only viable addons while the cube addons stay trash. really, thanks.
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look up the patch notes.
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Good. Forever Freddy was a pain to deal with.
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oh and it looks like that onis demon dash got hurt too. what a surprise. when is it enough god damn.
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Oh no his really boring addons got nerfed.
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Oof, look at those % drops.
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also there is nothing on the patch notes about fixing the sound. wraith and spirit also not getting a fix for their not existing speed boost. at least accoring to patch notes.
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Yeah I am a killer main and even I was like jfc these add ons have to be nerfed.
I am just glad that is all they did, and they didn't mess with freddy any other way. Those addons were the only things that were a problem imo, because they stacked with each other and slow down perks, I got 4ks I did not deserve by using them.
And Swing chains is still really strong they didn't nerf that one too much.
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because failing was not enough to make this addons useless right?
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Good that his slowdown addons got nerfed.
It's one of the worst builds to go up against, Forever Freddy is not fun to play as or against and I despise it ever existing.
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In the grand scheme of “recent changes I am unhappy about” Forever Freddy being nerfed doesn’t register at all. He’s still a super effective killer, and very much didn’t need that much slowdown to win. Coming from someone who very much prefers killer, this was a positive change. Now there'll be fewer insta DCs against him.
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I'm shocked that it was only the slowdown add-ons. I was terrified that they'd go after his base kit, Red Paint Brush, or any of his other add-ons.
Don't get why they nerfed Oni though. Too many Survivors not wanting to adapt?
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Freddy's nerf was well deserved. Forever builds are now more tolerable and not extremely boring to go against anymore. Nobody likes playing 30+ min games.
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Freddy has an "slightly above 75% kill rate at red ranks" and his addon nerfs are minimal so why complain? He's not even addon reliant in the first place.
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They are not useless they are still really strong, I am still going to be using them just the same.
Seriously, anyone who tries to say these add ons were fine the way they are, is just making killer players look unreasonable. If you wanna ask for buffs to the killers who have been needing them for a while, or are mad that they have not gotten attention when the nerfs are more quick, I can totally back that- but to try and say these particular add ons were fine?... That's reaching.
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It was expected, the Devs have made it clear they are not a fan of slowdowns. It sucks but Freddy is still very strong, Just spam his traps on any loop.
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wow nerf freddy's add-ons because surv crying they cant gen rush and i knew a nerf was coming to Oni not surprised at all :( RIP
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Hey, please don't make Freddy mains look bad by saying stuff like this.
He is already a strong enough killer, his killrate in Red Ranks and overall ranks is pretty much proof he as a killer is strong. he doesn't need the slowdown add-ons and Forever Freddy builds shouldnever have existed in the first place.
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its not about freddy only here. its about all the killer nerfs in general.
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This, it just makes us look unreasonable when you do that.
Those addons were just flat ridiculous, and I am also a killer main saying this.
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Im not making anything look bad just telling the truth. people dont want to adapt so they cry up a storm until they get some nerfs and its getting boring!
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Kinda think if they were gonna drop the percentages so low that they're pretty much non-existent...they should just give them a different effect. An addon giving a 2% slowdown is pretty pointless.
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No, you're not even telling the truth. What you're saying is pure conjecture. What's there to adapt when going against a killer that can literally stall the game to a complete halt?
That's not fun, there's no counterplay to it. You just have to hope and wish you can keep the killer busy for what could possibly be HOURS!
You know what's boring? Going up against the same killer with the same build all the time in red ranks. Even though I never ever seem to get Freddy in my games (I always get Spirit), if that Freddy runs Forever Freddy I know that no matter how hard I try it won't be long until Freddy kills everyone.
Because that's how broken that build was.
There's nothing to adapt from there. You are literally using as much slowdown stacks as you possibly can to slow the game down to a screeching halt.
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The rope add-ons should've been nerfed to 3% and 6% respectively.
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Yup you just make my point = ''Even though I never ever seem to get Freddy in my games'' i play both sides and can respect the build and made it out many times against that build and you know how i did it? i adapt to it not rushing hooks and playing smart on my solo surv build so whats the next excuse. But hey like you said you dont really play against that freddy build so how would you know how to counter it right lol
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Well, it looks like they might have fixed Oni's controller issue, also from what I gather it actually looks like a net buff for the guy to have stacking aura reveal. Honestly I still to this day preferred old Freddy anyway..
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nah, in general killers are not being nerfed, only stupidly strong killers are, or broken add-ons.
So yeah, bye bye Forever Freddy, we won't miss you!
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My thoughts is if people had an issue with the stacking... why not just address that? This just reminds me of what they did with the charge speed addons on Huntress when tinkerer had an effect on charge speed addons. The problem was stacking 2 addons and a perk. The solution... nerf the 2 addons and change the effect of the perk. God forbid anyone wanted to just use one of those addons without stacking them, lol. Having an addon drop down to a 2% slow is just reminiscent of Bubba's chili addons. Does it do anything? TECHNICALLY yes. Will you notice it do anything? Heck no.
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Yeah, they literally need a different effect now if it's gonna be that little. Not worth even running over others now.
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Forever Freddy was a strong build.
Those addons together were disgusting, it's true.
But you know what else is disgusting?
4 Survivors all using Commodious Toolboxes with Socket Swivels and Clean Rag with Prove Thyself.
Not everything that is very strong needs to be nerfed into the ground. Forever Freddy was beatable through teamwork, good looping, and focusing on generators, just like genrush builds can be beaten by 3 gen strats, tunnelling, and slugging.
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Was it though? Having to spend a little extra time in match, if you don't wake yourself up, isn't that big of a deal.
But I guess the "ignore everything and just do gens" meta was being threatened so it needed to be nerfed.
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Because its boring holding down M1 for long periods of time, this change was for the best
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Did you even read what I said?
Sorry you can't be bothered waking yourself up.
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If this game was balanced around rank 1 gameplay, which is survivor favored, nobody would ever play survivor because of how difficult it would be. It would only be the super try-hard survivors playing. Killer queues would turn into 30 minute queues.
I will take them balancing around lower level gameplay if that means I can keep instant killer queues.
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They really need to rework these add-ons into something else, they legit do nothing now. Actually, most of the Freddy's add-ons should be reworked, 80% of them are really bad.
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So now killers are stuck with Speedy SWF ending games in 7 minutes unless the killer wants to go sweaty try hard. This will improve the struggling killer player base that has dwindled to where it now takes a long ass time to find survivor matches on console
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He literally needs 0 add-ons. He is the easiest killer to consistently get a Merciless Victory with at rank 1 killer on PC. I used him with out any add-ons to grind out the rank 1 killer achievement over this last month and stopped using slow down add-ons just because of how unnecessary they were. They just make the game less fun for survivors.
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I wonder if half of the people that complain about his add-on nerfs actually play with Freddy? I barely see him.
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Legion says Hi.
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That's why I said reworking them into something else other than slow down add-ons, but rn they are useless. Just because he is not necessarily add-on reliant, doesn't mean that all of them need to be bad. Haemorrhage as an purple add-on is literally an insult.
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Forever Freddy nerf was an obvious change to happen and honestly it won't effect most Freddy players
I'm glad they only changed his addons and not his base kit
And the only thing of Oni being nerfed is one addon, you can still use the mouse to get the flick no?
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Honestly, with the nerfs becoming consistent as hell, it's gonna make players leave.
Keys, Moris, gen-speed, Y'know.
The real issues at times?
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Another reason why I will not be returning to Killer anytime soon. BT buff, MoM returns, easy infinites still exist. Still nerf Killers, and I bet we'll even get an Oni nerf soon because nobody can actually play the game against him apparently even though it's very easy not to die.
Not even worth the stress playing the role now at the high ranks.
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I think you just summed up 99% of killer main posts on this forum
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oni has no flick anymore. he is kinda dead now because billy is a better version.
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A bunch of people have already stated why these aren't bad nerfs but actually totally deserved (######### Forever Freddy and 180 flicks on Oni, I say this as a killer main).
You know what they did do that's a huge buff? Fixed Furtive Chase to work with Nemesis, giving Nemesis even more synergistic perks and also making Furtive actually useful now! I'm super hyped for this combo working now.