General Discussions

General Discussions

So since Dev's have decided slowing the game down is bad...

When are we going to see Gen speeds, and tool box speeds looked at?

Base Repairtime should be increased period.

Toolbox add-ons that increase base speed need to be tweaked, tuned down.

Why is it bad and unhealthy for the Killer to slow the game down, but perfectly fine for survivors to rush through the game like a meth addled track star?


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  • Member Posts: 29

    Meh nothing new man the talk about who was next on the nerf list was clear but i promise you people will still complain about freddy that i promise you. i dont even use slow down freddy and people still DC on me for any reason they can find so ......

  • Member Posts: 507

    Well it’s not fun for survivors. Simply don’t care if you are having a good time as a killer. Survivors having fun are a priority. Even if it means u just got stomped on by SWF on voice coms. So SHAME ON U IF U WANT TO HAVE FUN AS A KILLER. Your totum will continue to spawn in the open, and or by a gen.

  • Member Posts: 117

    no one said you couldnt slow game down, you're complaining about the people that just do gens instead of going around doing nothing just to spend some more quality time with the killer

  • Member Posts: 7,318

    I wouldn't mind 90 second gens. That's what I thought it already was. 80 seconds is definitely too fast.

  • Member Posts: 3,448

    Ngl, I don't really think anyone likes doing nothing other than holding a button and pressing another occasionally for 80 seconds straight. Freddy with slowdown add-ons and dying light could make a gen take over 100 seconds to complete. Does that sound fun to you? Because it won't to the majority of players. I agree that gens can go too fast sometimes but making them take longer by default is a bad approach to take.

  • Member Posts: 207

    Seriously, what the hell is going on here?

  • It’s simple. In every match you have five people. That’s five potential buyers of skins, rift passes, DLC, etc. One side has four potential customers. One side has only one. Why would they cater anything for the side with one customer? The meta will forever be SWF focused.

  • Member Posts: 7,318

    Yes this is why they buffed Freddy and introduced Demogorgon. Catering to those survivor mains as always.

  • Member Posts: 7,318

    True but devs won't settle for adding another survivor objective.

  • Member Posts: 536

    Because of NOED and Points? I play Survivor too and always doing dull totems(red ranks btw) Seriously if Survivor are only doing Gen's then they shouldn't cry about NOED.

    BtT: I agree. Gen's shouldn't go that fast. It is a joke how fast they are. Should I double myself to hunt AND protecting Gen's?!

  • Member Posts: 7,318

    Red rank as survivor is nothing. You're obviously pretending so you can get people on your side. It's sad that this is what the forum has come to.

  • Member Posts: 536
    edited December 2019

    It is sad that people try to build a mind about others and doesn't understand what they're meaning.

    I mean with "red rank btw" that I am experienced because to counter those who will say "You're green rank obviously" or something like that.

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    Gen time being increased I don't think will fix this problem, nor nerfing toolboxes. Increasing gen speed is only gonna make it easier for Killers to camp. What Survivors need is a second objective. Dull totems are not enough, also I feel like until people can actually come up with potential ideas to pitch that will fix these problems your complaining just looks like whining. Be productive in your arguments and complaints.

  • Member Posts: 42

    People on the forums always come with this complaint and even say things like "killers quitting playing killer is going to be bad for the game!" Wrong. Four people have to pick survivor for every one person who picks killer in order for matchmaking to go quickly. If anything BHVR should look at removing things that are frustrating for survivors, like being camped or tunneled. The survivors are the life blood of the game, not the killers.

    I don't know why people think survivors want to sit and hold m1 for even LONGER in order to finish a game. If anything gens should go faster since they are the most boring objective of all. The survivors should be rewarded more for interacting with the killer, since that's the most interesting part of the game for everyone.

  • Member Posts: 2,213

    PS4 has already seen a HUGE dip in Killers in the passed few months.Its takes ages to get into a game as survivor but your lobby fills instantly as a Killer.

    But I guess this is fine. :|

  • Member Posts: 1,425

    People can complain if they want, with our without a comprehensive argument to back it up. Complaining is often what leads to change, not accepting things as they are is an important step to growth and improvement.

  • Member Posts: 2,225

    Increase how long survivors last on hook at the same time. Problem solved

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    I've never said anybody has to accept anything as it is, I don't know why you're telling me this. Making suggestions and sprouting ideas is growth and improvement. If you have an issue with me giving advice to people that just complain and get upset without giving constructive brainstorming then I don't know what to tell you. My advice is far from toxic and very healthy in all aspects, in or out of the game. Sorry, not sorry.

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    Increasing the gen time is not really the answer

    I feel there should be something more at the end game

    Something between the gens getting powered and opening the exit gates

  • Member Posts: 3,047
    edited December 2019

    Because the difference between slowing the game down with say a perk like PGTW and Forever Freddy is massive. While one is annoying PGTW being the legit slow down. Freddy took it to a extreme and made the game boring on both sides to play.

    It wasnt fun to sit on a gen to have the killer legit pop it because they run Dying Light, PGTW, Thantophoia, Thrilling Tremors or Surveillance, Swing Chains, and Jump Rope. Half the time I didnt get in a chase the Killer knew he could pop and move on.

    Worse part was 90% of the forever Freddy were bad players boosted because of a good build and they made the game toxic and unfun from both sides. If your really upset you lost Forever Freddy you need to realize there are people on both sides. On the other hand if your upset about the slow down effect being nerfed i can understand that.

    Before you call me a survivor biast or main ask @GrootDude I've literally almost exclusively been playing killer as of late except dailies and if friends want to play.

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    This may put us in the same space that we're in right now. At that point, time on hook is increased, gen time increased, whats really changed? It wouldn't be better for Killers.

  • Member Posts: 767

    This is my experience too, massive survivor wait times and instant killer lobbies, no matter the time of day.

    Nearly every game sees a team of red rank survivors against a rank 10 killer, Ive often been in both sides of this and it’s not fun to steamroll or be steamrolled.

    PS4 UK region btw.

  • Fred? The killer who was released, immediately gutted because of survivor complaints, stayed gutted for over a year, was finally reworked, and was nerfed today? Wow clearly the devs are killer biased lol

    What about Demo? He’s not a great killer or anything.

  • Member Posts: 140

    While PGTW is a great perk (I run it on a good chunk of my killers), unlike toolboxes, and there add ons it requires me to find a survivor. Chase said survivor, and down said survivor, then hook him.

    Afterwhich I am required to run to a Gen and hope its the most advanced one in order to make it worth it.

    Meanwhile the other three survivors are popping Gens with there UBER speed toolboxes straight from the get go.

  • Member Posts: 869

    Because the devs want an engaging game to attract new players. Say what you want, but holding m1 isn’t engaging.Though I think they’re aware of the gen rushing problem or at least know how killers experience this issue.

  • Member Posts: 1,558

    Forever Freddy was a little overkill. Especially with a killer that has enough weapons to curb stomp survivors with just the pop/ruin combo.

    It's not like they buffed gen speeds across the board.

  • Member Posts: 3,615

    Make gens a lot longer and completely remove hook mechanics like the time until death/struggle.

    Force 3 separate hooks. Survivors would then only have to save if the killer is doing something else.

    If not that then just make the hook death very long like 6-10 minutes.

  • Member Posts: 1,558

    Ruin and pop exist, no?

    If you needed forever Freddy to win games, then you have some improvements to work on. He's plenty strong enough with pop/ruin.

  • Member Posts: 317

    The fact that I'm a killer, and the survivors come to bully me is funny.

    The real power role is there.

  • Member Posts: 29

    If you need pop/ruin to get a win i feel sorry for you maybe you need improvements and not rely on crutch perks!

  • Member Posts: 7,318
  • Member Posts: 3,278

    If they nerf gen speeds or anything like that, I can guarantee what you'll see on the forums is 'See what you did, killer mains f you' etc.

  • Member Posts: 1,903

    I am a survivor and killer player so I see things from both sides. I am not the best at either so I do not know it all nor am I perfect. first of all the idea of the "TUNNEL" has been yelled at me many times by many players when I play killer. PLEASE when you are a survivor don't screw up the definitions of what things mean, because I have to believe you are a potato because you survivors can't make up your mind. HONESTLY! if you want to accuse someone of tunneling get the definition right, it is NOT chasing the same person and not successfully hooking them once for most of the match! the idea of tunneling is when someone is brought off a hook, then the killer intentionally (this is the KEY WORD) goes for the one just off the hook while they run away to heal up. NOW if you make it obvious where you are going or if you run into the killer then there is nothing to do but suck it up when you are downed. so if the killer doesn't come right back to the hook and you run and it's a minute or two while you start to heal don't be surprised if the killer happens upon your scratch marks (time frame is not a minute or two that is just a turn of phrase) and follows them, there is NOTHING that says this was whom you last hooked. and finally on the subject of tunneling, if you get unhooked and you start working on a totem right next to the hook, don't whine about being tunneled. you asked for it because you stayed right there. there is NOTHING that the devs can do to discourage this, making it "illegal" by rules will put so many reports on their hands they can't do anything and 90% of those reports would be false. plus again you have to prove the intentional part without them bypassing someone, they can use the defense I was following scratch marks or they ran at me.

    Now the subject of camping. generally camping is not a good thing for the killer because gens can be done faster etc. if the suvivors are solo queue's you loose communication which makes it a bit better in general... I think there are a few things that need to be changed, the "proximity to survivor should not be used if they are setting traps, reloading hatchets, bottles, setting a portal. these are all specific actions that are not part of camping but need to be done to be efficient. However they should be docked blood points when standing near the hook, even with insidious as well as emblem progress. again, there is no way to truly make this against the rules as one person's camping is not the same as another. I am pretty sure no one has a timer they start every time you get hooked and when does that timer start? how to know it's right and not started when you were downed etc. again nothing truly can be done in the rules for this.

    The whole idea of complaining that 1 second per instance was removed is petty to be honest. 1 second in the whole scheme of things is nothing. if you can't stand that one second less you need to move on to something else that is better suited to your talents. come on people let's be real, you end up complaining that every change made is a nerf but honestly it's all about making the game better and as intended! I see these posts seconds after the patch and blammo you're an expert at this! oh yea!!! you don't even know what the changes are in game just how it reads lol.

  • Member Posts: 7,318

    I think you mean DS and Adrenaline. Also, I run neither and am a consistent rank 1 survivor. The truth is that killers and survivors both don't try out new, fun, off-meta builds because that's not how dbd was designed. Maybe someday.

  • Member Posts: 535

    Here's the problem with your view.

    One Killer stops playing and becomes a survivor player, you now have 5 players waiting longer in lobbies.

    Stress out all the Killers so no one wants to play, then BAM, the game dies. Survivor privilege needs to be reined in a bit.

    You may notice that any time a Killer main streamer has enough of the bullcrap they switch over and become survivor mains without a hickup, but you get a survivor main who gets a Killer daily, they can hardly wait for the nightmare to be over.

    Killer game play needs to be fun, not stressful to the point that it ruins people gaming for the night. And this game for sure has that ability.

  • Member Posts: 2,768

    No idea how BHVR thinks forever freddy is a problem, when he needs a specific build. Meanwhile i repair a gen with my SWF m8 in 16 seconds. Hmmm...

    I'm not a balance expert, but there's something bad word wrong here.

  • Member Posts: 2,213
  • Member Posts: 535

    I disagree with you on most of your post.

    One killer allows 4 survivors to play. That means if we lose say 5 Killers due to frustration, that is at least 20 people waiting longer for a match. If those killer switch to becoming survivors, then we now have 25 people waiting for fewer lobbies.

    You can see how losing even one killer makes the lobby time crappy for much more then himself. Where as you would need 4 survivors all throwing a hissy fit, to effect the same number of people.

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