Finally! Thank you Devs!

The devs actually did it for once!
They saw a problem with Freddy's addons.... and ONLY changed the problematic addons. Not another one of those BS nerfing base kit for no reason on top of it changes!
Just wanted to bring attention to this. It should just be the norm, but it's good to see that it still can happen anyways.
Something happened? I don't get it
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New hotfix is coming. Forever freddy build got nerfed
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thank christ
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Read the hotfix notes. They are nerfing Freddy's slowdown addons. This thread is pointing out that they are ONLY nerfing his slowdown addons.
Contrast Legion where they saw a problem with HIS slowdown addons and.... nerfed his basekit stall for some reason.
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I'm shocked that it was only those add-ons.
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ikr. I was worried they'd nerf his snares or something. Thank god they didn't.
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Wow, Legion took a bullet for Freddy.
That time they spent in F tier together really must have forged a strong bond. /s
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Their sacrifice will be remembered. For it was not in vain.
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Well, i never used those add-ons anyway. So it's fine for me (As long as they don't touch his base-kit)
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Exactly! Those poor Legion mains had their Stall greatly reduced always just because they had a large stall on their addons.
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"D-d-d-don't forget a-a-about us F-f-freddy..."
Really though, this is an amazing step in the right direction. Good job devs!
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Happy with that. Forever Freddy was the one thing that really annoyed me, he is a strong Killer and should not need to go for such a big Slowdown.
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Agree! Same thing goes for nurse though. She was nerfed because she was op with those problematic add-ons lol
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I am so happy to hear his slowdown addons are being nerfed.
And that's coming from a fanatical Freddy main. Seriously, I genuinely despised the Forever Freddy build and I am glad it's finally being put to a stop soon.
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Yeah, they nerfed the problem but didn't just gut the character entirely while they were at it.
Now if they could only just keep doing that from now on, that would be great.
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How come they didn't just make them unstack able instead of reducing the numbers? Not mad just wondering the reason for this? 🤔
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Happy to hear this.
I had always hope to find sense in the Legion-nerf. If they have learn from it, to finally only nerf the problem and not "just everything, because makes fun for the coders, I guess?", then... the whole thing had at least some sense.
Hope it stays this way.
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dont jinx it, you never know what the balance department is smoking
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Thank God I'm lucky enough to only have gone against it once or twice but it's so awful but I like going against regular Freddy so that's cool
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Because the devs forgot they can do that.
Seriously though, I have no idea. They could have done it to Nurse and Legion to fix their respective add-on 'issues' rather than nerfing their basekit.
And it would have been a smart move with these add-ons in particular, allowing them to be worthwhile individually, but not oppressive together.
Still, I'm just glad they didn't nerf Freddy into the ground. I kinda expected it after Legion's "buff".
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Freddy's add-ons should get reworked tho. Most of them are really bad, including his ropes and chains add-ons.
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You got yours, so to hell with others?
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They should have left the addons how they were. I didn't even know forever freddy was a thing until I came to these forums. You know why I didn't know? Cause I almost never die to a Freddy.
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Totally agree. Freddy changes were well directed.
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I wouldn't mind if he had any other addons worth bringing. Blocks/Black box/Pill bottle are meme addons at best. Red paint brush just lost its main synergy. Pallets/Class photo make him much weaker than if he didn't run them. I guess double teleport cooldown are his only addons now?
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This. Similar to how people play Trapper as Man with Machete, and Ghostface as Man with Knife...Freddy is basically now just Burned Man with Knife Fingers.
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Never had an issue with Forever Freddy myself. But I'm glad they didn't gut him.
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Only the block addons and the kids drawing are useless.
The Dress addons are niche but are decent if you want to discourage breaking out of dream state, or if you stack it with lullaby.
The slowdown addons are still ok, they aren't nearly AS good but they aren't useless.
Black box is for specific addons. Paint brush is as good as it's always been
Like you pointed out the cooldown addons will probably be his best addons.
Class photo and pill bottle are both gimmik addons. Treat them as such.
Dream pallets are also a thing.
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I'll be honest, all this is going to make me do is run dying light and immediately tunnel the obsession until they are dead.
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That sounds incredibly counter productive.
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In what way? It seems like a solid strategy.
Run dying light, tunnel the obsession, murder them, slow down gens, injure survivors, slow them down even more with thana etc.
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Because Dying Light deactivates when you kill the obsession.
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Did it change? O.o I remember it differently lol. My bad. I usually play Wraith and Billy for the most part so I don't really use dying light xD
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calling something a gimmick addon is the same thing as calling them useless. Pallets are a downgrade to base kit (I suppose this could be argued but in my experience). I've never even seen a black box Freddy. I'll just concede the dress addons having a use and we can say Freddy has two useful addon sets. That's still absolutely pathetic and needs to be fixed.
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I thought it was once the obsession is dead, the actions of everyone else were cut in half essentially. Didn't it used to be that way? Or am I imagining things? o.O
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Clearly you didn't read the entire page.
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Bud, I'm on mobile and I have sausage fingers. Cut me some slack.
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I'm going to keep my Freddy build a secret because I never wanna have to go up against it lol. It's probably worse than Forever Freddy ever was.
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What I don't get, is they nerfed his super strong add-ons which was needed I guess, but what about the blocks that are completely useless? Could've buffed them a lil or re-worked so they are useful. Not 1 of them helps period. They all suck!
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The difference between a gimmick and something that is useless is that gimmicks are situational and require you to strategise specifically for them, in other words you don't use them to enhance a strategy that works on it's own merits, but rather you use it as the linch pin in some alternative strategy that requires deliberate preparation.
Scratched Mirror Myers is a gimmick, but isn't weak. Burger King Myers is useless. Stalk rate increase addons are not a gimmick, since you can just throw it on and get instant benefit without really having to think to hard about it.
The Nurse's new undetectable addon is another example of a gimmick, it doesn't work on it's own but that doesn't mean it's useless. You build around it for it to give you a real value.
This isn't the best kind of addon or anything, and I'm probably explaining it weirdly, but gimmicks are not useless. Just weird and a bit awkward to use.
Like you don't throw on pill bottles and expect to get a lot of results out of it while playing normally. You use pill bottles combined with something like Dark Devotion and then you use some weird peckabo playstyle to get some extra distance in a chase.
This has value because someone experimenting for weird combo's will find use out of it. Kinda like I did with current franks mixtape legion until they prevented every single combo it could have.
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Many people complained about those add-ons, and it isn't really fun for survivors.
Personally i'm glad they didn't touch his basekit. Usually they go overboard about the nerf so.. be glad they only change those add-ons.
But i'm not saying they can't do better. Half of the add-ons are useless, and 4 % slowdown is negligible and pointless for a very rare add-ons lol
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Oh yay! Survivors moaned and complained about something and it got nerfed. Big surprise there! Hey how about we get rid of all his add-ons! That way the Survivors can beat him super easy!
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The Survivors are not supposed to be having FUN! They are supposed to be in a tense and pressured situation to get out alive. People don't seem to understand that. The only person that should be having fun is the Killer as he's throwing people on hooks. I'm kinda disappointed The Doctor and The Clown are the only two Killers that laugh as well.
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Yes they did a good job on Freddy and then Oni is a balanced killer. It's fun to play against, at least for me.
Nerfing add-ons more pls! Most of the killers are fine, like Myers, BUT that unlimited add-on ruins the gameplay filing. Unlimited? Seriously? Maybe double the duration of evil with in III, but not unlimited.
And the insta down hatchets for huntress... another totally broken add-on. Maybe allow to insta down every survivor once/trial, but not the whole duration of the match.
+After nerfin insta heal to the ground, they should change its colour to purple and the cost reduced to 6k from7k.
So just little tiny changes, which will give the filing that they actually cares about their consumers.
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There was nothing wrong with Freddy’s base power, that’s why they didn’t touch anything else.
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It was a joke..because they prioritized nerfing over fixing a crippling bug for killers
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Noob Freddy's don't realize Freddy got a huge nerf now that they made borrowed times deep wounds unaffected by Freddy's power. And they nerf him again in a hotfix lol.....
Meanwhile oni gutted and wraith STILL bugged missing his uncloak lunge
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"Noob Freddy's"
You do know that people who can play him and play him well probably won't care about these changes, right?