Perspectives Change (I advise reading)

I started this game some 3 years ago. I’ve had plenty of good and bad times on dead by daylight. I’m grateful to have found the game none the less. However, in my time I started as a survivor main. I played solo because at the time i had no friend to play with. Over time I made many friends and we played SWF. We ended up being that really trashy SWF team that are mean to killers (no matter win or lose). I began to stop playing with friends after a long 2ish years. I got so bored of survivor that I started playing killer and killer only. Id say I got really good with killer. It took a lot of time getting my ass whooped to learn though. Getting my ass whooped so many times before as killer is what built my sympathy killers. I saw how strong survivors were and how rude people could be. So I stopped being a dick. Now I play both killer and survivor about equally and enjoy the game much more than playing one side.
I say this to hopefully encourage others to be kinder to those who are playing against you. I also encourage you to be kind to your ‘potato’ teammates. The game has come along way in terms of balance and can definitely use some more improvement. The game is mostly fair for everyone (minus the bugs/issues the harm the games health). I hope further you are encouraged that when you discuss topics here on the forums, if you are a ‘survivor’ main or ‘killer’ main, and do not play both, than I hope you take into consideration that you’re perspective might not paint the whole picture. To conclude, be kind to others and realize that your perspective isn’t always the entire truth of what someone else’s reality may be in the game.
anyone have anything to add?
EDIT: does anyone have anything positive to contribute since some people just like spreading negativity
You're talking to the wrong community. The DBD community, in terms of human decency, is a lost cause.
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O ye, of little faith
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It's beyond faith at this point. The DBD community is more far gone than the League of Legends community.
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Playing both sided is blasphemy I would never stoop so low to play as a sniveling toxic little survivor.
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statements like that is what cause issues
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Mmmmm I wouldn’t say that
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I don't know about that, the League community is pretty much a separate breed of humanity without empathy or reason.
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I've experienced less toxicity in the total 50 hours I have in League in the last...however long that game has been out, than I did in one hour of DBD this morning.
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If you payed any attention you would notice I'm a survivor main imitating a "killer main".
It was meant to be a sort of dark humor and I thought you would have enough experience in this community to understand. I will refrain from attempting to be lighthearted or crack wise on the forums again.
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I never played LOL but I wouldn’t compare communities. People can be cruel anywhere you go
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My experience with League has not been that good lol
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i realize that’s a joke, I laughed even. We just both know someone will read that and than cause an entire hateful argument with someone else on ‘other side’ of the game.
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Yes I realize people take all this too seriously and even I myself catch myself doing it. Thanks for understanding.
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Kind of proves my hypothesis right, doesn't it? That an obvious joke, even as you think, would cause that much trouble?
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With my experience, everytime there’s a discussion and someone takes it to heart (mostly because it applies to them and they don’t know how to laugh). Than they’ll make a comment and some killer main gets upset. Than boom it’s an entire thread of back and forth hate messages. I’m just really not trying to have the discussion that’s about having perspective turn into a washed up ass load of filthy hate talk (which always happens on these forums)
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this is exactly me. i felt every word man not kidding.
i wish people would understand that playing both sides is the best way playing this game. in every aspect.
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F that Waffle, this community needs more humor, not walking on egg shells so as not to offend whoever.
While I can't speak for all killer mains, most of "hate" from "our side" is just banter...role playing of sorts, motivation for the next game....except of course when it isn't, sometimes it's frustration.
Empathy is probably a good thing.
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Humor needs to be more widespread in this community. The game is about murderers and victims stuck in an endless loop of suffering. The community could stand to be more lighthearted.
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I’m so glad someone understands. Real talk, you have my respect🙏🏼