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Next nerf is gen speed

since the devs listen specifically to survivors feedback I think all killers should spam the forums with their complaints regarding survivors ... complain until survivors start getting nerfed, complain your hearts out !!

its the only way theyll listen as we can now clearly see ....

(pretty good job so far)


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  • Member Posts: 7,318

    Actually I have suggested all of these ideas! Are you stalking me or are you just a genius? Probably both :)

  • Member Posts: 7,318

    As for OP: being annoying isn't going to help your case, but some fixes are definitely needed

  • Member Posts: 1,303

    We got a better chance of them making legion or LF top tier than that happening...

  • Member Posts: 2,327

    I wish they would do something with the gen times honestly. I used to play more survivor than killer, but now I'm more killer than survivor, and it's so frustrating when matches are over so quickly. As survivor, Ruin just isn't fun for me to go against. It's not a bad perk, but at the same time, I feel like way too many killers rely too heavily on it. On the other hand, as Killer I see the need for it, though I personally don't run it. It's a sort of lose-lose area since Killers would rejoice at more gen time, but Survivors would complain about said time. But it can't be denied that something needs to be adjusted with it

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  • Member Posts: 7,318

    I meant killers all being annoying isn't gonna help them in "fixing" the game.

  • Member Posts: 928

    Kinda, forces you to actually have a secondary objective which is very simple to do and is already a game mechanic; cleanse totems. I don't know about you, but I'm bored of just doing gens and having 6-7 minute matches in which nothing interesting happens... unless the killer is running noed.

  • Member Posts: 274

    you must play matches with inexperienced killers then. what rank are you may i ask?

  • Member Posts: 928

    I don't think so. I'm a red rank solo survivor and I'm currently a rank 3 (I've made it to rank 1) and I play with other red ranks who are between 2-4, who clearly know what they are doing most of the time.

    I play against red rank and purple rank killers that I wouldn't call unexperienced, they may not be the most optimal killers in the world but I think they must be at least decent to actually be at the higher ranks.

    And ff you are a red rank survivor, then you should be aware that genrush (doing gens as fast as possible and ending the game in 6-7 minutes) is much much more common at the red ranks.

  • Member Posts: 7,318

    I get what you're trying to say but if you're not even rank 1 as survivor you're probably pretty ill informed.

  • Member Posts: 928
    edited December 2019

    Maybe, but I just said I've made it to rank 1 (playing the so called solo nightmare all the time), more than once if that even matters. I have over 1.5k hours of play.

  • Member Posts: 300

    Well, in your first post about your idea you said nothing about it being a totem, leading me to believe it's a permanent thing which is too op (I would quit if it was perm tbh because it's not fair to people who can't hit greats). Even if you believe it should be a totem, it does not, in any way, stop the 'holding m1' issue. You still hold m1 on the totems, and a lot of people work through Ruin as it is so they'll still be holding m1 on gens. So it does not fix the m1 issue. Doing totems is not really a "secondary objective" considering Ruin is the only one you'd have to worry about. That's one totem for 4 people.

    Making Ruin basekit though without needing a perk for it would be too op as well because you now have an extra slot as killer you don't have to waste on Ruin. Now you can have Pop! Or Thana! Or some other anti gen perk that killers don't usually use to make great with your idea.

    If anything, there should be a REAL second objective that's not gens and not totems.

  • Member Posts: 928

    I know what you mean, but I think that if your objective is also cleansing the totems then that implies you must necessarily explore the map and be stealthy about it, I don't think cleansing the totem, judging by how fast you can cleanse it and what it implies finding it, is simply holding m1.

  • Member Posts: 928

    Anyway, in case you think this would make noed to strong (which probably would); noed could be nerfed and the hex could simply deactivate after you put two survivors on the dying state with it or something like that.

  • don't worry mate. soon no one wants to play killer = game is gonna die and THEN they will look into killer buffs.

    but then its too late.

  • Member Posts: 496

    The forever freddy build was just boring anyways. Instead of nerfing gen speed they need to add another objective. It's to boring sitting on gens to make them go slower.

  • Member Posts: 274

    okay well if they make ruin basekit then they should also make PT basekit.

    should be even.

    im tired of all the one side nerfs.

    sams goes for killer, nerf the killer, survivors should also receive nerf.

  • Member Posts: 433

    Will never happen, they only care about pandering exclusively to survivors.

  • Member Posts: 928

    Not precisely ruin, but I get what you mean. You already do gens faster when you do gens with someone else. I seriously don't think gen speed needs to be buffed in any way if the porpuse is to nerf gen speed. Kinda defeats the porpuse, don't you think?

  • Member Posts: 274

    yeah but it’s not fair to nerf one side while buffing the other, consciously.

    one side needs to quit being nerfed. either nerf both or buff both


  • Member Posts: 274

    if you don’t like how gen speed is, bring thanat and ruin and weasel and play legion. there are literally perks for this.

    it’s that simple.

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    No thanks, doesn't sound healthy.

  • Member Posts: 928

    Like nerfing moris? I think mostly everyone agrees that moris need to get nerfed, specially ebony.

  • Member Posts: 433

    lol there have been about a dozen killer nerfs in the time survivors had one perk nerfed. You don't know anything.

  • Member Posts: 982
    edited December 2019

    I think the devs have toyed with the idea of encouraging the survivors to all repair a generator together. Making it so that if you repair a gen by yourself, it takes longer than it does now, but if multiple survivors are repairing a gen together, the gen speed is the same as it is now.

    I think that might be a decent way to change gen speeds. It gives the survivors a reason to stay together, and it gives the killer more opportunities to disrupt multiple survivors at once. Although Ruin might become a bigger problem, since it has more impact on gen speeds when multiple survivors are repairing a single generator.

  • Member Posts: 274

    look up nerf lists. they’re both pretty long, so don’t whine.

  • Member Posts: 367

    That sounds like a recipe to alienate solo survivors. Should a solo have to run all over the map looking for the rest of the team and find all three at one gen while the solo looks around for a totem to clean. If you make it so generators have to be repaired by at least two survivors the solo survivor is at a disadvantage.

  • Member Posts: 982

    I didn't say they "have to" be repaired by at least two survivors, I said that gen repairs would be slower if you repaired them by yourself. Say, 90 seconds if you repair by yourself, but still 44 seconds with 2 survivors, 33 seconds with 3, and 28 seconds with 4.

  • Member Posts: 433

    Hey, the devs are more than happy to alienate killers.

  • Member Posts: 6,434

    So funny to see all these people claim survivors cry for nerfs when 90% of the time (specifically in these forums) I see nothing but killer players complaining.

    The Oni nerf was already in the patch notes perhaps you just didn’t bother to read them.

    The Freddy Nerf didn’t leave him exactly weak, just got rid of a rather excessive build. You want gens to take longer? Let’s go! Just don’t complain when they have to nerf perks like Dying Light, Thana, in the process.

  • Member Posts: 180

    When, seriously, will the gen rush issue be addressed? It is literally the worst part about this game. I can't count how many times I've seen games fly by in like 5-6 minutes because of gen speeds. That is ridiculous.

    So what is the solution because it shouldn't happen, ever.

    Especially when you wait 20 minutes in Q to play, then the game is over because you got smashed due to obscene gen rushing. It's such an awful feeling. This should be talked about over and over till something is resolved with this.

  • Member Posts: 9,420

    Too high of a risk of killers overperforming.

    Gen time should go back to 70 seconds and Ruin back to not pausing progression.

  • Member Posts: 180

    So, It doesn't matter about the Killers fun, what's best for people that play Killer? That what you mean?

  • Member Posts: 9,420
    edited December 2019

    So, It doesn't matter about the Killers fun, what's best for people that play Survivor? That what you mean?

    Of course. Killers are there to be toy with not be of any threat.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,000

    You think we have not been doing this for the past 2 years and they still haven’t done anything to slow the game down at base?

  • Member Posts: 3,047

    My biggest issues is.

    While it takes the Killer time to kick a generator to start regression. A survivor can run by it mid chase to stop that. I feel that the generator should take a few seconds to stop regression and start back up since it was clearly supposed to be damaged additionally by the kick. While I do think kicking it should do additional damage it should probably be a small amount like 5% of the total progression not 5% of the full amount possible similar to PGTW.

    As a person who plays both sides. Really the issue I feel is that survivors dont feel pressured for time management equal to what a killer feels unless the killer/player they go against is good. I also dont feel like adding more times to a generator is the answer. Doing gens are kinda boring outside having ruin which I find fun.

    Don't tell me friends, but I purposely miss great skill checks when a killer does not use ruin. I respect that.

  • Member Posts: 295
    edited December 2019

    Yeah, this is good, ideas for the nerf

    They could make the great skill check bar 30% bigger and the go's skill checks turn into a - 3% if you hit that

  • Member Posts: 180

    which in there lies one of the biggest issues for me personally, I'm sure many others as well.

    If you think about which role should be under pressure with "time management", It certainly shouldn't be the Killer. IMO

  • Member Posts: 3,047
    edited December 2019

    I think both sides should have equal amounts honestly. I feel Killer would be fine with a few changes towards generators without changing the 80 second time to make it boring for Survivors. It is after all a 5 player game no one really wants it to be bored everyone wants to have fun. That's the point of a game.

    Also Killers should have specific emblems for them not for all killers. Some killers powers dont mesh well with the current emblem system. A killer who feels they did well with a 2k shouldn't depip because the emblems dont agree with instadowns like Myers, Plague, Billy, Leatherface, Ghostface.

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  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,504

    Generator difficulty needs to scale with a survivor's ability. So, the game tracks how well a survivor repairs gens and scales the difficulty to keep it from being too fast or too slow.

    Inexperienced survivors have more trouble repairing gens and take longer to do it. They also don't know how to efficiently use map resources and waste a killer's time, which all makes the killer's job easier.

    Experienced survivors can rush through gen repair, bringing good toolboxes to speed things up even more, and they have map awareness so they already know the spots in which generators spawn. They can also efficiently use a map's resources, wasting the killer's time with looping and pallets. So, quicker gen repairs and a crapton more time wasted in chases... that hurts killers on two fronts.

    Gens shouldn't go horribly slow with inexperienced survivors and crazy fast with experienced survivors. That's why gen repair difficulty needs to be something that can be scaled with a survivor's ability. Maybe whatever it is can make gen repair less boring, too, because no one wants to just hold M1 longer.

  • Member Posts: 47

    The syringe was nerfed but I'd argue that the styptic is better now than it used to be.

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