Great Job Survivors

Good job on tackling some of freddy's add-ons that forever freddy build was getting on my nerves and wasnt fun to play as a survivor now we can play against freddy and enjoy the game and have fun :) right...?
i dont camp or tunnel and my add-ons Cat Block, Unicorn and just like that every time i downed a survivor yup you guessed it DC 😂 i thought survivors was happy with the change but yet like always more DC's. So i went off my Xbox and used the same build on my main account on PC rank 1 and what do you know another group all DC smh. Poor Kruger
DC penalty incoming. Then they have to face killers and improve or eat a ban.
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Are these changes so significant and have such a great impact on your life that you took the time out of your day to come here and write this abomination that no one will read?
Quite pathetic.
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People DC against Pig and Wraith. If you're trying to make a point you're failing.
(DCs are a big problem that I'm glad is getting solved)
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Come on even Freddy players can't have found those dragged out forever build matches fun.
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Wasn't a big issue for me playing survivor you win some you lose some but you live you live to fight another day
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If everyone had that attitude there would be no complaints about getting Haddonfield as killer, keys, mori's, insta heals, and the plethora of other things this community complains about.
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Guaranteed loss is kind of not intended when facing certain killer builds.
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You're welcome.