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I'm gonna cry ( venting )

Well thank you BHVR for proving me wrong again. I actually had some trust in you and i was proud of you for doing a good chapter with interesting perks and good characters. Oni was already tweaked before he got released ( and that's good ) but why did you have to just kill the entire fun of the character by almost entirely removing his flick ? Why should i EVER play oni instead of billy ? God, i don't know how to express my disappointment and sadness right now. Like seriously this game is the only thing that gets me through these days and the oni instantly became my favorite killer because of his power and aesthetic.

I do not understand. Why do you buy so much into what survivors say these days ? I get that we do not want to make the survivor experience bad but nerfed killers so, so so so so so so much these past couple of patches.

You removed the fun of nurse, and she's still just as unfun to play against.

You nerfed spirit , which was deserved i guess ( but there are also alot of survivor stuff that deserves to be tweaked or nerfed )

You just nerfed freddy again for some reason, because in a meta where doing gens as quickly as possible wins you the game, you decide to nerf him. Twice. You removed his ability to counter borrowed time and now you made his addons weaker. Oh, it wasn't fun to play against " forever freddy " ? Well i'm sorry but i don't find myself having any fun in these poorly designed maps like gas heaven or bloodlodge or thomposns house ETC, i don't find myself having fun when people keep unhooking in front of my face without any care because they can use borrowed time so they don't have to think any plan of unhooking his teammate , i don't have any fun when survivors have extreme confidence and jump in lockers because they have their " anti tunnel " 60 second immunity. I know, i know " just slug " , because that's fun. I could go on and on, but i'm just sick to the damn head. Oni was so damn fun , he was balanced, it hasn't even been a month since his release and you god damn nerf him already ?

I'm sorry for ranting so much but i'm so fed up because everything fun is being taken away from my hands in this game , seriously BHVR, why don't you truly balance your games and you make these silly changes? Why don't you make solo survivor not excruciating to play and why don't you give some weak killers some quality of life changes so that they don't feel so outdated or useless ? Why do you have to ######### on me so bad, launch a teaser and keep posting stuff of the new chapter and after it releases nerf it for no reason ? I know, different people , different opinions. But oni didn't deserve this. WE DESERVED a strong killer . Hell, atleast if he was still as fun to play.

I know this post isn't gonna change anything but i just couldn't keep it in me. I was so surprised and disappointed to see they actually nerfed him and it made me so sad. I know i seem like i'm exaggerating but damn i play this game everyday so i can cope with everything that's going on and to see something that was so important for me get taken away , it really hurts , i know it's just a video game but it's important to me. It wasn't even much time to enjoy it until they nerfed him. I know it seems like a small change, but small changes like these tremendously impact gameplay. I just don't understand why.
