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What killer... Oops, I mean what do you think will get nerfed next?
My 💰is on GF. A lot of whining about shroud and how it's "unfair" how he can sneak around and get easy grabs and hits. I bet they buff his footstep sound. Gonna sound like he's the terminator walking... Clang, clang, clang...Lmao
I remember he use to emit a weird haze noise
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Probably spine chill, it counters every stealth killer in the game (hopefully it won't though I love it)
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I feel like adreanline will get nerfed out of the blue to be honest
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Well so far from looking through the forums for a month, the Survivors want:
Plague, Billy, Ghostface, Freddy, and now Wraith nerfed.
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Hopefully they won't I mean
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Claudette truly needs a nerf tbh.
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And from looking at the forums for about a year killers want survivors nerfed period and vice versa
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You and the devs need stay away from my bae. She is perfect. If anything, she needs an extra perk that lets her bend light around her when she stands still.
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A month is a relative time frame, while a year ago is not.
Also a year ago survivors wanted Nurse, Legion and Billy nerfed, and so far they got 2 out of 3 nerfed. they are waiting for Billy to get nerfed.
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Like a disco ball? I’m fine with this.
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Yeah, that def pisses in my bowl of Cheerios everytime I'm GF and someone is running it.
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Iridescent hatchets are definitely next on the chopping block.
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Maybe just make it not give the heal as well if you are Exhausted when it activates. That's what I'm expecting.
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I'd be more worried about doc and Iri King tbh
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What she needs is a spot light that follows her... Lmao
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You can say the same about killers though DS, MoM and balanced all got nerfed. Everything that's op will eventually get nerfed. (I don't think billy will get nerfed)
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No, disco balls reflect light. Bending light can make something appear invisible.
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Moris and Keys deserve to be nerfed down a couple pegs. Then we can focus on buffing solo survivors and weak killers. Omega blink is gone, as are prayer beads, and even forever Freddy. I think the killer nerfs should stop for now, but as we know bhvr will do what they want whenever they want :)
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i want claudette nerfed. just because.
also i want all maps darker after she’s nerfed.
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Docs already so bad he's only got one way to go, up. His ultra rare isn't that good either, I doubt it would be getting nerfed anyway.
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I think Legion deserves a nerf, they are better than Spirit and you can't do anything to counter them. /s
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I agree with the maps, they need to be darker with more fog.
You are wrong about Claudette. She needs buffs. She also needs more hairstyles, long painted fingernails, more outfits, and the ability to backflip across the map faster than the Oni could dash.
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you’re funny. this made me laugh lol.
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You know it.
"We changed the Hillbilly's movement speed to 110% since he already has one of the best mobilties in the game. Oh and his chainsaw now has a 10 second cooldown, which can get reduced to 5 seconds with his new ultra rare add on!"
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She’s legitimately impossible to see on the new map. No reason why she needs to be the darkest AND smallest survivor while poor Adam has a massive white coat for his base.
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Probably Ghostface or Iridescent Hatchets, or legion again just for giggles.
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My guess is doctor after they rework him they'll find he's too strong
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Legion didn't get nerfed at all in the last hotfix so following the pattern of nerfs I think Legion will be nerfed next (maybe the devs will drop their speed back down to 110%)
Then probably Ghostface & Wraith (Thanks Tru3) and then Legion again (Replace their knife with a slice of paper so in Feral Frenzy they can just give survivors papercuts)
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Well they said on a dev stream a couple months ago that they werent looking to change freddy and look what happened.
I could swear the devs on twitter said they werent changing spirit. Maybe im wrong.
And I can probably find the dev quote on here like a month ago saying they arent looking to change ghostface.
So....if it follows suit couple months its gonna be ghostface.
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Or make his chainsaw be activated with blood rather than oil. Meaning you need to hit survivors to fill his power gauge.
@JawsIsTheNextKiller reduce movement speed and forget to reduce fatigue would be my guess then. And regarding the paper: how about he cannot attack anymore at all, just shouting out salt and while he stands near you in Frenzy, you have 90% slower repair speed because of annoyance.
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Siiiick bait.
Do you do standup? If not you should, cause that's a side splitter.
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What, it was just a joke dude, chill.
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What, that's why I said you should do standup, dude. Chill.
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My bet: Toolboxes are getting nerfed next.
Next killer nerf: Billy. The only thing about Billy that would need a nerf would be the insta-saw but I'm afraid like with Spirit and Nurse a lot more add-ons will get heavily nerfed. It would be enough to make insta-saw add-ons non-stackable.
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Childish post by the OP. So tired of the whining on these forums. Not constructive at all. Killer and survivor nerfs have been a regular thing for some time. Last year it was more survivors than killers, this year it is more killers, but there have also been buffs. Freddy got huge buffs. This recent chain nerf was needed. I've yet to run a turtle build on new Freddy that did not result in a 4k, most of the time with 2-3 gens left. It needs retooling.
At the same time, survivors just had BL nerfed. Quit crying.
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My bet is on Billy, Ghost Face and/or Doctor. Iri Head Huntress and Black Incense Plague will also probably be gone soon.
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What I hope gets nerfed:
Survivors: genrush toolboxes, keys
Killers: Moris
What probably gets nerfed:
Survivors: Solo survivors one way or another
Killers: Billy
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You quit crying and go bark up your own tree. As you can see, plenty of people feel the same, so your opinion absolutely means 💩 dude. Go create your own discussion and see how many people agree with your logic. Have a nice day!
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I don't see anything killer wise that needs nerfs but GF's reveal is jank and needs fixing. (GF main here)
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My money is on a 45 seconds cooldown after every use of the hillbilly's chainsaw.
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Rofl. I'd say I hit a nerve. Just because someone agrees with you does not mean you are right. Heck, wasn't insta heals nerfed recently too? That was a big one. Not saying it was not needed, but a big one.
See the problem is, you are great at the emotional side of this tantrum, but the facts don't support you, at all. Both survivors and killers have been getting hit with nerfs lately. At the same time, some buffs are out there too. Freddy got huge buffs this year.
So here, have a tissue and keep ignoring facts.