Would I be considered a veteran if..

I have been keeping in touch with the game since release BUT haven’t had it since release? I got it at the beginning of 2018 and have been playing it ever since I just want to know if I’d be considered one lmao..
Best Answers
I would assume the technical term for a veteran player is that you have been playing the game since early access/ release.
That being said if you feel like a vet of the game because you have followed it so closely who is to tell you otherwise?
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It's hard to tell. I've been watching Cuphead since its release and watch about 3 different channels who speedrun the game. I wouldn't say I'm a veteran since I've never played it.
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If that makes you a veteran, than I'm a veteran too.
So I say yes.
Absolutely and totally not biased, BTW.
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Seems legit
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Only if u have a legacy ur a vetaran for my personal opinion
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My unit of metric is if you know the different iterations that Sprint Burst has gone through in its life time since launch.
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PFFF of course lmao
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I consider you a veteran if you have more time in the game than I do.
Otherwise I'm the veteran.
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Idk... when were gruesome gateous a thing? Because I started during that... hard to say how much I played on ps4 since the bastard doesn't count play time.
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I'd say you're a veteran if you've eventually reached the same amount of skill as the top players. Or what @TheHoodiedOne said about this.
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There has got to be a back story to this question, did someone claim you weren't a veteran? If so, I wouldn't much worry about it, there's far more important things to argue about. I would consider you a veteran if that helps. I've been on board since hag, seems like a long time ago.
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I wouldn’t say veteran, since you’d have to play the game for awhile to be “considered” as one, but more as somebody who is knowledgeable of the game.
This is something I regret for not getting the game earlier. I’ve ALWAYS wanted to have a legacy prestige but i guess it won’t ever be available again
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I consider veteran if you have over 75% of achievements unlocked and 1000+ hours
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I personally disagree because some people don’t try to get achievements (adepts are most of them) and not everyone plays a lot, but they still play but that’s just my personal opinion no hate towards your opinion ^w^
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How much time do you have? Since I only started towards the beginning of 2018 and play on two seperate platforms I’d say in all for me it’s 600+ hours
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Oh that came out not to long a go rip, near ghost faces release and I came in kind of after legions release I THINK
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1000+ hours
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75% of base or total?
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well actually the opposite, someone said I was and the more I thought about it I was like “oh yeah that actually makes sense lol” so I hopped on forums just to get closure so yeah I guess I’d still considered myself a vet : )