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Is it just me or does it seem like everyone that uses Ghostface plays the same way?



  • Member Posts: 65

    All of the "just reveal him" and "just break him out of it is waaay easier said than done. Y'all know good and well that he detection on him is all messed up and doesn't reveal him until after you're already exposed most of the time.

    That's without his add-ons that stop detection from a certain distance for maximum cheese.

  • Member Posts: 13,032

    Actually its easier done than said, if you try to look over certain collisions you are not revealing him, so just do the good ol' jojo meme if you have to

  • Member Posts: 65

    Actually it's not. I'm red ranks and have played against cheeseface many times. The dectection never works the same way twice in a row. Not to mention he's stalking the whole time so the red circle pops up while you're trying to get the right angle.

  • Member Posts: 72

    It’s called camping and using your power. It’s essentially basement bubba (and no not the fun Monto kind. It’s more of the No0b3 kind). And it’s actually a pretty good strat unless the hooked surv has Kindred.

  • Member Posts: 378

    I see so many problems after reading this

  • Member Posts: 496

    Actually it's a very optimal way to play, with sloppy and nurses hiding your terror radius and sneaking up on people it's way more reliable than the stalking. Especially since you can be broken out out of stealth through walls because his power is broken.

  • Member Posts: 13,032

    I am also red ranks and play and main GhostFace, if you try to look over certain collisions it won't proc, so you need to be behind a wall to reveal him

  • Member Posts: 5

    I usually see ghost face use his power to tunnel people after hiding by a hook.

  • Member Posts: 109

    I've seen it alot but im on console, there's alot of noob killers on xbox even in red ranks

  • Member Posts: 65

    What you're describing might be how it's supposed to work but it's not reality. And even if it was, you'd have to run around the cover to START the reveal by that time you're exposed. That's also one situation you're describing most of the time he doesn't even need cover because the detection sucks. Plus he can stalk from a further distance than you can reveal with addons.

    You can see him coming, keep your camera on him and he still cheeses out an instadown. He's like michael for noobs and feels cheap.

  • Member Posts: 7,318
    edited December 2019

    I don't see many GF players do this. Sure they're toxic and teabag you at hatch but they don't stoop this low.

  • Member Posts: 13,032

    No its actually how it works, I tested it in public and private lobbies, some collisions I.E boxes won't reveal him from the other side at certain angles, if you see him coming you get out of sight so he CAN'T stalk you, wait for him to get in view and reveal him behind the cover, which is why you look around everywhere

    What you do its what you DON'T do against him, if you see him coming from long range you go into hiding, not stare at him while he comes to you

    He is a simple killer to counter, but everyone acts stupid when they can't reveal him from a mile away

  • I was actually thinking of posting this same comment before. I face GFs like this 95% of the time. It’s so annoying. I like being altruistic but every time I save someone I get marked while saving then downed immediately after I unhook, then unhooked survivor gets tunneled. But, this is the hell that is console solo play. I rarely get a LF that doesn’t camp. I rarely get a Spirit that doesn’t leave immediately so she can phase right in on the unhook. I rarely get a Myers that doesn’t slug everyone.

  • Member Posts: 65

    First of all, nobody "acts stupid" when they can't reveal him from a mile away because he can expose you from a mile away. Yes even when you're "RuNnInG iNtO HiDiNg" it's not hard to stay behind obstacles and cheese it out while we're running.

    Second, that's not "what I do" I'm using that as a extreme example of what you'd have to do to actually reveal him.

    Third, I don't care what your friends let you do when you play on "test lobbies" in real games, what I said happens often and his detection has been a topic of complaint for a long time.

    You say simple killer, I'd say cheese killer.

  • Member Posts: 3,047

    Since his release I have seen maybe 2 people do this. Majority of people play the suboptimal build of A Nurse's Calling, Thantophoia, Sloppy Butcher, and Ruin and use his ability just to get the first hit and mind game. Seen a few amazing Ghostface that actually stalk like Ghostface was designed and some of them can be brutally effective at downing people.

  • Member Posts: 13,032

    Yes survivors do, I literally watched a survivor in the red ranks try to reveal me from long range, its hilarious

    My friends I had test the range of detection w/o add-ons, what you can reveal GhostFace over, Safe ways to reveal him without being stalked, in public matches as GhostFace against REAL players I tested other methods of revealing over objects

    He isn't a cheese killer, he is a killer that is simple to reveal in logic, you want to try to bait him out in the open before revealing him as its easier when he cannot hide

    and believe me, some of his detection add-ons only make him more lethal when the survivor is feeling brave

    And the Michael comment, Michael's exposure is WAY better than GhostFace's markings as Michael can just stalk 1 survivor to expose EVERYONE while GhostFace stalks one survivor to mark one survivor. Michael also has way better add-ons than GhostFace and is actually quieter as survivors don't hear the sounds of a bag of chips trying to be opened. In reality GhostFace is Michael's loud little brother

  • Member Posts: 65

    When you see survivors doing that, it's probably because either way they get exposed while running away. You act like cover is just anywhere but 9 times out of 10 you get exposed before you're properly hidden and it's not like you can reveal him from behind cover. He just follows and finishes filling it up if he didn't get it the first time and you have no way of knowing where he is. Its just "hope you don't run into him" and that's not even on open maps.

    Every "solution" you provided does nothing Because no matter what you can just hide and cheese. And all of your test games don't change the fact that he cheeses out instadowns while having built in insidious AND a fast movement speed with NO counterplay.

    Michael takes may more skill because his power is actually balanced while still being really strong.

    Loud little brother? Nah, he's just a lazy and cheap version of MM that takes less skill and is less fun to play against.

  • Member Posts: 296
    edited December 2019

    If I wanted to play like that, I could use that boring build on legion or pretty much any other killer instead. I haven't experienced the reveal through walls issue for months now, so I never took that statement seriously to think stalking is bad, which it definitely isn't. When using NS, you can play both strategies, not just one over the other, and that makes him stronger. Can't say stalk is bad when it helps me achieve 4k wins so easily.

    oPtImAL is becoming my least favorite word after seeing it used so much by dbd players who prefer sweaty playstyles over genuine enjoyment in gameplay, but to all their own I suppose.

  • Member Posts: 62

    Yeah? So have you seen a really annoying build let me tell you put on nemesis pwyf ruin and bbq then come back and say “ruins are you kidding me” yes and your lucky that’s the only perk I use to slow the game down (DONT KILL ME MONTO) there are some really nasty builds out there but pwyf nemesis ruin bbq are absolutely ridiculous so if they made a balance by nerfing his flick as it’s called then so be it I honestly do not like this killer at all my opinion theyyyyyyyy could have done better

  • Member Posts: 531

    Had to read over this 4 times before I could understand you. Grammar goes far. Anyway, yeah I made a thread asking the devs why they nerfed a really bad perk like balanced landing when stuff like dead hard and head-on exists. Now there's no reason to ever run balanced over even sprint burst (which is super bad also)

  • Member Posts: 120

    Lots of people play him but im rank 4 and i never see him camping like youve described. And besides the easiest way to deal with a camper once you realize what hes doing is to do gens instead.

  • Member Posts: 1,110


    I usually see people playing Ghosface the tru3ta1ent way. I'm not a fan of tru3, but his Ghostface build and style is legit as hell.

  • Member Posts: 5,897

    You're lucky then. Most Ghostface's I encounter play like this.

  • Member Posts: 164

    I'm at red rank on ps4 and I've never seen this. Those that have or gets it a lot must just have bad luck with killers that have to use scummy tactics.

  • Member Posts: 1,784, not really.

    However I do see EVERY Ghostface play the 'just stealth and M1 everyone' way with Sloppy and Nurse's.

    Like I get it, but so much of his potential is missed this way. Truthfully I think people do it because it's way easier than trying to stalk with him, I think Ghostface is legitimately pretty damn hard to play really well. Gotta keep a lot in mind.

  • Member Posts: 7,318

    I myself prefer not to stalk with GF because you never know how jank revealing is gonna be at that moment.

  • Member Posts: 102

    TBH a ghostface that stalks is a good ghostface like im a GF main and i dont tunnel unless its a toxic nea but good GFs im not talking about tunneling ones, I'm talk about ones that take the time to stalk are good ones

  • Member Posts: 36

    I've only ever had, like 1 Ghostface pull this, but fucken Wraiths, every level, from red ranks to 20's constantly hook n hide. Idk if this is just a PS4 thing...

  • Member Posts: 13

    I personally see this alot not sure about pc players so i cant speak for them but on ps4 and xbox they play like this 75% of the time if not they just use his speed boost like a legion with no mending effect and dont even use their stalking power and just teabag, another one is tunneling and bring a mori and killing everyone first hook and they would also use the first method of this whole thread so help with that and they love to teabag like they did something amazing for some reason.That normally what happens when i get a Gf it makes me not wanna play that match and makes me ready for the next one lolll but its the game people are gonna play like that when they really want a 4k badly or just to be a [BADWORD]. We kinda have to get over it even tho it sucks.

  • Member Posts: 243

    Wraiths are definitely the king of camp still but the Ghostface insidious crouch camp tunneling is definitely an issue. Then killer mains wonder why everyone brings borrowed time and DS. Solo survivor is becoming a drag. It's hard to even try to play around with new perk builds since survivor perks are not great to begin.

  • Member Posts: 1,776
  • Member Posts: 830

    What rank are you at? I wonder if its more of a rank thing than a playstyle thing.

  • Member Posts: 2,213
    edited December 2019

    The one GF I had that did this was easy to deal with once my team figured out what he was doing. Except Claudette. She just kept running in.

    I just didn't go for unhooks because I'm a scaredy puss. I'll just let the randos deal with it. Got 4 gens done myself that game.

  • Member Posts: 72

    but He won’t be in his power unless the person on the hook is a total scrub. Meaning he is detectable.

  • Member Posts: 198

    This is absolutely a trash strategy. All you've done in this post is say "I'm bad, my teams are bad, and we always lose to awful strategies with numerous, simple counters."

    Try exposing him. Try genrushing while he camps. Run decisive strike. If you lose to a killer that camps and tunnels one by one, your team did very poorly.

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