Why don't devs just get rid of Renjiro's Bloody Glove add-on

A dev previously said you have an option to play the Oni ability or to get information on survivors, it's your choice. So how about a choice of deleting that Oni add-on huh, why would people buy the new Oni killer and then choose not to use his ability for that scrap addon, what kind of logic is this.
If they ask people to make a choice like this, why don't devs have an option to disable that red addon in the bloodweb so players don't have to spend 7k bloodpoint to get that trash out of the way?
I pay money to play the new killer ability and then devs be like if you want to use the addon to get some survivors information you have to sacrifice his ability progress and be a basic M1 killer, doesn't that what bhvr mean? They can even change to 1s I don't care, just don't take away the killer ability.
Tbh it would be a more acceptable change if survivors cannot see blood orbs in the lastest patch and they can roaming around absorbing, sucking blood all they want, no one would complain about that. I never use this addon from the start, but with this change it seems to be easily abused by one side regardless of its function.
You didn't have to pay money to play with the oni. That was your choice.
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aNoThEr OnE of those people that say not buying the DLC rather than complaining and give feedback. Im getting used to this.
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They never stated not to buy it. They stated you didn't have to pay, as in IRL cash. Oni is available for 9K Shards. And as for the Add-On, nobody has a gun to your head to use it, so if you don't like it, don't use it. Problem solved.
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Did you pay money for that one addon?
If you don't like it then don't use it.
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I don't, but it's getting in my way of acquiring perks and items and I don't want to lose 7k bp for nothing, just please, people, read my post
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Scratched mirror myers gets rid of his T2 and T3 for information. Do you complain about that add-on as well?
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It’s not that bad, if you don’t want it just avoid it the best you can, but the add on is always there as an option in case you change you mind about it
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The same could be said for ANYTHING on the Bloodweb. I go through so many useless Add-Ons for my killers, and I'm wasting BP, so with your logic, we should just delete every Add-On people fine useless, and just keep the super powerful ones. Point is, you have to waste BP on the Bloodweb either way to make any progress. And as we've stated: Don't use it if you don't like it.
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Man... if I could choose to never have the fog offerings appear... so many saved bps
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The entire point of it now is that you trade off power for information. Instead of it just being a no brainer of "yeah its amazing", you get a price for its strength. Not only that, it offers counterplay in match too, since the survivors can see blood orbs, and can make the decision of "do i pick up the orbs to deprive the killer of them, but in doing so reveal my aura?"
In my opinion, its one of the fairest red add ons in the game, and more red add ons should be like it *cough* iridescent heads *cough*
And as for your idea of turning off the ability to even see them in your bloodwebs, thats idiotic. Theres tons of things in bloodwebs i wouldn't use, and if you could just turn them off, it'll eventually just be the 2 addons you like, perks, and moris
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Either way you have to buy it with time or money
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And my point still stands, regardless of your chosen payment. And if you chose to buy it Day 1, then that's on you. You should know by this time, with ANY Game DLC, the Day 1 release is never the final release. There's always going to be some sort of change to it.
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And then survivors gonna abuse it...
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Glad we agree you didn't have to pay money for it.
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Cause then he'll only have 19 Add-ons, which does not fit what they want for Killers.
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I hope so, it doesn't a problem to me cause I don't use it from the start, but still I need to give the feedback, I was complaining about ghostface ability abused by OoO back then, glad it's all good.
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If the Oni would have 0m TR I wouldnt complain about the Oni addon. And Demogorgon gets information for free, no downsides or power loss with his ultra rare. Clown insta down addon doesn't have downsides. Insta reopen bear traps don't have downsides...
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the addon isn't that bad honestly, you get 40% of your power from hitting healthy survivors and it has a passive recharge so you still going to be able to use your power. The only difference is that you wont find large amounts of blood from survivors healing instead you will see them heal and for a few seconds where they go after healing.
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You really crying about an addon that lets you see people when they're injured on Oni but not on Plague? Why would they remove this addon when 1) they just made Oni so much less fun to play, let's be real, and 2) addons like iri head and black incense are allowed?
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If the devs would've removed the ability of survivors to see blood orbs the addon would be fine. In it's current state it's just a trash addon like torn bookmark.
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It lets you see them whenever they spit out blood orbs which is whenever they're injured, and it lasts for 3 seconds, how is that "barely"? If you're not injuring survivors then Idk what to tell you man
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Oh man one day late on the news, my bad dude. Not everyone reads patch notes as soon as they come out my guy
So they nerfed an OP addon? Great, why would they remove it now lol. They should focus on nerfing other OP addons rather than removing ones that aren't even as much of a problem now
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Blind for not opening an article and reading it? I mean... Ok
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I don't see any article that says "Renjiro's Bloody Glove change" in the headline but alright
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Idk why it's such an outrageous idea that we just get a strong and fun addon without some extreme negative attached. Oni's glove for example, it's a decent effect but not crazy strong enough to need a negative on it. The devs seem obsessed with having a negative on all them for some reason even when it's not warranted.
A competent group of survivors are gonna bully him even more when they realize he's running this.
Aside from a couple ultra rares that warrant the negative on them, almost all the killers ultra rares don't deserve the negative attached to them. For most of them the negatives even outweigh the value they'd bring. This is why for the majority of the killers now their ultra rares aren't even close to their best addons.
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So nobody is going to talk about the fact that black incense on the plague came first, and gave her far more free tracking than Renjiro with absolutely no downsides besides having to infect people first? Nobody? Really? Okay. I'll keep using it then since nobody seems to care.
Look, I know this is a hard concept for survivors to understand but ultra rare addons should be powerful. That's the whole point of them being rare. Imagine if BNP repaired 25% of your current gen but regressed the next one you touched by 25%. Or if you used an anti hemo syringe and it put you in the broken status the next time you got injured. That wouldnt be fun, would it? Probably not.
(Some) survivors have this weird viewpoint that everything a killer does needs to have an intense downside, and that just isn't fun gameplay for the killer. Because, as hard as this is to fathom, killer players want to have fun too. I'm not saying things should not have drawbacks. But when the drawbacks outweigh the bonuses then you have a block of lead for an add-on that nobody will use. I'm 90% certain that Billy's future ultra rares are going to be useless. Look at Family Crest and Renjiro's Crappy Glove. Look at Demogorgons lame addons. This is the direction they are taking killer addons and it doesn't look good.
TL;DR: An UR add-on should be either transformative of the killer's power or strong enough to justify any downside. Not just a blatant additional handicap.
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That's an entirely different story, as Scratched mirror doesn't let you go past t1 anymore, but it gives you the ability to see auras in a 32m radius, and in tier 1 you have no terror radius and no red stain. That is balanced as you get aura reading, while sacrificing instadowns or a faster movement speed.
While the Onis glove add on basically gives you the ability to track survivors, but you become a total m1 killer. That is not balanced as you are very easily loopable, all to just track survivors better.