On 99% Exit Gates - one possible change

We all do this: 99% an exit gate to avoid EGC and Bloodwarden.
Someone already proposed to make Exit Gates slowly regress if not fully opened, but that would be unfair in certain scenarios.
But what if...
Exit Gates can go till 90% as it is now, but the last 10% must be completed in one go. If a survivor stops opening the gate, the gate regresses to 90%.
A slight UI change would be nice to easily tell survivors what's going on, I can imagine two ways to do this:
- add a vertical bar at the 90% mark. Once the progress reaches the vertical bar it lights up, and stays lit even if the survivor leaves the door.
- the "Opening Exit Gate" progress bar stays the same, but the time to completely fill it is 9/10 (...90%). The wording changes from "Opening Exit Gate" to "Unlocking Exit Gate". When this step is completed, the progress bar resets to a new "Opening Exit Gate", which visualises the remaining 10%.
It could be even possible to add an audio cue for the killer once a gate reaches the 90% status, not that important, but still..
EDIT: to whoever is curious on why I propose this change, I elaborated it a bit in this reply: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/comment/913346/#Comment_913346
Or what if killers could open exit gates survivors have 99'd?
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That seems like a fair change.
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I like this change. It prevents survivors from opening a gate mid-chase, thus encouraging them to just open the gates and trigger the EGC timer instead of leaving it at 99 for ages.
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On a serious note: Blood Warden buff would be terrifying. EGC isn't to pressure survivors more just to keep the game going. This "minor change" is unnecessary.
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Doesn't have the fundumental problem regression does at least, but still isn't required
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Not a necessary change needed at all. If you want the EGC to start just open the gate yourself.
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How often does the Killer have the luxury of opening the gates themselves? How often is that actually a good play? Usually, the Killer has more important things to do than doing the survivors' work for them.
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This is such a bruh moment. A 99% gate is only different from an open gate because the EGC does not activate. Yes, it is worth the killer's time to activate the EGC
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99% is fine.
Removing that would just encourge survivors to dip and not try for end game saves.
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I'm asking you: When was the last time you had a moment where you had the luxury of walking up to a 99% exit gate and opening it as Killer? When was the last time that actually made a difference on the outcome of a match? I can't recall a single situation where I wasn't either busy doing something else (Like protecting a hook) or where it wouldn't have made a difference.
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If you want to get survivors out faster activate the EGC.
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Don't dodge the question, dude: When was the last time you actually had a good opportunity to open the exit gates as Killer, and opening the exit gates actually had an impact on the outcome of a match?
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That's why if they complete the gens I immediately go and open a gate. Problem solved.
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You haven't truly played killer until you've tried Blood Warden with Fire Up
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That's your only answer? Other than BW, which to a coordinated swf is a dead giveaway you're using the perk, there really is no reason to waste time attempting to open the gate rather than finding any survivors that are circling the map. A very rare case is if you have the remaining survivors in a rough spot during the endgame with 1+ hooked survivors.
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A 4 minute timer is more than enough time to perform a hook save, so I don't see survivors leaving as soon as the EGC initiates. 😁🤗
Also, I don't see the big deal with a timer, the only problem is when the timer is getting low because survivors kept trading hooks. However, at that point, the killer played well enough to defend a sacrifice for 4 minutes, so it's definitely fair in my opinion that they get a sacrifice from that.
Most players can agree that the EGC isn't supposed to kill survivors, but moreover, just to end the game.
If a 2 minute timer is going to get you killed, then I don't think the Exit Gates are the problem at that point — you simply wasted too much time trying to make a save.
The only reasonable argument is BW, but that can be fixed by having the EGC start when the 5th generator is completed. The EGC will tick down at 50% the speed until one of the Exit Gates are opened. This shouldn't be a huge deal because 4 minutes should be more than enough time to open the Exit Gates or prime them when they need to be opened. 😁🤗
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Well, I don't have either of those perks, so it seems like a moot point.
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I never said the EGC is supposed to kill survivors. BW doesn't need a buff.
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@ Every answer the like just open the Exit Gate as killer if you want to trigger EGC:
that's not the point. As a killer you (usually) don't want EGC to trigger (I'll come back to this), because the timer works not just against survivors, but against you as well (and also because an open exit gate is dangerous for a killer - exactly like a 99% gate). The point of my suggestion is that right now survivors 99% exit gates in order to guarantee an escape without risking bloodwarden (1) and have time to unhook everyone (2). Once the unhooked survivors is near an exit gate, just tap it and you're done - borrowed time and DS do the rest.
Also, even if a killer has bloodwarden and wants to trigger EGC, most of the times it is not possible for him to open the gate before hooking a survivor - the only viable scenario where this is possible is when the downed survivor is right next to the gate. This change could induce survivors to open the exit gates instead of 90% them, indirectly buffing bloodwarden, but what I think will most likely happen is that survivors will simply have to be more careful in their last minute escape.
In other words, no more hook bombing by the 3 survivors remaining (if that is the case), and no more injured survivors escaping from the killer just because they tap for 0.1 seconds the door.
That's actually not true: before EGC was a thing, survivors would open the exit gates all the time, and almost no one went for it if a survivor was still on hook - NOED not withstanding of course.
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I think you're a little mixed up.
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I always had the idea that it would regress instantly completely the moment you let go, but the lights on the Switch would work as checkpoints for the progress bar.
When you open the door for 25%, the first light goes on like usual and it won't drop past 25% if you let go.
When at 50%, it won't drop past that, same for 75%, and 100% of course is complete.
Then buff Wake Up! so that the user of the Perk ignores this and uses the current rules of the Exit Gate Switches.
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I know, but if I didn't say the general facts, my point wouldn't make sense to some people and I didn't mean to put words into your mouth, my apologies.
BW doesn't need a buff, but EGC needs to do its job better is what I'm trying to say. 😁
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Good idea :)
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I don't get what that has to do with exit gates
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no u
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I don't believe removing a valid survivor tactic is warranted here.
IMO, I wish survivors would just leave and stop adding to the kill rate over risky saves.
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Isn't that part of the fun? ;)
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Sure its fun. I just wish the survival to kill ratio wasn't used for balance.
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I agree.
Step One: Fix Ranking System, Killer can pip on 2k at any rank please
Step Two: Base game balance on pip rate of certain killers and pip rate of survivors facing them.
Devs need to stick to their guns that they don't care whether or not survivors escape
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Remember that my suggestion is to regress to 90%, not less. A gate is opened in 20 seconds, meaning that the last 10% needs just 2 seconds.
Survivors can still counter EGC / bloodwarden, but they would need to be slightly more careful, and that would be enough to have a more interesting end game sometimes.
For example, I can imagine that stealth killers would become much more frightening if you don't open the doors.
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Exit Gates allows the killer to use BW if it's opened.
The EGC starts when the Exit Gates are opened.
The problem is BW effectively removes 60 seconds from the clock, and that's the main reason why many people don't like the 99% thing to get removed. 😕
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Ok...sorry for asking. I forgot all you people treat us like we're stupid. I'm not getting a straight answer from you no matter how I ask, am I?
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What a silly statement usually if it gets to that point the killer is camping whatever survivor they have hooked if any
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Maybe I miss understood the question, what do you want me to answer? Let's start over.
I probably got confused by a pronoun and assumed you wanted this when you actually wanted that.
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What’s wrong with the way it is now?
I use BW sometimes and I have no issues opening the gate myself. You just gotta position yourself properly.
If anything maybe the last gen about to pop can light up red, kind of like a Tinkerer effect so you know which gate would be best to open.
Post edited by Johnny_XMan on0 -
Again, my suggestion is not aimed at Bloodwarden - yes it could help (but imho most likely won't), but that would be a side effect.
In a normal scenario what would happen is that a survivor is hooked not that close to a gate, now here's what happens:
one or two exit gates are 99%, one survivor is hooked and the others are healing up, readying up for the save. Now the killer can choose if to camp (most likely scenario) or try to down another survivor.
Camping killer
Survivors, once ready, go all near the hook, try to bodyblock the killer until the survivor is eventually unhooked with borrowed time (or even without it - usually killers won't hit the hooked survivor just because of the thought of BT). Now survivors run towards the 99% exit gate, and the first to reach it just needs a tap and everyone is saved.
With my change, the Exit Gate needs 2 seconds to open, meaning that the first survivor to reach the gate needs to have at least a 2 seconds of killer walking speed advantage on the killer, otherwise he won't be able to open the exit gates in time.
Survivors can easily counter this problem by opening the Exit Gate before going for the save. However now if they fail for some reason the unhooking, and someone else is downed, they have the problem of the EGC - raising the stress for the team and, of course, risking a bloodwarden.
Try to down another survivor
There can be situations where camping wouldn't be needed, maybe because you already know where an injured survivor is, maybe because you are very confident on your skill.. Either way, with a 99% door any injured survivor can easily escape once they see the killer coming, there's absolutely no risk involved. In other words, the killer will most likely lose both the chased survivor and the hooked one.
With a 90% exit gate the killer has a bit more plays at his disposal though.
To summarise, 99% vs 90% can change things and increase the risk/reward ratio (which right now is totally unbalanced toward the reward side). As it is now there's basically nothing to debate: the correct play is to 99% an exit gate, not to open it if not absolutely necessary.
With my change survivors need to make a choice - which should be a good thing gameplay wise:
- open it, and increase the chances for your escape, but decrease the chances for everyone's (especially the hooked ones)
- leave it at 90%, and slightly decrease your chances to escape, but give more time for the team to save everyone
EDIT: also note that I think, but I may be wrong, that Devs don't really acknowledge the 99% tactic right now, proof being their Master Challenges where it is asked to unhook survivors during the EGC. But Gates are 99% all the time, so yeah, some considerations on this should be made.
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If you're camping EGC doesn't affect you at all lmfao? What is your point?
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So a new player at rank 20 with one yellow perk for the new character finally survives to the last generator and lo, the Find the Exit appears... are they really going to know to stop at 99% in case whoever the killer is may be running BW?
And I am talking a solo player with no friends in the game yet. As regards opening the gate itself, I open them. I dont care about BW because to play assuming the killer "always" has one nasty perk is crazy.
The number of times I have been at the opening the gate part and been downed at 95% complete... smh
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There’s nothing wrong with being able to 99 a door when killers can open it themselves
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No one 99's to avoid EGC. It's literally for avoiding Bloodwarden. The second the person gets put on hook, the gates typically open immediately afterward if someone is on it
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thats a no from me , for several reasons.
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No. The entire EGC is favoring killers. They don't need this. There is absolutely nothing unfair about 99'ing an exit gate.
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Clearly, you haven't truly played killer if you think either one of those perks is a valid reason to abandon a hooked survivor to go open a gate.
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I don’t know what rank are you on, but I assure you that at high ranks this is far from true.
Can you tell us a couple of those ^^?
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EGC should start as soon as all generators are repaired, IMHO.
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What's the problem with 99ing the exit gates? I see a lot of things where survivors would need nerfs, but imho this isn't one of them.
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You can lose out on potential kills by cutting the match shorter
killer can guard the doors until egc counts out
I think in the end it will be about the same results for both sides as it is now, so why change the coding for it? Just seems like unnecessary work, where their efforts could be put to better use.