Killers AFK in game... what is going on?
So, since yesterday I find a lot of AFK killers during my games as survivors... and for a lot, I mean A LOT! Just consider that tonight I had 5th games in a ROW! without a killer...
I tried to ask each game why they doing this, but nobody gave me a certain answer. Someone says it's because the queue as killer is taking hours, but I've tried to play as killer and my queues were actually pretty quick.
Only one killer answered my question and he said it was because he wanted to derank, so he could do the achieves' quests more easily
Is it because the Archives? They are hard yea but pretty doable to be honest (I'm red rank without SWF)
Are you guys having the same issue? Honestly it's becoming more and more annoying, I'm not even that good of a survivor but being able to do ONLY generators is pretty boring :/
For instance, some killers I found tend to afk the whole game and then comeback when there's the collapse, starting to oneshot survs with NOED... maybe it's a sort of a challenge???
could be farming rift shards I've encountered afk killers doing this
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P.S: sorry for the weak english, I hope everything's understandable
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Sometimes I accidentally go afk as killer because I expect queue to last 20 minutes it only lasts 15
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Ooh, makes sense. Didn't think about it. It sure is the most probable thing, even tho damn it's getting more and more popular :/ playing as survivor is becoming useless
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Deranking to get the tome challenges more easily and farming xp for the rift
Or deranking to avoid the sweaty ranks
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I understand, but it may happen once, maybe twice...
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Right before rank reset every season you get survivors and killers afking to derank.
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Never happened before to be honest
and I play since late 2016
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Maybe you are the lucky boi to never experience this.
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This is how people my age talk.
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I've gone afk a couple times. Hey, when you gotta go, you gotta go. Ain't getting no wet farts or Doo Doo stains on my couch... 😂
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Maybe they are de ranking, because low ranks sucks.
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Not this frequently at least x)
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I play on ps4 so.... If they don't message me, I don't message them when duty calls... Lmao
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Probably trying to de rank so they can get placed further down the brackets when reset hits.
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The is a specific killer challenge if you look to kill 2 during the EGC.
Most survivors leave the exit gates at 99% to avoid Bloodwarden until they can safely exit together, meaning it can be difficult to get this challenge.
I imagine as rank reset now will not derank people as far, they are trying to get into games where survivors are more likely to make mistakes and allow some of the challenges to be completed.
I struggled even in purple ranks to get the basement hooks at the same time done, because survivors know what you’re trying to do and actively avoid the situation; as survivor I’ve been 1 hooked in the basement a couple of times because my teammates just avoid the area as killers will hover around desperate to complete the challenge.