Hex: Huntress Lullaby and Hex QoL
It feels like beating a dead horse at this point, but could Huntress Lullaby not show an icon until at least 1 stack is in play? The fact that Survivors know instantly to destroy it keeps this perk from being viable imo.
Imagine if another perk that required stacking, like Devour Hope, was displayed on the Survivors' screen at the start of the game. It makes a niche perk practically unusable. And I for one could use some variety over the monotony of Ruin and PGTW.
On that note, I'd like to see hex totems not become lit until 30 seconds in to give viability to hexes that have no effect when the game starts. Sure, it's a gamble to use a hex because it can be broken, but it feels especially bad when that perk wasn't even giving you a benefit before it was taken away. And 30 seconds is not so long that it over-buffs the other hexes.
What do you think?
The Hex notification for Lullaby actually doesn't pop up for Survivors until they fail a Skillcheck with this patch.
Debuff perks no longer appear on the Survivors in-game HUD until the debuff is applied. This is true for the following perks: Coulrophobia, Overwhelming Presence and Unnerving Presence.
This line in the patch notes ,although it doesn't mention it, is also relevant to Huntress Lullaby.