Are insta heals In a good place?

I started playing around when ghostface was gonna get in.and after playing I thought insta heals were crazy they were crazy to save someone from dying but I think it was because I sucked so I needex insta heals. Now I feel the super rare is pretty good if you decrease the 16 secs with a addon but the purple kinda sucks I feel it's better to hide from the killer then use your whole med kit to give someone endurance. I don't know what do you think?
styptic is still a free hit
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They are fair. Worth using but not overpowered.
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Insta heals are still good. If you're a good survivor and not using a Syringe like a dunce 16 seconds should be an easy time to cover.
Purple add on is arguably better, It actually grants you a free hit from Exposed effect now since it's endurance instead of one healed state.
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You can decrease the 16 seconds depending on your healing speed boosted by add ons or perks by the way.
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they are trash. normal medkit is better
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Most of the time the killer knows I used the purple one and just waits the 8 seconds before hitting me. Sometimes you can pop it around a corner but if they're paying attending they'll notice you don't have a medkit anymore. It should be increased to 16 seconds or so.
I think the ultra rare one is in a good place though.
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They're not insta heals. One is 8-16 seconds and the other doesn't even heal you.
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They are still good to run, not stupidly powerful how they were. They’re fun to use as survivor, and not annoying to deal with anymore as killer.
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Exactly this.
Needle is fine. Styptic is still kind of dumb.
IMO they should both auto-heal over a certain period. 20s needle and 40s styptic, and they are immune to buffs/debuffs. Shouldn't use up the medkit either, just the add-on like BNP.
That would make them both totally fine. It's more of a "heal while doing something else" boost instead of a free hit.
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Got used to calling it with that term but you do understand my point ,ya?
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no mather how dumb or bad or good you think styptic/needle are rn, i like 1 thing, now there is no insta picking up survivors from ground, i can deal with BT in bottle, but at least there is no "hey you downed him? heh nope"
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Much healthier for the game now, requires a bit more talent to make use of without ripping off the killers efforts.
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Styptic is still really good, but syringe got nerfed too hard -- 16 seconds is nearly worthless, unless you're already safe. Any good killer is gonna haul butt to hit you if you randomly pop a medkit in the middle of a chase, and syringe does nothing to prevent it's waste.
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They’re ok, they aren’t worth using anymore in my opinion. Plus I wish they would bring the bloodpoint cost down since they are so damn expensive and not that great anymore.
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I think the purple should be the pink addon. The heal in 16 seconds and beyond useless..
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Yeah I got ya lol. Just being a dingleberry
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They’re 7k for a heal over time that completely depletes the med kit. Most med kits with add on will heal you faster than the pink one. They’re too expensive for something that is not that great. Survivors only get around 25k bp a game and that’s if the game was good, not using offerings or wglf. That’s almost half your points from a game.
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ur funny “20 seconds” and “40 seconds” whats the POINT u can use a regular or a teammate literally are u okay in the head?
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They seem fine to me? Haven't really felt super OP so far.
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You can’t use it unless you’re injured, so it wouldn’t protect you from a Chainsaw but if you’re a t full health
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Styptic is fine imo, but the syringe needs a buff, maybe from 16 to 12 or 8 seconds.
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I wish BHVR just deleted it. They are waaaay expensive for their "feature". I just want them out of my bloodweb.
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Syringe needs a buff or it's rarity needs to be changed.
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What? Of course you can't use a Medkit when you're not injured lol what are you on about.
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i’ve used it and it’s pretty bad.
tbh i’m just waiting for that Ebony nerf 😋
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You can literally do other things while you heal. They shouldn't be used mid-chase for a free hit. They should be used to counter anti-heal builds and save you the time of healing yourself.
You use an insta, you can work on a gen and heal while you do the gen.
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Styptic is pretty powerful, syringe is useless
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Syringe is great still if you're good. Styptic as well, if you're a bad survivor neither is useful.
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Styptic agent is basically the same as before, so no.
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i have over 100 of these things on all my characters just sitting there. Not being used, I personally think there pointless, especially on console we’re there is a delay to use things, you will click the heal and click the insta button and it’s still there the input to the control to the game is slow and it’s starting to anoying me when I’m doing basic actions example healing ,flashlight saving, unhooking there is even a delay... pallet dropping it’s all so delayed you do the action and it performs the action 10 mins later. I also love that because swf abuse a feature it means the rest of the people have to be punished. 16 seconds to heal when I’m in mid chase ... I’d rather put on the heal perk and jump in a locker , they should just be removed all together I don’t enjoy spending think it’s 6 thousands but or 5 thousand blood points on a add on that’s pointless now, I think half the stuff on the game needs to be removed it’s pointless, like who users half the add-one on a flashlight? I’d rather spend my points in battery’s, and offerings
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You said it grants you a free hit from the exposed effect, how? If you’re at full health and exposed, by Haunted ground for example, it isn’t giving you any protection.
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This guy gets it! The old insta heal was way too strong, especially against M1 killers it made them require three hits to down a survivor, the new ones are good but not mindless.
Unhook someone, predict or hear the killer coming back, give them the heal then split up, you both gain distance from the killer and they’ll heal to full before being caught.
See someone on the ground who hasn’t recovered yet, give them the heal while the killer is close and he will almost certainly chase you and leave them slugged, now they’ll get up when he’s a bit farther away, this can lead to them unhooking someone else and snowball. I’ve had games with one down, two on hook and then I do this and the killer chases me. While he did get me and down me by that time all three of my teammates were back in the game and we came back to win. That turned a 4K into a 4 escape.
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They are still good, both of them. Both also have some form of Counterplay, if the Killer waits for 10 seconds, he can usually counter both (too long for the purple, too short for the pink).
However, they are not worth the 6k/7k BPs.
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most stuff on the web isn’t “worth it.” Mists, over half of the addons for most killers never get played, even the bonus point ones are barely worth it IF you max out that category in a game. They need something to fill space, what else would they make the ultra rare? Medkits, mo thanks they would be too scarce then.
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I mean, there is no reason to have an Ultra Rare for Medkits. In fact, every Ultra Rare (except Keys, but it is only a matter of time) on Survivors Side is not worth the BPs, because they all got nerfed (justified, but still too expensive afterwards).
And I agree, I have so many Stuff which I will never use. Maybe at one point they will introduce the option to sell Add-Ons or Offerings for a small amount of BP.
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Please yes!!! Even like 25% would add up with some of the junk I have.
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Styptic's very similar to before with the added benefit of helping vs instadowns. It just requires the survivor to use it in the correct situation now, otherwise they get nothing out of it.
Syringe seems fine to me, honestly I almost feel like they should have their rarities swapped. I like using it with a medkit that lets me heal once normally and then have the syringe for a second heal along with a healing speed increasing add-on to go with it.
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Duh. What's the point of this argument? Same thing applies to prior nerfed Instas. You use it obviously when you're injured. The difference is that instead of healing one health state back then it gives you a Endurance status effect now meaning you can take one hit from Exposed instead of your Insta being pointless since it just gives a Health state Pre nerfed.
Purple Add on right now is arguably better, They worked and give the same conclusion. It lets you tank a hit but the purple as of now is more versatile in its function.
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It's trash now to be honest because you will have to be very lucky to pull it off and have to be in the right situation for it. Just like mettle of man almost.
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thats like a even worse second wind its literally bot worth. I can tell ur a killer main.
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They are absolutely garbage, but i am fine with that both as a killer as a survivor
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It makes you mend so it isnt great
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Purple insta is still bs imo. Pink is finally balanced, maybe even a bit bad.
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I feel like the Syringe is in a good place, but it should only decrease charges upon use, not deplete the entire medkit immediately, the Styptic seems very clunky to use overall, so I'd be happy to see some quality of life changes, no idea what these could be though 😏
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Whichever one is the Borrowed Time in a bottle, I really wish I could use it while moving someone... if that's what you mean by clunky I feel the same it's weird to pause mid chase to hit it
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Are one shot hatchets in a good place?
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I feel like 99.99% of the playerbase would agree they should go away
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Not if the killer's sentient and notices that a survivor's medkit is suddenly gone, still gives you a bit of distance though.