Legion's most OP build

To make this OP build come true, you need these addons:
- Frank's Mix Tape,
- Stab Wounds Study or Etched Ruler.
You can use whatever perks you want.
You will want from Survivors to vault windows and pallets to make their Deep Wound timer go down.
You can't lose with this build, guaranteed!
Optional: Everytime you put a Survivor on a Hook activate Feral Frenzy and hit them as much as you can, before the end of Feral Frenzy.
Please don't tell devs about this op build.
This is the most creative way to ask for the Stab Wounds Study and Frank's Mixtape to be reworked i have ever seen
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I actually played it yesterday for some depiping finding out that it's actually pretty viable (and it was hard to depip) :D
You have to be wise though. You cannot tunnel too much without pressuring other survivors if you want to 4k. But if you just want to have fun it's great combo.
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Wait i'm confused...Vaulting lowers your DW timer? How many vaults would you need like 15?
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Deep wounds lowers when the survivor is not running and you don't run while in vaulting animation
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So say yo got hit with tape and study how many vaults would you need to force a down?
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Let's say that the Survivor will always do fast vaults (wiki says that the window fast vault takes 0.5 seconds), Deep Wound timer from the Legion takes 30 seconds to down a Survivor, so Survivor will need to fast vault the window 60 times to go down I think. Pretty op imo.
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Don't forget the most op part, franks and stab wounds study lol. But they do shorten that time noticeably
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If you apply SWS and then FMT you will have 17.5 until you go down, so it will take 35 window fast vaults to down them, if you wouldn't hit them anymore with FF.
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Dang here i was thinking there was actually some crazy Legion build i didn't know of lol
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That loadout I call, HELP I'VE FALLEN, AND I CAN'T GET UP!