Devs, is Freddy safe? (licensing problems..?)

Paulie explains in the video how Freddy isn’t available or even mentioned on the windows, and nintendo store. He then talks about how certain perks from the chapter had to be changed to placeholder icons (like Bill for console). All of this had to do with the wes craven estate recently gaining the rights to Freddy again, but he also states that internationally, Freddy’s rights are owned by another company.
I’ve known about the estate getting the rights to Freddy but I never thought anything of it, tbh I thought it was a good thing because the chance of og cosmetics. Really just curious if Freddy will be fine or will he have to be changed, remade, or removed. If it’s anything like the F13th lawsuit then oof. I’m positive nothing will but just wondering.
I don't see why changing the owners of the property would change anything that was agrees on prior to the change
I'm not a lawyer ofcourse so i'm not sure
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I don't think it will end up the same as F13. They weren't good devs to their community and obviously made poor decisions.
However, I'm not familiar with laws and agreements either. Too much brain work for that 😋
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I just hope Freddy can have Wes Craven's New Nightmare cosmetics now that he is owned by the Craven Estate again.
I love Freddy and I wish to have him have his old look compared to the 2010 version and new cosmetics.
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Most likely, who knows what will happen ig, I’m sure everything will be just fine buuut a “nothing will happen” from a dev or mod would feel nice 🤣
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Changed perk icons? Where?
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If you watch Paulie's video Wes Craven only own the license in America so it's still a co-ownership... so prolly no cosmetics at all.
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Yeah, I don't think Freddy and Quentin will be removed from the game but I do believe getting cosmetics and the NOES chapter on other platforms just got exceptionally harder. I hope for the best in the long run though, it sucks being without content, especially for something as big as NOES, at least the perks are being added.
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Yeah that's definitely how it works in the United States, the new owners inherit all of the previous agreements. So those could still be enforced. It's like when Disney purchased Marvel, Spider-Man stayed with Sony and the Hulk with Universal, etc. Disney was not happy about these agreements they had to honor, especially the exclusivity ones in perpetuity.
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I dont see him goung ne where. I just think hes not getting ne cosmetics or ne thing else. Sance they confirm that they are making another freddy movie. Sance they confirm that they are making another movie. The dbd dev cant do ne thing else with him. But thats what i think. But if im wrong. Sorry
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I believe they have to honor all previous contracts. As for future agreements...
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Not my Freddy....
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The Friday devs skip out and made the predator game now. Hopefully they don't messed that one.
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Freddy boy not going no where unless behaviour loses its licence content then they unfortunately have to remove him off all platforms not just one of two if that makes sense .
Let's see what behaviour has to say before jumping to conclusions folks .
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I mean, they can't remove him from people that have already purchased him. But losing the license to continue selling him is entirely possible, yes. That's how the legal system works. Will it happen? Who knows, but it is indeed possible.
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This only means 2 things:
1-new cosmetics for Freddy and Quentin from different movies!
or ...
2-there will be no cosmetics for anyone and the chapter of a nightmare on elm street will never be available for future consoles; (
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Here's my pitch. Try and switch Freddy to Englund's model and give him voice overs! Like a "welcome to my nightmare" when you enter dream or something. Lots of great quotes to use. At least a laugh when you drop a fake pallet.
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I would even pay for the DLC twice over just so Englund is the one voicing Freddy.
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Technically, EULA-wise, I think they can just take him out of the game even for those who have already purchased the DLC, cause that's how DRMs work. None of us actually own our copy of the game or anything in it, we're basically just hiring it indefinitely. I think it's incredibly unlikely that they would, though.
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I would love that so much. Sorry quentin but if you had to go too I wouldn’t mind you getting replaced with Nancy or some else, no feelings would be hurt. 🤧
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The DLC has been removed from the PlayStation Store too :/
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It's not Freddy, it's The Nightmare :)
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I just looked and saw it.
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Huh that’s strange, when I go on my sisters account who doesn’t have the dlc it doesn’t show up on the store
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Is it in the Xbox store?
I'll check
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Odd I agree. On my PS4 it shows, but if I look phone which isn't logged in I also see it.
Also check out the placeholder imagine for the Ghostface DLC when checking your addons for DBD. It's pretty funny.
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It's pretty clear you're clueless about laws and agreement. The Friday the 13th devs were fantastic to their community and had nothing to do with the legal proceedings. Because of the rights dispute, everything Friday the 13th was locked. They couldn't legally add anything to the game and wouldn't be making any money of the game until the rights dispute was settled. Of course they stopped working on the game. They gotta eat. The rights dispute is still going on.
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Hate to bump this but we still want Freddie on Switch....