Will you please stop killing yourselves on the hook fOR FIVE MINUTES!

I have borrowed time for you AND DS/Kindred for me! You’re going to be okay!

Petty toxic survivor who would rather die than play the game: “No, I don’t think I will.”

Please. It’s been 84 years. I just want to get to the endgame and rescue someone.


  • The_Meh_Teh
    The_Meh_Teh Member Posts: 136

    I feel yeah. I play to the bitter end

  • I wish killer could do something like that, some of these games are insufferable.

    Nurse on the underground lab map is a nightmare because it's practically random what you can phase through and what you can't, I don't want to sit there and play that crap.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    Day 1 of the Cursed Legacy DLC. I decided to play Leatherface because I needed a quick game before the daily reset. On the New Map Yui is found at 39 seconds and goes down and is hooked by 50 seconds next to Basement. I thought it too early too let basement be a factor plus the bug was out and it was game breaking. My Discordance pops so I head to the other side of the map as my Ruin breaks. Suddenly I notice the Yui suicides on hook and sends me hatemail for camping......halfway across the map. Other stuff was said, but this is how I have been the last few days since release.

    Btw I'm a terrible LF. I just think PWYF LF is hilarious and I only have a tier 1 of the perk.

    This has been my experience for the last week or so with any Yui.

  • concious_consumer
    concious_consumer Member Posts: 282

    There's a bug with certain killers. Struggle doesn't work

  • pemberley
    pemberley Member Posts: 1,510

    I disagree. You’re intentionally skipping out of the game. Yeah, it sucks BALONEY to be left stranded, but I still play until the Entity naturally claims my soul. And yes, I would say it is toxic when you can either see someone running towards you or they’re right there in front of you.

  • ASpazNamedSteve
    ASpazNamedSteve Member Posts: 1,784
    edited December 2019

    no I have a '######### on hook' daily sorry

    Edit: Oh, you can't say 'sacrifice' yourself.

  • The_Second_Coming
    The_Second_Coming Member Posts: 1,110

    It's not toxic. Toxic is a state of mind. Someone who would rather move on to the next game instead of watching their clueless teammates doing jack all is not toxic. Now, if I'm being CAMPED, that's a different story. Stay on the hook for your team. Unless, of course, you see them running towards you like idiots. Then they're dead anyway.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    Sorry but thanks to the battle pass we get more hook farmers. If i see you running with killer behind you i'm out.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    I sometimes actually can’t struggle, started happening yesterday.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    The game play has changed so much the last month and not for the better. Too many matches with players throwing pallets, wasting all match trying for flashlight blinds, dive bombing hooks for saves, players running around to get heals, farmers it just makes the game annoying to be honest.

    If this is going to be the new normal i just don't know anymore about this game.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    Have you noticed the getting stuck in crouch mode again till you spam the button to get out of it since the "hotfix"?

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,159

    If the other survivors leave me to reach second state on my first hook early in the game, I often don't bother with the struggle state. I have to pick and choose when to hit the button for struggle state, otherwise it can get painful while playing.

    Also, I will suicide to deny hook farmers. I get way more happiness from that than from actually being hook farmed.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Hook time is 2 minutes. 😐

    Hurry your ass up.

  • Usui
    Usui Member Posts: 531

    There's more things to contribute then mindlessely being a gen jockey. If I bring a flashlight i intend to piss the killer off and get his attention for most of the game. It's up to you and the other clowns to not get caught doing something stupid.

  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,620

    Excuse me but... did you tried asking the community? I mean, I don't like that people has to go into SWF just because your teammates are unreliable, but at least you will get your challenge done and perhaps make a new friend, or friends.

  • Diam
    Diam Member Posts: 50

    I disagree with you. If I see nobody on generators and they are all doing nothing at all, I will dip because I will die anyways. I’ll let someone else get hatch later on in the match and I’ll let the killer move on faster. I don’t see that as toxic.

  • karatinac97
    karatinac97 Member Posts: 210

    What if I'm looking for sweet totems or literally hiding from the killer right in front of me and the rest of the team happen to be doing nothing. I can't count how many times I've been on the way to the hook and stop to hide or cleanse a hex totem and they kill themselves on hook.

    Or I go for an unhook when the killer's at the other end of the map and they kill themselves in front of me...

  • kcwolf1975
    kcwolf1975 Member Posts: 651

    I wonder how many people are killing themselves on first hook because they are trying the spine chill challenge....

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,294
    edited December 2019

    Not gonna lie I've suicided on hook a few times intentionally this week (Clarification - Didn't bother struggling). Main reason is people urban evading around the map with spine chill. It's not their fault either I believe I'm going to just assume they're doing the challenges in the tome being the escape with Spine Chill and no hooks.

    It's frustrating though at red ranks knowing all the time you spent running the killer and sitting on the hook just seeing two survivors sitting in the corner of the map afk while there are 5 gens still unfinished. What will I accomplish this game after being saved if the killer is likely to divert back to the only available two targets on the map if they can't find the two people with Spine Chill, Urban and probably Distortion and other perks to hide? Granted those were a handful of games this week but still games like that push me over the edge on considering am I wasting my efforts with this team of survivors?

    Quite honestly some of the challenges in the rift / archives / tome what ever it's called doesn't make me feel too positive about playing survivor. Quite a bit of them have ruined my games and tilted me quite a bit. Mind you I primarily play killer but I can't imagine how tilted players who primarily play survivor feel about them.

    Post edited by Dustin on
  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    This happens to me so much. I’m literally there, about to pull them off the hook but Premonition and Spinechill go off, so I crouch and hide so the killer doesn’t farm. Hooked person gets impatient and attempts to jump off or commits suicide.

  • Lofepramine
    Lofepramine Member Posts: 174
    edited December 2019

    I just had a match where only one gen was left and no one had been hooked before or even injured. The killer got me then and I waited until struggle stage only to see the others 3 still not bothering to even get close to where I was. So yeah, I killed myself.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    I would like to use Camaraderie, but I feel too naked without self heal and urban evasion.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    I typically will never kill myself and try to buy my team as much time as possible even if I know I'm dead.

    That said, if I'm on hook not getting saved and I see the team being useless IE crouching around on the complete opposite side of the map from the killer I'm out.

    I don't mind reaching two phases from one hook as long as my team is pounding gens and doing something useful.

  • Diam
    Diam Member Posts: 50

    “If I see nobody doing anything at all” If I see someone sprinting to unhook me it doesn’t follow that rule. You’re making it sound like I said I’ll kill myself on hook if someone is going to rescue me. Don’t put words in my mouth.

  • karatinac97
    karatinac97 Member Posts: 210

    Apparently friendly discussions are personal attacks to you, weird? The irony is, I never implied you did this and was only talking about personal experience and now you're putting words into my mouth 🤣 nice one.

    "I can't count how many times I've been on the way to the hook and stop to hide or cleanse a hex totem and they kill themselves on hook."

    Did I say I encountered you doing this?? No, I didn't. I was just questioning you on what you considered 'doing nothing' was as you seemed to imply not doing gens as 'nothing'. In my situation I have to stop while on the way to the hook, I'm not sprinting to the hook as you're suggesting. And people killing themselves as I unhook them was a side note that had nothing to do with you. This literally happens to me all the time, when did I say YOU did?

    Anyway, bye. This is going nowhere.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    I don't play much survivor anymore, but when I'm on the hook and I see 3 other survivors hiding behind trees and I'm about to hit second stage? Bye Felecia. If I'm being face camped and you are working gens, I'll hang around to the bitter end.

    Suicide on hook is not toxic, it is what it is. First we whine about DC's, which really do suck. But leaving the game "legally" is not something we should frown upon. I'd rather that than DCs.

  • Diam
    Diam Member Posts: 50

    I don’t see people putting words in my mouth as personal attacks, however I will spot them out and not let them slip by. However, likewise, it’s going nowhere.

  • karatinac97
    karatinac97 Member Posts: 210
    edited December 2019

    And yet again I'm not going to let you put words in my mouth because you obviously haven't understood a single thing I've said. And you've seriously contradicted yourself.

    This only became a problem because YOU made it a problem. Don't try and make me look like the bad guy when you're overreacting over nothing... I'm still confused as to why you're offended when I told you that people have killed themselves on hook in front of me?? Genuinely baffled. It had nothing to do with you, I could have replied to anyone else with that comment. I quite frankly wish I had because I wouldn't be writing this right now.

    I'm not looking or replying to this thread or you again as this is one of the dumbest misunderstandings I've seen on this forum. Jesus. Bye forever.

  • Sorry but I don’t consider suiciding on the hook toxic. Yes I’m sure a ton of people suicide for petty reasons and that sucks big time, but I think there’s people that suicide who aren’t petty or salty but they have other reasons.

  • Splinterverse
    Splinterverse Member Posts: 445
    edited December 2019

    Here's the deal. So long as the rank reset works the way it works, I may suicide on the second hook when it's near the reset and I want to get out of a certain color rank. Sorry, but I don't want to end up stuck in a certain bracket when the reset happens. If you don't like it, contact BHVR and suggest alternatives to ranking (perhaps unranked play).