List of killer buffs (mainly perks) and one nerf:

Vanity Mirror: Movement Speed Penalty reduced from 7% to 5%.
Dying Light: Hooking the obsession also gives tokens.
Deerstalker: Also decreases dying state recovery time by 20/22.5/25% to mirror Unbreakable. (If my math is correct Unbreakable at max level will reduce recovery time from 32 seconds to 32*(1/1.35) = 23.7037037037037 so about 8 seconds... deerstalker increasing the time at max will be 32*1.25 or 40 seconds so 8 seconds longer.
Edit: Noting that the Deerstalker’s recovery time decreasing stat would be countered by teammates healing them... just like unbreakable does.
Remember Me: Each time you hit your obsession, you increase the exit gate opening time by 5 seconds and can only gain up to maximum of 4/5/6 tokens, but each time a survivor is killed will lose a token. Tokens can not be replenished from killed survivors. (This keeps the perk basically the same for the 1v1 hatch scenario but makes it like it used to be too).
Monstrous Shrine: Works on all Hooks not just basement...
Replaced all bonuses with: all survivors receive a penalty of 3/3.5/4 % to their Repair, Healing and Sabotage speed, stack-able up to a maximum of 12/14/16 % if they’re hooked including if the survivors die on hook. (kinda like thanatophobia with a harsher condition but you get to keep the bonus’s from killed survivors - nothing too crazy to avoid incentivising camping).
Unrelenting: Percentages also reduce pallet stun times if you swing. - (I suggested this idea before a long time ago as non-stackable with enduring, however since then Enduring has been changed to give lower percentages making this plausible to stack both perks).
Nemesis: If you kill your obsession nemesis deactivates. (Doesn’t kill the perk but rather demands slugging a death hook obsession and having some strategy to use the perk - such as avoiding a pallet on a non-obsession to kill them.) - This because I feel like the bubba nemesis-pwyf combo is abit too strong... I’d loved to have seen PWYF buffed so that other M1 killers including wraith could benefit better but mainly atm Nemesis gives everything just to Bubba. - However I think Furtive Chase should be able to revive Nemesis. So you need to run Nemesis/PWYF/Furtive Chase to play how you want no worries on Bubba.
Okay, so here’s what I think of these changes.
The Vanity Mirror is a welcome change in my book. I’ve personally never used this add-on before, but I think losing Tier 3 is a big enough drawback to it.
Dying Light...? All that really does is let you gain two extra tokens, and killing the obsession still makes you lose all your tokens anyway unless you toss the obsession mechanic out the window, which doesn’t work well with Myers’ teachables.
Deerstalker doesn’t need to be changed. It does its job, and that’s all it needs. Slowing down how fast someone recovers while downed doesn’t make a difference, since healing speed remains the same. You might as well just run Sloppy Butcher or Coulrophobia.
Remember Me should revert back to its original state in my opinion, but there’s no need to make it so complicated. Just make it so that it’s the way it was on release, but if the Killer closes the hatch, it won’t apply. (Or use the current version.)
Monstrous Shrine IS Thanatophobia, in your remake at least. The values are the same, and the way it triggers is the same. Yeah, it works with dead Survivors too, but that’s hardly an improvement. If this were in the game, Thanatophobia would be better in this case because it works with Survivors that are injured, dying, AND hooked.
I honestly feel bad for Unrelenting, because its abilities were robbed by STBFL when Halloween came out. Your change... could work? But you might as well just use Enduring.
Your change to Nemesis violates the rules of the obsession mechanic. The point of Nemesis to so that the obsession is constantly moving to another Survivor. It also specifically states the Killer can “only be obsessed with one Survivor at a time.” It seems like the only purpose of this change is to nerf the Leatherface build, which isn’t a step in the right direction. And by the way, ANYONE can use that build. Not just Leatherface. It just happens to be his “best” build today.
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Glad vanity mirror is seen like this, I’ve thought of builds then saw the downside and yeah it’s a tad too much to be slower than even a 110% killer.
Dying Light: none of the perks I’m listing really need dramatic buffs... sloppy/thanato are clearly the go to slow down game perks and aren’t op though... the more slow down game perks the less need for ruin which would mean less frustration to have other options. Also if you could get stacks from hooking the obsession... there is less reason to avoid them so adds convenience.
Deerstalker does a job but so does unbreakable... and unbreakable gets a bonus... I’m not sure what’s wrong with deerstalker getting the same as it’s underused and yeah healing would counter the negative which is why it’s not bad. Just like unbreakable’s boost can be countered by a teammate healing them. :P
Remember Me - this kinda is a revert for the most part... except in 1v1 it’s 15 second doors rather than 30 seconds.
Monsterous Shrine - sure thanato will be better overall... but the purpose was never to make it as good but rather there may be really specific builds to make the new version work... the current monsterous shrine will never be good nor the current buffs even if it worked on every hook... still it’d be another slow down game perk option which there aren’t many. You can’t easily buff a perk well that’s triggers around survivors staying on a hook. It would just buff camping.
Unrelenting will atleast have a memey really fast recovery at the least... essentially when paired with enduring they become “Enduring IX”.
The leatherface build is far different to other killers using it... leatherface has an insta-down (spend 1 token)... say if it’s on wraith he needs to spend 2 tokens for the same effect (which takes a lot of effort) but also needs to build two chases (more effort again). They’d just have to add “De-activates when there’s no living obsession”. Not every mechanic works exactly the same between perks... Just like noed works during hatch close but Rancor doesn’t... even though I don’t really agree with noed/adren working there.
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Bubba and too strong don't belong in the same galaxy LOL.
Also, they should remove the buff the obsession gets from Dying Light, there is literally zero reason for this perk to make the obsession a literally "God".
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There’s a lot of slowdown perks in the game actually, as well as add-ons that do so such as Freddy’s. I like how you think when it comes to slowing down the game, but I think people would like it more if you were more creative with these changes. I made a similar post a while ago, so I understand what you’re going through.
Back to this again, Deerstalker is an aura perk. Its purpose isn’t to be powerful, rather an information perk. The reason it is “underused” is because people quickly learn how to locate dying Survivors by listening for their grunts, therefore Deerstalker isn’t needed. Maybe Mangled could slow down recovery speed, but not Deerstalker...
In my post, I made a similar change to Remember Me where the change is reverted, but doesn’t affect doors if all Survivors are dead except one.
Monstrous Shrine is definitely getting a rework, but we won’t know until it happens.
Unrelenting should also get a rework, but I don’t know how nor when. When a perk is reworked, it should be GOOD, not just for memes.
As for Leatherface and Nemesis, there are plenty of other Killers with instadowns that can even utilize this build BETTER than Leatherface, such as Hillbilly, Myers, Ghostface, Oni, and anyone else that has an instadown ability. It’s a good build that looks balanced enough for me, because you have to work in order to get it to do its job. As a Survivor, if you know that the Killer is running this build, take it upon yourself to save pallets and/or toss them down early to avoid stunning. There’s some counterplay right there. No need to change Nemesis for it.
Actually, NOED and Adrenaline activate when the exit gates are available. Rancor only activates when the last generator is completed. Those are two different conditions. Though, I wouldn’t mind Rancor activating when the hatch is closed.
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There’s barely any viable slow-down perks... just thanato/sloppy/ruin and knockout. If anything the devs have been nerfing slow-down add-ons quite consistently so killers are less add-on reliant... freddy’s was the latest. Huntresses Mangled add-ons got nerfed before.
Edit: There is corrupt intervention but not everyone owns it... I don’t happen to. Some of the general perks need some more bonus’s. They don’t need to be super special... would think that’s better for DLC.
And if deerstalker’s purpose is easily made void just by sound that justifies a buff.
You don’t really know if something’s good unless people experiment with them. The idea I have for Unrelenting could actually be okay sometimes against open-field deadhards for example... the quick recovery can get the odd down.
Billy has a punishment built in for travelling the map... when he stops he takes ages to be back in M1 mode. Bubba’s just traversing accurately around obstacles at 130%m/s... I’m happy for my main to be strong just not skill-less which the combo does make him abit... the reason why he wasn’t so easy was that his chainsaw took some navigation and timing... now he’s abit like old Billy Insta-saw with how he gets kills.
Also if the combo is kept as it is: it means the devs can not actually buff Bubba’s basekit... rather he worked in many builds than just 1.
Rancor in the 1v1 would remove the balance just as noed/adren already do.
Post edited by dont_ask_me_again on0 -
Literally bubba jas become more viable, not overpowered so why are you still complaining and discussing changing an entire perk simply because one killer can make pretty good use of it?
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Bubba? Is he really that big of a problem?
Survivors nowadays...
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Afrer the oni nerf I called it in another forum that nemesis would be nerfed too it seems the devs are too scared of anything synergizing and working well together which is a shame cus those are usually pretty fun builds.
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Right you saw it coming, doesn’t that give a slight tell in itself that it might be abit too strong?
And if you read my nerf what really changes for 66% or so of the match? Nothing... then there are still answers to keep the synergy.
The combo’s where your teammates can just feed the killer without you knowing are just cheesy. Plus the teammates at first had no clue they were feeding the killer ontop. It’s fine if these combos aren’t over the top... but the nemesis+pwyf essentially makes it impossible for survivors to work around.
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I thought of a build where this Monstrous Shrine would trump thanatophobia:
Dying Light + Monstrous Shrine would trump Dying Light + Thanatophobia
Since Dying Light gives the obsession +33% heal speed this would reduce the hit and run tactic potential which is primary used with Thanatophobia...
So if you take Monstrous Shrine + Dying Light you can play for more end-game constant hooks as you’ll get to keep percentages for killing survivors (stacking with DL) which Thanatophobia wouldn’t offer.
You can basically choose either combo: Monstrous Shrine + Dying Light or Thanatophobia + Sloppy Butcher catered to how you want to play... and all 4 perks together don’t have immense synergy since the obsession heal speed which keeps any very heavy slow down build in check.