SWF is like a 5th perk.

Zagrid Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,000

Even if it is just people playing together they have at least some idea of what the others are doing and often they use discord which lets them have an even greater advantage.

Honestly, killers should get some small advantage when facing SWF.


  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    So, what can the Devs do for killers to even put the matches a bit more?

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Ranked and Unranked queue's are the only real option in my opinion.

  • PandaChris
    PandaChris Member Posts: 140
    edited December 2019

    They stated they want solo players to be equal to swf players first then balance killers.

    This is basically because even though swf has no disadvantage and is all advantage even mentioning a compromise to the killer or adjustment to swf literally makes survivors engulf with rage and threaten to quit.

    Unranked and ranked matchmaking gets thrown out by survivors cause they get engulfed with rage screaming their queue times will get longer.

    Universal voice coms get thrown out by survivors cause again it engulfs them with rage because they dont want to be forced to talk or listen to people.

    The only thing to do is give all survivors the ability to see each others auras all the time. Basically a buffed base kit kindred. Its the only way to make solos basically the same as swf. There is literally no other way to match the info given in a swf group to solo players.

    Then the next step would be to normalize map size so most killers dont have to walk for 45 seconds across the map. Then you balance killers. Thats the way the devs want to do it and i dont see any other options.

    Edit - and yes you can add develop perks for survivors that help solos. But those are just tippy tap bandaid fixes and solos shouldnt be required to take perks just to be on a equal level of swf groups.

  • Zagrid
    Zagrid Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,000
  • StrodeWins
    StrodeWins Member Posts: 274

    if solo was viable then SWF wouldn’t be so relied on. Solo survivors is basically a guaranteed killer win at high ranks.

  • Karl_Childers
    Karl_Childers Member Posts: 669

    Yep. It’s funny to see some people try to argue killer vs 4 solos is balanced. That’s nonsense as it is very clearly advantage killer. If SWF were removed, or turned into ”unranked mode”, killers would completely dominate ranked games. Like it or not, SWF to an extent is required for balance.

  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    Nerf the overpowered survivor perks and addons and/or buff killers.

  • DBD_Pinhead
    DBD_Pinhead Member Posts: 763

    I like how killer buffs are last. Gives them room to constantly push them back because there's always time to buff survivors.

  • karatinac97
    karatinac97 Member Posts: 210

    Hmm I've played this game solo for like 99% of the time but only recently started playing SWF duo and we don't speak on the mic. I'm basically playing solo with 1 person I know is (mostly) reliable and more altruistic. Your advantage would affect me, wouldn't it?

    Of course it depends what the advantage is? So what sort of advantage are you suggesting against swf? Depending on the advantage it could:

    1. Hurt small swf teams and those that don't communicate.

    2. Random solos with a swf. Does the solo get disadvantaged too?

    There's too many variables to consider without making it more unbalanced for certain players.

    Unless you're talking about points etc. or a very small change like knowing which ones are swf. Then that's probably fine but would cause more lobby dodging 🤔

  • krowzar
    krowzar Member Posts: 66

    Kindred, Empathy, Bond, and way more.

    It counters a lot of killer perks as well such as Knockout, NOED, Blood Warden, and way more. SWF shouldn't even be in the game. The devs clearly stated that KYF was planned to be the only friends mode but added SWF do to high demand when they didn't realize why people wanted it.

  • Karl_Childers
    Karl_Childers Member Posts: 669

    But you also can’t say killer vs 4 solos is a balanced game, no way in hell. The devs have accounted for SWF to an extent. A balanced game really is a hybrid of SWF and solo. So if SWF were removed (which would never happen, but in theory), killers would need big nerfs...which of course would lead to a ######### ton of complaints anyway.

  • Vetrathene
    Vetrathene Member Posts: 1,425

    No, SWF broke the game permanently when it was put into the game. It was never intended to be there.

  • Matchmaker putting red rank 2000+ hour SWF against a killer rank 10 with like 50 hours is the 5th perk.

  • Karl_Childers
    Karl_Childers Member Posts: 669
    edited December 2019

    I am saying they have taken into account the existence of SWF to an extent for balance though. Are you going to tell me killer vs 4 solos is balanced in today’s game? Follow up if you say yes,....what is your idea of balance? Yes, I am talking about kills.

  • Shi
    Shi Member Posts: 156

    If SWF with 4 people can't bring purple and red items. It's fair for me.

  • rch614
    rch614 Member Posts: 551

    Never intended or not, it was definitely necessary for the game's health in the long run, not just for keeping players in the game but also because people kept dodging lobbies until they got their friend anyway.

    OT, yes SWF grants huge advantages to the team and should give killer bonus bloodpoints for dealing with them. But they can't get a specific gameplay benefit for SWF and you also can't punish swf for playing together. Behavior is going to have to finish buffing solos and then move on to killer. We will just have to keep waiting.

  • Karl_Childers
    Karl_Childers Member Posts: 669

    Not to nitpick, but “finish” buffing solos caught my eye. That implies that they’ve started...which they haven’t. Buffing Kindred is nice but doesn’t count, as it requires a perk. If they were to actually try to balance solo to 4 man SWF, and buff killers to that, they can’t require the solo player to have to use perks to do so. That stuff would have to be built in, if you are buffing killers based on all survivors having the info

  • rch614
    rch614 Member Posts: 551

    I mean I agree with making stuff like that baseline, but they tend to use perks as band aids for issues anyway. So I suppose I more mean "finish bandaiding" the problem before we can give specific killers buffs.

    But yeah you are right with it "fixing" solo with a perk. It's just "helping" them with a bandaid.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    The whole "band aid fix" thing is such a strawman.

    Even if Windows were "perfectly" balanced there would still be bamboozle because it's fun

    Even if pallets were "perfectly" balanced there would still be Brutal Strength/Spirit fury because they are fun and change the game up.

    Even if gens were longer, ruin & pop would still exist

    Perks aren't band aid fixes in the slightest they're supposed to change up game play, and they do, without them everything would be stale af.

  • rch614
    rch614 Member Posts: 551

    Using perks to correct issues (specific issues...not like looping or windows) are band aids / lazy fixes until they get around to fixing the underlying causes.

    For example, the changes to Balanced Landing (note: the nerf itself) is a bandaid fix to map design they will get around to in the future. Regardless of whether or not we think it needed a nerf, fact is they nerfed the perk instead of fixing core issues with map design. Matter of fact, before Balanced Landing was even added, survivors used to have no stagger so they added stagger and then had BL remove it.

    This isn't a perk, but Bloodlust is also a bandaid fix to, again, map design and "infinites". It helps killers deal with it, but doesn't fix the core issue. Like the Kindred buff is doing now. It helps solo survivors but doesn't fix solo experience on its own and requires a perk slot to even function.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    The nerf to balanced landing was necessary, not a band aid fix at al.

    The way BL was would have made it impossible to make any future fair maps with height, drops and considering there is like 15+ different things BL was way too powerful on suggests the perk was more powerful than it should have been, also the only exhaustion perk with a passive effect, so no, as much as you would like to pretend it was a band aid fix, it was necessary for every future map, and everything that has a drop, i.e - combines on corn maps, the game, every building with a window upstairs.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,238

    Im gonna just nitpick a bit here:

    SWF only gives you additional information about your teammates. Playstyle, intentions, altruism , etc. You could get those by using lobby chat nobody is using.

    Would be emulated ingame by displaying the rank and average emblem scores for th last x games for survivors in the lobby.

    The problem is not friends playing together. It's when they start using communication.

    CWF (Communications, not cheating *wink wink*) grants all that information in nearly real time. They still have to actively ask and receive the wanted information. But it's flexible as its not only getting information, but useable for coordination.

    Justone thing, granting permanent aura reading to all survivors or displaying current actions in the hud will be way stronger than than voicechat atleast in the "information"-part of the communications problem.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    I don't see how the BL nerf is a bandaid fix.

    Any problems it solved were only problems when BL was in play, otherwise a nerf to BL could not possibly have solved it. And a change to the basic mechanics that fixes problematic loops is a valid long term solution, as it reliably makes the issue go away.

    Something is only bad map design relative to the mechanics of the game it's a map for. So a map that's badly designed without a stagger, that same map could be a well designed map WITH a stagger. The issue with BL here is that it means all maps would need to be balanced both with and without a stagger, which is both much harder and more limiting. But removing the possibility of that fixes the issue entirely.

    The reason we say that something like Bamboozle is a bandaid fix is because it's not something that will exist in ever game, making it a poor solution to the issue even if it is a quick one. However if they had just increased Killer vault speed again then it would NOT be a bandaid solution, since the maps would now be perfectly fine given the new vault speed.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,905

    The hyperbole in this thread is staggering. I am actually impressed.

  • snozer
    snozer Member Posts: 776
    edited December 2019

    make solo equally or nearly as strong and buff killers.

    They already mentioned that they want to do this, but for some reason they got scared and decided against making solo players stronger.

  • Fierce_shadow15
    Fierce_shadow15 Member Posts: 2

    How about we don't let people team up together,like the devs can make it only for one person can ready up for a match also I was thinking about them adding a game mode what are your thoughts?

  • leno
    leno Member Posts: 53
    edited December 2019

    I'm a ps4 player and I've played this game well before SWF was implemented and I've made few observations. First of all when you play this game enough as a killer you start to see the patterns how the game runs quite easily and the patterns have changed. I'd say the swf with comms is an issue that is not just the information they're getting, it's the additional perks you can use without having to use awareness perks.

    Normal game pattern goes roughly like this, 2-3 gens are rushed at start while I'm chasing 1 or 2 survivors and while they get hooked usually 2 gens done at that point. Now, the saviours trade the hooks or try to bait me in going stupid unsafe places where normally survivors woudn't go, just to get unhooks and me away from gens and hooks. After all this, usually at this point everyone was hooked once and one gen left at 95%. everyone has ds unbreakable, borrowed + variyng perk, head on etc. so at this point in game, what's the point? add a few flashloghts to this situation.. mori would be the only viable option. If I don't play like douche at the start this is always the outcome. It used to be fun even with the clown at red ranks, I even reached rank one with just clown and the chases were harder then because you couldn't always rely of being rescued. Now it's so different. Even if I knew all the time where every survivor is it wouldn't make a big difference. It's like I'm a magnet killer, pushing survivors away in front and pulling those coming from behind.

    This basically never happened before swf. Also, now there can be literally potatoes at chases at rank 2, there used to be a big difference at different ranks. If I play early in the evening the games are better as there are not so many comms players but later in the night this is evident. I can pretty much only play late in the night.

    There's not enough time to stop the gens. I wouldn't mind even that much but when you combine immersive playstyle it's just so lame. when 4 gens are done and last nearly finished everybody is just farming bp from chases at that point every immersive player just running around, it's just so stupid. I've would like to play with red rank survs but if I basically play like I enjoy playing a killer I would depip almost everytime even if I get 2-3 kills and even that would not happen very often. I also would like playing some killers that are not so viable against coordinated survivors like huntress, doctor, clown, trapper. There are so few killers left in the game that if I depip to rank 8 for example I still just face red ranks.

    I'm basically in a spot here where I have to use killers I don't enjoy or do a playstyle I don't enjoy to play with people who have the same skill level like me. I'm not the best of the best but quite good as a killer. I think we are running out of killers very soon. Seriously if I just concentrate on chases and end those very fast and let people unhook survs, I depip to a point when I'm with potatoes 😂 It just feels like it's been forever when I've had even match between survivors. If everthing goes well for me even in this scenario someone dc's and that's a depip for a killer easily. Destroy or get destroyed. I seriously don't think this is very fun for either side.

    I used to love when I faced a good survivor who outplayed me because he had a good understanding of the game, it literally made me laugh sometimes. you really felt the difference between survivor skill. Now when something similar happens I just know he usually has the extra info and backup with no risk really.

    When playing as a survivor l have to wait at least 15min for a match and that's too much. Killers I face just slug, mori or tunnel and I understand why. I really really like this game but when the games are going like this I'm just starting to give up.

    I think we would need some kind of perk limit added like only allowing ds or unbreakable but not both at the same build. or some categorization for perks and only one allowed from each category. I really think we could to this because I don't think this game really draws new players anymore.

    Seriously people, if there's no killers there's nothing to survive anymore. Survivor game without a killer, imagine that. I really really suggest all you survivor mains to play killer for a while it would make you understand the whole situation a bit better. I play both and I don't think there not enough of us.

  • Elvenmonk
    Elvenmonk Member Posts: 367

    When I play a swf we do nothing but screw each other over. Like we don't even say "the killer is near" because we'll start to talk loudly so you can't hear the heart beat or bring the killer to someone and pawn them off. Bond is the best perk for me so I can avoid my friends.

    But my friends and I are ######### to each other

  • leno
    leno Member Posts: 53

    Yeah, not all swf. but in higher ranks this is normal. I propably would not enjoy facing your group either because I'd like to play more seriously and I don't like easy wins.

  • Elvenmonk
    Elvenmonk Member Posts: 367

    Our goal is to be the last alive and make it out.

    We do this with apex legends too.

  • SpookyJeff
    SpookyJeff Member Posts: 108

    I think it's great when I hear some SWF just play around and have fun with it, but that absolutely does not speak for the majority of SWF groups. Even those who claim they aren't tryhards are calling out who the killer is, where they're being chased/if they're being chased, totem spawns, etc. Simply watch a survivor main streamer and see how even in their most casual matches in SWF they are CONSTANTLY communicating. Since a lot of SWF groups are heavily into survivor streamers, it's easy to assume they're at least on that same level of communication most of the time. No one wants to admit the HUGE advantage SWF with comms gives you in this game, but it is, in fact, an advantage whether you're utilizing it to its fullest potential or not.

  • Splinterverse
    Splinterverse Member Posts: 445

    If they really want to get rid of SWF without getting rid of it, they can do one of two things:

    (1) End the match on detection of a microphone use. (This would make SWF less powerful than solo.)

    (2) Make it way more profitable in bloodpoints or other benefits to play solo.

  • Drazen
    Drazen Member Posts: 400

    neither of them is balanced swf is op while solos are crushed. They just need to bring solo to swf level so they are free to create strong killers

  • Karl_Childers
    Karl_Childers Member Posts: 669
    edited December 2019

    Gotcha. My theory as well is that they will “bring up solo to SWF” via buffing perks that SWF are unlikely to run. They would need to make things baseline.I’m 1000000000% against voice chat being added though, not that you said it I’m just venting, I’d quit the game (even with a mute option as killers would be balanced on me HAVING voice chat lol). People always have that idea and say just mute it...ummm no, not that simple if you are balancing to voice chat! Just make certain perks base, like the new Kindred, then add to the survivor objective...while also putting in measures to completely stop camping and tunneling. Everyone now loves the game.Piece of cake, devs....get on this! 😉

  • DeanIcity
    DeanIcity Member Posts: 180

    Hell, to the nah, nah. You can't call it balanced when SWF has the clear advantage over the Killer. That isn't balance in any way. So, no, that shouldn't be the solution in any way, shape, or form.

  • Karl_Childers
    Karl_Childers Member Posts: 669
    edited December 2019

    So you think killer vs 4 solos is balanced?! Come on now. I’ll ask you what I asked other guy...what is your idea of balance? I am speaking directly about kills, not any issues with the pip system. They have shifted balance over time to where a solo lobby is now weak vs killer, that’s what I mean when I say they’ve taken SWF into account. They absolutely have. If SWF was non existent, kill rates would be damn near 90% I bet. But yes, continue on with your hell to the nah nah on how an all solo lobby is perfectly balanced lol.

  • BigBubs
    BigBubs Member Posts: 1,131


    SWF is like many perks.

  • DeanIcity
    DeanIcity Member Posts: 180

    See, you are trying to make an unbalanced point. I am not arguing that Solo's should be the standard. I am arguing that SWF is too strong.

    I will answer your question though.

    My idea of balance is the definition of balance. Both sides of the coin should have equal chance to win on an every trial basis. Obviously the recipe to this hasn't been established but If we are honest, since SWF has been established in this game, there hasn't been much to alter SWF play in this regard. There hasn't been any tweaking on that side of the fence, only nerfs/buffs along the way to perks and killers. That's it. Instead of actually putting in an effort of some capacity to rectify the problem. Instead it's a constant grind of nothingness.

    The definition of insanity is.. Repeating the same pattern over and over, and expecting a different result. Sure they have tweaked things along the way, so It's not complete insanity, but the true problems of this game remain. So, instead of putting a band aide on everything along the way, maybe, IDK, try fixing the true problems of the game? Do something at least. If It doesn't work, okay, move on to the next thing to you find the solution.

    The rest is perspective.

    I almost exclusive play solo survivor. I play both sides. Survivor and Killer. I've got rank 1 on both sides many times over. In comparison though.. I would rather play SOLO survivor for fun ALL DAY long than Killer. I can't play killer as long because It's way more stressful and annoying. I don't like to play dirty, I like to play nice, but when you play nice, you get nothing but toxicity on a consistent basis. It gets real old, real fast.

    So, yeah, solo survivor doesn't bother me at all. Especially in comparison to playing Killer and the level of annoying that comes with it.

  • CrowFoxy
    CrowFoxy Member Posts: 1,310

    Swf and solo can never be remotely equal. We need an unranked mode.

  • dooces
    dooces Member Posts: 27

    75% killer win rate. even considering swf, even high without.

    you want what, 80% killer win rate? 95% killer win rate?

    quit crying that 1 of 4 survivors make it out alive. if you cant do at least that you are well below average. get better.