Which is more stressful.. Playing Survivor or Killer?



  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    If you are stressed while playing either, you are taking this way too seriously. It's a very basic game with a low skill threshold overall.

    That said, I think the killer has more of a task to complete than survivors do. Trying to use the right strategies based on the map, killer power kit, addons, perk choice, survivor play styles, survivor perks, and if it's SWF or not can be a lot to calculate sometimes.

    On the other hand, survivor can be frustrating vs certain killers or killer play styles (hard campers and tunnelers can chang the tempo and create a very static or boring experience). Some perks are a total waste on some killers. Playing stealth vs Doc is a massive hill to get over.

    There are too many that take the game too personal, thus increasing the stress of the experience.

  • CakeDuty
    CakeDuty Member Posts: 995
    edited December 2019

    For me it's

    1. Solo Survivor: 99% of the teammates I get suck
    2. Killer: Can be frustrating at times, but I'm not really in it for the 4k, so it's still pretty chill. Double bp every game is also pretty nice
    3. SWF: No comms, but I know we're all pretty decent at the game, so it's the least frustrating of the three

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,553

    Aww thanks for telling me what's stressful or not.

    I enjoy playing the game. So not being able to play the game for long periods of time is annoying to me.

    As killer I get to play which is usually not stressful.

  • Keene_Kills
    Keene_Kills Member Posts: 649

    Killer by an extremely large margin. It's not even remotely close to being comparable.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    I find survivor more stressful

  • Crujoh
    Crujoh Member Posts: 28

    If you’re stressing over a video game you may want to reevaluate why you’re playing video games to begin with. With that said, Killer tends to be more difficult mainly because you can’t be in more than one place at one time. If you get a survivor who can waste even a small amount time looping then it’s pretty much GG but get some potato survs and things can snowball in the killers favor fairly quickly.

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,553

    Yeah. Sorry I was being way too sassy. I was actually coming back on to apologize anyway. Sorry for being rude.

  • XombieRocker
    XombieRocker Member Posts: 324

    Killer is WAY more stressful. And I say this as someone who prefers playing as Killer. It is so much harder and requires constant effort to win. I play survivor solo, and although it can be frustrating to get stuck with potato teammates, I have never felt stressed.

    I honestly only play one or two killer matches a day because it stresses me out so much. My hands are usually shaking at the end of a match.😬

  • Taiga
    Taiga Member Posts: 368

    In my opinion Killer feels more stressful but it really depends.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    Survivor, simply because you cannot control the actions of your 3 other teammates.

    With killer you have more control of the match and you have to blame for if you make any mistakes.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    Killer is more stressful because all it takes is one tiny mistake and that could be the game.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    Killer, for the most part. Always on a time crunch.

    Though, being a survivor in yellow ranks can be close. A lot of the time I feel it's the killer vs me vs three potatoes.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    I don't honestly think anyone who plays both sides at high ranks can say anything other than killer

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    As many other people have pointed out, one mistake can lose you the game as killer. As a survivor you can be pretty much destroyed and everyone can escape

  • StrodeWins
    StrodeWins Member Posts: 274


    both can be harder than others. depends on the specific match and circumstances.

  • PalletOrWhat
    PalletOrWhat Member Posts: 265

    I don't know if it is just me, but the survivor gameplay isn't stressful at all. Why is someone stressed as a survivor? I personally don't care which killer I face. I don't care what playing style this particular killer has. I just enjoy my survivor games and relax the ######### out of this game. 

    Killer can be very stressful.... not gonna lie. As a killer you have to concentrate 100% of the time. One mistake can cost you the game. As a survivor you have time to chill and can make mistakes that will not cost you the match for the most part. 

  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    Killer hands down. Flashlights, pallet stuns, and head on stuns are all basically instadowns. Most maps have a god loop and MANY safe pallet loops. Decisive strike and borrowed time give out way too many second chances. Generators can be done in under 4 minutes with the right perks and add on's, but you can't pip without time, so even if you manage the 4K after a gen rush, you still lose.

  • Fog_King
    Fog_King Member Posts: 688

    I think playing killer is more stressful.

  • CrowFoxy
    CrowFoxy Member Posts: 1,310

    Mostly definitely killer but that needs to be fixed to where neither side is stressful.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    I've read as much as "one mistake and the game is over as killer" multiple times now and I gotta ask has anyone ever watched their own killer gameplay? EVERY killer does MULTIPLE mistakes EVERY MATCH including matches that end in a 5 gen 4k.

    I often 4k at 5 gens and still realize I did several things wrong afterwards (like forgetting where I slugged a specific survivor causing me to lose momentum especially if I look for the slug and they get picked up somewhere else) yet I still 4k at 5 gens every now and then even against red/purple ranks with multiple purple engineer's toolboxes.

    Everyone who claims killer gameplay required 100% perfect choices and no mistakes just isn't aware how many mistakes they actually do every game.

    No killer plays 100% perfectly. NOBODY. Hell, most well known streamers make obvious mistakes every game and still 4k more often than not.

  • Pepsidot
    Pepsidot Member Posts: 1,662

    Killer. I've tried playing killer again today, but it's just too stressful. I'm really put off playing killer at the moment and it's simply because of the stress. I don't even 'tryhard' and mindlessly do whatever, but I still find it stressful (at red/purple ranks).

    Survivor is less stressful, but mind you I'm also getting put off playing survivor a bit because it's so annoying running to a small loop and knowing there's a 99% chance of getting hit. Not because I played badly, but because of killers skipping like spirits and seemingly hitting through pallets because of dedicated 'lag'. I'm usually pretty good in those situations. Anyway, back to the point of the post:

    Killer is definitely more stressful.

  • Elk
    Elk Member Posts: 2,267

    It all depends on the player, their play style and what they are trying to accomplish. Killer is more stressful to play in my opinion. Survivor is least stress, based on what was said above. Some games vary, depending on what i want to do. The stressful role should be killer, but it depends on the player.... Depends, it depends on the depend's depends.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Killer easy. In real life I think it would be survivor..

  • DeanIcity
    DeanIcity Member Posts: 180

    I'm trying to be unbiased so I just assumed. Trying to start a dialogue, which you seem to want no part in. Which is fine. Thanks.

  • Spirez
    Spirez Member Posts: 674

    I find Killer more stressful because sometimes there is nothing you can do besides accept the fact that you will be shown that you have no power as a killer against a SWF team with DS, BT, BNP addons and toolboxes with Prove thyself.

    Survivors can sometimes be stressful but if you have a good team it’s the most relaxed thing in the world. The killer is scared of you more than you are scared of the killer. The only stress I find playing survivor is when my teammates are complete garbage because there is absolutely nothing I can do besides hope the killer gives me the hatch.

  • DeanIcity
    DeanIcity Member Posts: 180

    I don't think the premise was the level of stress that you feel in regards to playing either role.

    However, stress happens everyday, for a variety of reasons. To say that playing a game "shouldn't" be stressful isn't a fair assessment. Most people don't play games just to play, they have a goal, which almost always is to win. Which can present potential stress on an individual. It's just the way a lot of people are wired.

    Again. It's not supposed to be taken this literally where someone is questioning others for playing video games if they feel stressed. It's okay to feel stress and play games. It happens all the time.

  • DeanIcity
    DeanIcity Member Posts: 180

    I don't think (..and I'm not trying to speak for others) that's necessarily the way I'm taking that statement. Yes, if you take it in a literal sense, sure, I see what you're saying.

    For me, I view it as the margin for error is FAR higher for Killer than Survivor in this game. Nobody is perfect, however, a big mistake doesn't hurt survivors nearly as bad as It could hurt a Killer in a trial.

    The margin for error is way off in that regard.

    Is how I take it anyway.

  • silverwolf4455
    silverwolf4455 Member Posts: 496

    Killer is always gonna be more stressful. You have to protect the gens, and its 4v1. As survivor your not getting chased all the time but as killer you are always in chasing racing the clock to get pressure before the gens are done.

  • JeonKookie97
    JeonKookie97 Member Posts: 42
    edited December 2019

    For me its survivor.

    Im a survivor main with 4,000 hours on PC and my god. The lag without dedicated servers and with is so frustrating getting hit when you shouldnt. The panic of getting chased by a Michael in tier 3 on Haddonfield. Knowing where to go. Is this loop viable, will i make it without my team. Its a 1v1 and hatch is closed and gates spawned 20m away can u get the door or will u get killed 2 seconds on the gate. If its a stealth killer you cannot look away for a second or you get grabbed and your heart stops. You have to worry about if you’re reading the killer correctly, is this pallet gone, will my teammates get me? oh they’re not? ig im dying on my first hook after spending 30 mins in queue to see your team doing nothing. Hitboxes on hatchets. Facecamped. 3 genned and u have no idea how you’re gonna get out of it. Trying to steath.

    Too. Many. Things.

  • not_Queef
    not_Queef Member Posts: 820

    Stressful? Probably killer, but only if you want to play "fair" (I do). If you are the kind of killer that tunnels the first person you find and uses moris etc, then I can't see how this would be stressful at all.

    Survivor isn't really stressful, but it can be very frustrating and tedious at times. Bad teammates, certain killer playstyles, latency etc. There are many things that can sap my will to live while playing this game.

  • Hex_KillerMainBTW
    Hex_KillerMainBTW Member Posts: 449

    I think it comes down to experience on either side.

    For me, I generally play killer. It gets stressful when ruin is destroyed in maybe 40 seconds or less (this is if I'm playing a killer that doesn't have much mobility). Or if the survivors play really well and I get maybe 1 kill with 3 gens done.

    Now when it comes down to survivor, I think the stress comes down to a few things.

    1: Your experience of looping and mind gaming.

    2: If the killer is running things to really slow down the game and the 3 gen game. Imagine a lot of stacks of thano and dying light paired with pop.

    3: If the killer tunnels a survivor heavily or is just slugging everyone.

  • Vetrathene
    Vetrathene Member Posts: 1,425
  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    I can give you an example:

    1 match I had tunnel someone too long. In this time, 1 gen had pop up and even though I had directly cancel the tunneling after that, it was also too late because 3 other had shortly pop up after this one.

    It was my own stupidity that had lead me to lose this game, but it was still 1 freaking mistake.

    I usual tunnel no one too long, if I not develop a personal grudge against the person I am hunting, but sometimes I still walk into this "trap".

    Even I need to admit that I not just sometimes walk into this trap, but also as Legion main play a killer that is heavily depended on tunneling, since bhvr thought that it would be a nice idea to cut everything away that could give you a reason to not tunnel. Small rant over :).

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    Neither side is stressful tbh.

  • RIP_Legion
    RIP_Legion Member Posts: 428

    Is this even a question lol, in all seriousness though it is killer. The second part is more interesting though, I do think killer should be more stressful than survivor at least seeing as it's 1v4 and I don't see how you'd make it not stressful without nerfing survivors into oblivion and making it one sided. Of course some things need to be tweaked like DS (JusT dOnt TUnnEl LoL, and don't worry I can give you all the reasons in the world why it's bs as it is and why the devs don't know what they're talking about when it comes to that, just ask.) and buffing weaker killers like Clown, Bubba, Legion, and Doc (where it that doesn't feel like you're at a large, permanent disadvantage in comparison to Freddy or Hillbilly, sure some need to be better than others but come on Hillbilly vs Bubba we know who will have the better game).

  • cipherbay_
    cipherbay_ Member Posts: 379

    Easy answer, which role presses you for time? Which role can you look away from the screen more to read chat?

  • Runcore
    Runcore Member Posts: 328

    Definitely killer. Feeling like poor victim of 4 bullies. Survivors are precious of developers.

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278
    edited December 2019


    Most my games as Survivor are fun (as in I have space to breathe and get a moment to relax), even in solo queue.

    As Killer? You kick a gen, leave, and they’re already on it, you spend a minute trying to find survivors at the beginning of the match? You lose one gen, etc.

  • nyan_painbow
    nyan_painbow Member Posts: 53


  • ThisGuuy83
    ThisGuuy83 Member Posts: 1,303

    Pallet stun into t-bagging, then clicky-clicky = your death no matter what to me. It's personal and 1v1 then. All others are free to do whatever until I pulverize and make an example out this anal dwelling butt monkey! Just a fair warning from a friendly killer! 😉

  • Freddy_chan
    Freddy_chan Member Posts: 31

    Killer is much more stressful, i mean, i lost count of how many times i got a grab animation but fckin survivor just ran away cuz servers suck ass, and as a killer any mistake will cost you a lot, survivors can make many mistakes and not get punished wo hsrd for it

  • PistolTimb
    PistolTimb Member Posts: 1,413

    Survivor is far more relaxing, even as a solo survivor. Running loops can be so satisfying, especially when the killer gives up on you.

    Killer can be very mixed. If the survivors are dunces, the game is relaxing and can be fun. If they're sweating bullets, fun can be harder to attain. I enjoy taking the challenge of playing the weaker killers, but playing someone like Trapper against a stacked swf that disarms every trap you place isn't fun.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    "anyone that says otherwise is just wrong"

    didn't know an opinion could be wrong.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321
    edited December 2019

    An opinion is an opinion. In my opinion solo survivor gameplay is by far more stressful than killer gameplay as you got 0 control over the match as opposed to playing killer where most of the match results are the result of your own mistakes or correct plays.

  • DepressedClownMain
    DepressedClownMain Member Posts: 924

    Depends on the killer, the survivors, the rank, the match, the map.

    You have trolls on both sides, you have difficult matches for both sides

  • joker7997
    joker7997 Member Posts: 899

    Killer is stressful. Survivor is like playing Candy crush 90% of the time. Plus you've got buddies