How would everyone feel about a direct mettle of man buff?

Something that should be taken into consideration is that mettle of man users waste a lot of their time healing and waiting for opportunities while it does not waste no where near as much of the killers time in theory my proposed buff would be to make it 2 hits instead of 3 or the make it more worthwhile allow it to tank instant downs. How would you feel about a direct mettle of man buff?
The effect is so strong that I definitely would not buff it in this way, it's fine being a niche perk.
I'd be okay with removing the aura reveal penalty (on tier 3 I guess) and that's about it.
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This perk died the moment they put something stupid like protection hits on it. It's gone to the graveyard with the rest of the forgotten useless perks. Like i've watched REALLY good survivors try to make this perk work in any way, and it's just #########. You'll see it activate maybe once every 30 games.
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About the same as having to chop off my hand because it was possessed by an evil spirit.
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I think its in a good spot right now. I have used it a couple of times, and I can honestly say its rather easy to pull off. Bring in something like Inner Strength or a medkit and heals will not be a problem. Just run to the Killer when they pick someone up. The effect is strong. It should be a hefty price to pull off.
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I don't agree with how you want it buffed, but I agree that it should be. There is room for the perk to be useful without being over or underpowered. Like here is an idea. My main beef with the perk is that you are wasting a ridiculous amount of time not working on generators or being useful to your team trying to build up the tokens. The payoff is not worth it. But if some of that lost time was mitigated then it might be worth using. So for example, if there was a secondary effect that healed yourself after taking a protection hit while being outside of a chase for 45 seconds then it might be fair.
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Fair enough some people agree and some disagree I think your concept is quite good.
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What do you think about a combination of 4 protection hit/safe unhook ?
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I feel like it'd be pretty unfair to all the Perks that have been weak for way longer.
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Rework Mettle of Man, don't buff it.
It's design is so inherently flawed it just needs to go. If it's simple and manageable to get the requirements, it's on every single survivor and it breaks the game. If it's difficult to get them, it's too rare to work so nobody runs it at all.
They should make it easier to gain stack but have it only protect from one-hit downs, rather than being downed from injured. Make it a counter to strong effects, rather than a counter to any killer who exists.
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Well it definitely needs some buff, I agree it was op before but now it's just useless.
there's no reason to buy Ash right now, I only got to use the old MoM about like 2 times I think.
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@PigNRun would like to see you pull it off that easy. Getting protection hits isn't that easy at all because you would hunt the killer and waste time. If you play normal, it is rather rare that you are in reach for a protection hit.
I wasted almost all items on my Lv50 Yui. I ran moM with Breakout on her to get the new achievement of 30 carry-hits. I did not explicitly hunt the killer, just when they ran past me and I had nothing specific to do at the moment, or when they got downed in range, I went for it. I got MoM activated maybe 3 times and just twice I could make use of it. The first was just an extended chase, the second had a great effect. I managed to save someone from the hook during endgame and we both escaped, because of the extra hit. One before unhook and one after unhook. And that made the game a 1k instead of a 3k. If that happens during the game, you have 2 people up and one in a chase, instead of 2 people down. That can have a huge effect, that's why I also think, 1 of 30 matches is ok as a rate. If it would be more regular, it would also be more meta and therefore would happen even more often, somehow breaking the balance totally.
@Dreamnomad Autoheal is also a pretty good buff, even with a 45 sec delay. Think of Inner Strength, I'd say the average is 2 heals per game. There is a max of 5 heals spread among 4 survivors. Many lost by survivors cleansing with Inner Strength still active (cuz hex for example) or not running Inner Strength. Still I see many games with at least one survivor running it. And it is worth it I'd say. So combining an autoheal with the free hit would be too strong in my opinion. At least maybe something like "get Endurance after 45s until healed" so you still make the grunts and bleed. But definitely removing the aura read would be a good buff, as this is a drawback from the first version, where it was way easier to activate MoM.
By the way, anyone ever managed to activate it twice in the same trial? *like lol*
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Second chance perks are unhealthy for the game so I definitely wouldn't want straight buffs to this perk. Now if we reworked it for something different that would be totally fine.
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I think it is in a good spot right now, I would like to take away the aura revealing tho
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I remember release MoM
I don't want this perk to become common, it is fine being niche. if it becomes meta it is to OP
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MOM with 2 protection hit instead of 3 will not be meta, DH-DS-BT-AD are just better option
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Happy. I was one of the guys to say: "new mettle of man is #########, but why the hell not"; I would love to find more people with MoM, but I think that would be just a lil bit OP (I think)
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@Deadeye I mean.. I literally said I pulled off MoM several times, and escaped. Not all the time, but 4~5 games per day, activating MoM in 3~4 of those matches, escaping in 2~3 of those matches. So, my veredict is... Pretty easy to pull off if you adjust your gameplay.
If you dont like the perk, then I guess you shouldnt run it. My MoM + Inner Strength + IW/Empathy + WGLF combo yields good results.
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I think protection hits should include taking a hit next to someone on a gen or searching a chest so they don't get grabbed.
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I use a similar combo: breakdown-MOM-inner strengh -empathy and the only few times i can activate the perk i just stand and wait/follow the killer, don’t do gen and in the end probably die because i didn’t help the team, now MOM is just too hard to activate imho, if you put the stack down to 2 you shoud be able to trigger the effect often, if you are worry,it it will not became meta...
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you don't realize how much 1 hit can mean in red ranks.....
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I’m red rank, 1000+ hours and imho 2 protection hit are fine,in a normal game is not common take 1 protection hit, in a match played well (gen rushing )you can take protection hit only during save if the killer is near or while healing a survivor near a killer( rare situation ) otherwise you go out of your way ( don’t make gen ) to obtain protection hit,
to obtain 2 protection hit you shoud force by bodyblocking a carried survivor,
for 3 you just play another game, chase killer and wait until he grabs someone
2 protection hit are enough, you shoud work for them but you don’t have to throw your game to obtain stack
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It's ok being niche, but it's just barely stronger than Dead Hard. Needing to vigilantly work the whole match to take one extra hit is not worth the perk slot. Just take a styptic.
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MoM is fine right now, it's effect is way too strong for it too be anything else. The problem is that they need too fix protection hits and make it more consistent.
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They already fixed them. They are fine now.
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@PigNRun I saw you said that. That's why I wanted to see your adjusted playstyle because for me it is pretty random to happen if I don't run around and do nothing that lookin for others being chased. Not saying you talk bullshit. Just the only way I know so far is wasting time doing so.