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General Discussions

What is Feral Frenzy´s purpose after 3.4.0?

You know, time has changed and so has Legion, the most hated Killer on both sides.

But what have the Devs done to him now? Giving him a power which does hurt survivors but cannot down them and which does also not work with perks?

I mean literally. Legions power can not down any survivors. As long as you chase a survivor, the survivor either

1) runs away from you (and due to the new patch the mend timer will stop) or

2) he will mend as soon as he doesnt run ( and then the timer will also stop)

I mean, nice to have a high mobility tracking power, but what for if you cannot use it to hook even one single survivor because in normal mode you are slow and a simple M1 Killer with nothing left in your repertoir.

I love the Legions appearance and so on but it is literally unplayable as a Killer imo and i dont know why survivors hate to play against him (im a surivor main btw) because he cannot do anything for real. And after this patch I can see the pick rate drop to 0%.

Poor gang. RIP Legion.

If I have missed some deep tactics with the new changes so far, let me know, because im very interested why these changes got approved and how the Legion should be played for the next few months until ...

you know ... the next change ...

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  • Member Posts: 4,033

    I think it just takes less time to injure everyone. Stop relying on a slowdown mechanic that was clearly broken and a problem and focus on hurting people quickly, then capitalizing, is my guess to their intent with his latest rework.

  • Member Posts: 118

    but how to kill them? isnt sacrificing the point of the game for the killer as I stated out?

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    Question to y'all: Have the devs fumbled with anything from a balance perspective as much as they have with Feral Frenzy?

  • Member Posts: 1,784

    The same as it's been since the rework. Except now you can spread it faster, and they can mend it faster.

  • Member Posts: 1,623

    You can use the add-on that apply broken status effect for one min.

  • Member Posts: 1,052

    Deep Wound has always been Legion's problem. It has been made progressively more and more useless and more and more of an annoyance to the survivors rather than a threat. If you "down survivors" status effect is less threatening than being chased by the huntress with no hatchets, then you have a serious problem.

  • Member Posts: 2,238

    The STBFL change was what really gutted him imo. He could have been decent if they didn't do that.

  • Member Posts: 118

    not at all, have you read the changes? terror radius doesnt affect the mend timer anymore.

    this means if the survivor gives you some decent tea baggings behind a pallet he will go down. Thats the only thing that changed for the Legion. That is the issue the devs thought was the problem they had to adress.

    I mean ... seriously?

    If you just run in circles you evade the mend timer. #########?

  • Member Posts: 3,278

    You're basically just Wraith speed but no power, you're athletic and can run fast through the map, any survivor you hit gets 12 seconds to mend or 8 if they are healed by others, and you get to see where other people are in your TR once hitting someone.

    That's all.

    They sure punish you for having such a weak power, long cool down, etc.

  • Member Posts: 118

    Yeah, I didnt get why they put FF in the game at all. The trailer, the picture with the 4 faces, the image of the Legion in general and the background story. Nothing fits with the power that the Legion has atm, sprinting around, harming but not killing a single guy ever. Why would they be able to track anybody? Why would they be able to stab and track multiple survivors if only one member of the Legion is in the trial at once?

  • Member Posts: 9,417

    What was the purpose before 3.4.0?

  • Member Posts: 4,104

    Aside from their perks, Legion was a disaster.

    The marketing for Legion was misleading. Their trailer (The animated short) could have probably been used in a lawsuit for deceptive selling of a product. Balance wise, they were originally broken(downing in Frenzy, then still broken (Infinite mending) and finally ultimately broken (It is ultimately better to not use their power then use it in literally every scenario.)

    If it wasn't for the fact the Discordance is very good and that the other perks have their uses, the community would honestly still be complaining about them.

  • Member Posts: 53

    I hate to go off topic but boy could it not be used in any kind of lawsuit that went anywhere.

  • Member Posts: 4,104

    @SaintsxSinners Fair enough, it was still scummy to portray "Naruto running knife guy" as a shape shifter or disguise killer when the community has wanted one for so long.

  • Member Posts: 3,047

    Actually thats a good point FF can be used for mass dmg not slow downs.

  • Member Posts: 16

    Pardon me if I'm wrong, but how has he changed at all in this respect?

    Ever since his first rework his power, just like the Plague's, is supposed to assure just a first hit, and not a down. And, if you get lucky and survivors are somewhat close to each other, quickly spread some damage that means wasted time for them.

    After the first hit, just like Plague, he's a regular M1 killer for the down and the sacrifices. That's really how he's been ever since first nerf. The only exception is when you have enduring and spirit fury (which I feel are musts on him) and you manage to get an injured survivor to (stupidly) stun you out of your power and ensure a quick down as well.

  • Member Posts: 25

    At this point they should just remove feral frenzy and just give him the speed boost and vault action for 1 hit.

  • Member Posts: 2,551

    Legion was a mistake

  • Member Posts: 1,784

    If they're running in circles, they're not doing gens.

  • Member Posts: 507

    Applying Borrowed Time for Survivors..

  • Member Posts: 571
    edited December 2019

    Just another heath state for survivors

  • Member Posts: 219

    the difference is if they heal from Plagues power then her power is upgraded, FF/Legion isnt upgraded.

  • Member Posts: 16
    edited December 2019

    Sure, but cleansing at a fountain takes very few seconds, while mending AND healing takes a lot more. So each has their own benefits and downsides. It's also easier for Legion to spread some damage, thanks to the killer's instinct.

    I'm not arguing that they're powerful, by the way, just that their power isn't completely useless as people seem to think.

    (Anyway, you should never cleanse against a Plague anyway, and probably not against Legion as well).

  • Member Posts: 219
    edited December 2019

    Mending takes 12 seconds solo OR 8 seconds if someone else does it, while it takes 6 seconds to cure themselves of the sickness at a pool of devotion. not really much time if now a survivor runs to another survivor to have them heal them then bang out some gens. Legion has no benefits ONLY downsides. while in FF without addons Legion should be able to break pallets, and have that window vault speed while not in FF.

  • Member Posts: 4,188

    Legion is an information killer. They use the information from Frenzy to make decisions that can change a match. Either you commit to the person, or you change to another. But you apply pressure by chasing multiple... but then they nerfed DW... because of a gimmick build and the new Oblivious perks...

  • Member Posts: 4,188

    But I've had games where people can open the door even when with DW status...

  • Member Posts: 3,535

    The answer? Not a damn thing.

  • Member Posts: 3,535

    No, cause they insist on keeping Deep Wounds on it.

  • Member Posts: 3,535

    As I told you in another post, this is even worse. You even agreed with me.

  • Member Posts: 607

    Can’t believe they are calling it a buff lmao

  • Member Posts: 689

    They are completely ruined and I think the devs are at a loss what to do with them

  • Member Posts: 43

    Yeah, except the Plague can apply her effect to objects, has no 4 second stun for her power, only a half a second cooldown for her vomit, can hit survivors at a range with her power, can see sick survivors better due to the green stuff they emit, they literally cannot heal, and when they cleanse, which has to be done in certain spots unlike Deep Wounds, she gains a super strong ranged beam of death.

    Compare that to increased movement speed, the ability to vault pallets, and applying 12 seconds of pressure to a survivor after hitting them, the Plague is WAY better in almost every aspect. There's a reason she's a higher tier Killer and Legion is a lower tier Killer.

  • Member Posts: 118

    so you say the buff was an anti abusing mechanic? I didnt even know that this problem was so big, I mean, if they mend before or after repairing because they are still in my TR, where is the difference? The problem is Legions power is strange and should be reworked completely imo ...

  • Member Posts: 118

    As a survivor main I disagree to the fact, that you shouldnt cure the sickness. It is fast and efficient to heal yourself from the plagues power and if you hide for a few seconds after she activates the pool or juke her you might get one hit or even none at all. And she needs time to walk to the pool to fill it up while your whole team is doing gens and stuff.

    So ... you should cure the sickness every darn time you are able to imo :D I also know, if you do it too often, she gets the super puke for free, but hell, even that is worth it with a good team. Its a question of your perks.

  • Member Posts: 1,288

    Deep Wound purpose initially was to stall the game, but now the time needed to mend is so little that this is not true anymore.

    But I tell you this: that's better.

    Last month I basically played only Legion, just to see if I could reach rank 1 and to compare this new version and the previous one. After I think hundreds of games I can safely say that this Legion feels good.

    Deep Wound timer lasts just a few seconds? Good! Now what you can do is hit a survivor, look around and if you manage to chain hit more than a couple you can now go back to the original survivor, which has already mended, have him out of position and go for the kill - you don't need to go near him, just know his general location and keep your TR somehow away. He won't think you're coming, and that's when you get him.

    Meanwhile the other survivors are injured and/or mending, a win win situation.

    Save The Best For Last is now better than ever, since you don't lose stacks during feral frenzy: if you find your obsession healthy, go into FF, hit her and play from there. If she's already injured, well, you will lose just 2 stacks.

    They just need to slightly reduce Legion's stun and maybe reduce the penalty for missed hits (like: lose 50% of power instead of 100%), but after that I really think Legion is in a really good spot. Fun to play as, not obnoxious to play against.

  • Member Posts: 118

    I dont know, I think they totally missed the concept with the Legion.

    The art, the look in general, the story and the background. Nothing fits to the power of the "I can sense people, whenever I cut someone - group" and the most disappointing thing which still makes my heart bleed ... the trailer .... So much hope, ideas, concepts ... wasted ...

    My suggestion: Make a new Killer that nobody likes, give him FF how it is now, so nobody can play it and rework the great looking, knife swining Legion everyone had so high expectations on.

    I mean, It might be fun to juke without a Terror Radius after chaning FF if it really works in 2/10 games but lets be honest, he is not a reliable Killer and I am sure even the devs know that.

  • Member Posts: 89

    Region buffs Borrowed Time and sells nice cosmetics. All of the consistent reasons he was born.

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