

    DBDIT Member Posts: 172

    People that tend to run Ruin are trash to be honest because they rely too heavily on it and once it's gone, a lot of those killers take it personally and proceed to camp the first hooked person. Instead of running ruin like literally a lot of players, why not run Thanatobia and Hex grounds? You create an opportunity to get one hit downs AND the game is slowed down. There's also overcharge and pop goes the weasel. You sound like once your Ruin is gone that you're no longer able to play. Learn how to create combo perks that compliment each other because I hate to break it to you, but survivors are gonna keep gen rushing since it's you know......the main objective regardless if you call it gen rushing or not.

  • thehamzaman
    thehamzaman Member Posts: 3

    This community never fails to amuse me

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    If survivors had to face ruin every single game, for a full game then they'd get frustrated and leave.

    Especially when new players get to the rank where you face ruin every game, they'd probably give up.

  • LordEmrich
    LordEmrich Member Posts: 258

    If they're gonna leave cause of a little regression then they weren't gonna stick around to begin with so good riddance.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    I wouldn't call ruin a "little" regression. If it were only a little regression then ruin wouldn't be meta, even though it can last only 20 seconds if your unlucky. Also do remember he wanted gen times extended also.

    New players who struggle to hit skill checks will get annoyed at ruin, especially if its every game.

    Theres a very good reason why veterans of this game never ask for ruin to be made permanent. I don't mind if they buff it a bit (like they did before) but not to this extreme.

  • DaeTheKnight
    DaeTheKnight Member Posts: 19

    Lol survivors already have all the decision making power over changes in this game. If you want the devs to improve ruin in any way you'll have to convince survivor mains to complain like they always, do but this time it would have to be in your favor.

    Rather than agreeing with you, I'll say this. It's not happening.

    Even though I believe ruin should be buffed in a way that would prevent survivors from spawning directly on it. What I believe will most likely happen is the devs will make more map reworks with better totem placements.

    Take the demogorgons map for instance or the reworked badham preschool. They have awesome totems spawns. While the cornfield only has trashy areas it can spawn.

  • LordEmrich
    LordEmrich Member Posts: 258

    I don't really think the regression is all that much. Pop Goes The Weasel has a whole 25% regression and that barely feels like anything.

    If you're new and are struggling then you keep playing and get better. If someone isn't willing to learn and get better then they weren't really gonna stick around anyway. This is a niche game that takes a special kind of player. Luckily it has a pretty active player base so we'll be alright without those few who aren't willing to learn and adapt.

  • SafetyOff
    SafetyOff Member Posts: 68

    You're actually crazy. Hex Ruin is an already awful perk for solos and low-mid ranked players. This perk is for countering SWF and coordinated play. Except those players have already adapted and its neigh useless. So only solos and low ranked players suffer.

  • Brookster
    Brookster Member Posts: 7

    Yeah and borrowed time should be permanent so I don't get face camped and tunneled after running ######### killers round for 5 gens 😁

  • TuckzysGayMeng
    TuckzysGayMeng Member Posts: 72

    Just run Pop goes the weasel instead. I too run both sides and Ruin is pretty much only good for brown to green ranks or for hex roulette. Or huntress lullaby is even better than ruin.

  • IcallBS
    IcallBS Member Posts: 45
    edited December 2019

    Riiiight...if they do that then how about the killers add ons deplete like survivors? I mean they basically have 6 perks. So lame listening to people whine on both sides. Play harder or delete the game! No one cares about you whiney turds.

  • AddictedNoob244
    AddictedNoob244 Member Posts: 20

    I play both sides and as killer it’s really not hard to kill everyone with or without ruin. Of course their are some bad games against SWFs and particularly skilled people I have to disagree

  • BillyAndStu
    BillyAndStu Member Posts: 120

    Lol crutch? True the perk can be useless but it can also carry. If is up for even a minute it gets value. Against semi decent survivors if ur not a S tier killer you need ruin. Then survivor mains call for s tier killers to be nerfed. A crutch is a reliable advantage and ruin is not that.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    5% isn't that much regression but when you get 10 skill checks on a gen then it makes a big difference. Also Pop doing 25% is good, but that's only if someone taps the gen immediately after the gen is kicked. If they don't touch it then it'll probably regress by an additional 10% or more.

    We need more new players to keep this game alive. If we don't add new players then eventually when most of our player base moves on they'll have no one left.

    As I said before I personally don't think many veterans of the game would say that ruin should last the whole game. Anyone who plays both survivor and killer equally, especially at red ranks will understand what I'm saying. Imagine the devs brought back old MoM tomorrow, since it's not getting enough use now. Would you still say we should "learn and adapt"?

  • Ivi1n1
    Ivi1n1 Member Posts: 1

    It's annoying as a survivor to play ruin, I play both and I mostly get 3 kills at least (no I don't face camp or tunnel) ruin is fine how it is, and gen times to be longer? With ruin it regresses 2% and if you hit a good skill check, thus making it longer, It's all strategy on both sides, which is why every side complains! But to be honest, I think survivors have it worse, just because every good perk we have except self care has a penalty, exhaustion perks, use them once every 40+ seconds, unbreakable, one use, borrowed time, have to be in the killers radius, but that's just my opinion

  • pressure lol? Are you aware how big maps are and how slow killers move? They need 80 seconds and some maps going from one end to the other in a straight line takes like 20 30 (80 without any perks, which is unlikely to be that long) and slowing the gens down makes more sense since you have the time for chases even if the survivor runs a bunch of bs speed and endurance perks with items.

    Regression is better since all 4 working on the same one over and over means they have to keep building progress back up or they have to choose another gen without much thought to try and break the pattern, and if it's 4swf you put them at a disadvantage and if it's pubs you essentially can get hooks and this makes the game usually barely long enough for a 4k at best. Gen pressure is a meme and it's clear you only play survivor.

    Inversely keeping the gen times this short means new killers will probably not want to play if they're getting floored by an organized team. If not make ruin permanent reduce the map sizes considerably so patrolling gens isn't just down to luck.

    I mean a 4swf can get 5 gens done in like less than 5 minutes and if they run meta perks the game becomes a chore for the killer. so it'd be a logic step considering how the meta favors survivors.

    this is a reddit response, it's meant to paint things in a flowery rainbow way so it doesn't sound mean since someone voting up your comment gives you a euphoric rush unrivaled by anything. Secondly why should the balance of power shift to the survivors ever? the killer has the knife, that's the most ham fisted representation of power there is. The survivors should capitalize on the killers mistakes not the other way around. You can't have both, so hop off that fence and pick a side.

  • StrickxNyne
    StrickxNyne Member Posts: 230

    You get permanent ruin all match and forgo all other perks and add-ons. Ide be down for that

  • nobody said that last part, what the hell. Ruin isn't good enough to forgo other perks.

  • StrickxNyne
    StrickxNyne Member Posts: 230
    edited December 2019

    Sounds interesting if you lock that theory to hag only 😉

    Or your killer who learns it spends the first minute of the match practicing placing a hex and can be interrupted by a survivor running through it. Now choose, chase the survivor or restart the hex 😂

  • Accullla
    Accullla Member Posts: 984

    That's OK, we can disagree. I've said pretty much everything I can say about the perk in several other comments in this thread replying to people who think similarly to you. Read them if you're interested to see what I think.

    A competent player does not need ruin with any killer against weak, decent or good survivors. You may need it because you've become reliant on it. I don't want to assume what your playstyle is, but in general, at least in my opinion, relying on ruin to slow the game down eventually puts a cap on your own skill and prevents you from learning how to put pressure on survivors by actually playing the game.

  • it's that or pop since it's the better of the perks, it's not a crutch it's necessary. Crutch perks are ones like iron grasp or that one that makes you attack more often or quicker, if you can't slow the game down at all you lose. So quit with this concern trolling and passive aggressive reddit tier crap.

  • Accullla
    Accullla Member Posts: 984

    You seem angry.

    On your reply to my first comment - you're describing a certain playstyle that does rely on an artificial way to slow down survivor progress. This specific playstyle does not involve map understanding and knowledge of which gens/areas are worth patrolling and which aren't. It also does not involve very good understanding of how long a chase should last, what tiles you shouldn't chase at what conditions, when is it time to cycle targets and so on.

    I play survivor and I play killer. I use my experience from each role to become better at the other. You should try it - you might learn something.

    On your reply to my second comment - First of all, I have no idea what you mean with the reddit flowery voting. By the number of people who have issue with what I've said, I'm clearly stating an unpopular opinion, so I take the time to write a constructive reply to each of these people. I don't use reddit, so to that I'll only tell you that I believe in everything I say. Regarding the power shift - this is how the game is designed. What "should" and "should not" be is your own interpretation of how the game is meant to feel and to be played, which is only relevant to you and others who think the same way. The comment that you should always be in the power role just because you hold the knife is just silly to me. I don't see why four intelligent people with strong survival instinct should not be able to "outplay" a guy who does not know how to use said knife - and vice versa. The core game mechanics provide each side with the tools to do well in a game - it's down to each team's skill and ability to utilise these mechanics to decide the outcome of a match. In other words, each side has the opportunity to make great plays and/or capitalise on their opponent's mistakes in order to win a match. Instead of telling me to get off the fence and pick a side, I think that you should step back and look at the bigger picture.

  • more concern trolling and being passive aggressive. You literally just said "you mad" and tried to veil it as some sort of neutral concern. Just stop drop the act.

    Secondly you're implying only MLG purists don't use ruin when I challenge you to show me great survivors at rank 1 losing to a no ruin setup. It's necessary and you're just upset you have to deal with it every game just as much as we are for having to run it. Why should the killer not have the power? It just seems silly a super natural entity aided by a supposed dark god should be thwarted by 4 teenagers so easily. Secondly it's needed since it slows the pace down so the killer has a chance to do something about gen rushing survivors. your response is just filled with bias obviously.

  • Accullla
    Accullla Member Posts: 984

    I'm happy to have a debate, however you're just stating opinions without any logical reasoning behind them, which is no way to build an argument. To me this implies that you're content with just stating your opinion and not defending it, so I'll leave it at that

  • Accullla
    Accullla Member Posts: 984
    edited December 2019

    I'm not trolling or being passive aggressive. I'm offering an opinion and arguments to back it up. That's a lot more than what you're doing, so you should think about who's the troll in this.

    I'll just paste one of my earlier comments below, as it looks like you haven't made the effort to read them and I'm getting tired of writing:

    "Using ruin is a crutch and promotes complacency. In my experience

    • a good team will work through ruin just fine. All it does is remove the great skill check speed buff, which isn't worth a perk slot in my opinion. You're much better off using something that helps you in tracking or chases. You create pressure by downing survivors and killing them, not by slowing down repair speed.
    • The reason I say that ruin promotes complacency is that against average survivors it slows the game down so much that you can just mindlessly chase them without having to think about whether the survivor is at a strong loop, what are the others doing while you're chasing that guy, is he baiting me to leave an area to help his teammates work safely, how many of their teammates are injured, are they healing or are they on gens, etc. You can just tunnel each survivor until you down them and move on to the next target and still get a 4k (or pip, depending on your personal win condition). This sort of playstyle places a ceiling on your skill as killer and makes you struggle once ruin is cleansed

    Of course, you don't have to take my word for it. I'm just offering advice and it's your choice whether you want to take it or leave it."

    Edit: there are a few things i didn't address in your comment, so here are my answers:

    • "Secondly you're implying only MLG purists don't use ruin when I challenge you to show me great survivors at rank 1 losing to a no ruin setup". - Play a few games at rank 1 without ruin. If you are decent at the game, as you seem to imply, you'll be able to prove that to yourself
    • "It just seems silly a super natural entity aided by a supposed dark god should be thwarted by 4 teenagers so easily." - from a lore perspective, maybe. You need to keep in mind that dead by daylight is a video game and these "4 teenagers" are people with brains that can outplay the one playing as killer the same way a killer can outplay the said 4 teenagers.
    •  "you're just upset you have to deal with it every game just as much as we are for having to run it." - I'm not upset I have to deal with it and I do not have to run it in my killer loadout. I genuinely think it's a bad perk which can be substituted with stronger perks (e.g. whispers and discordance), that are better at helping you get early game pressure and are also useful in the mid and late game
    • "your response is just filled with bias obviously." - I would argue that your response is biased and not mine. While I've offered you a view from both perspectives, you seem to be completely biased towards the killer side. What really irritates me is that you're maintaining a narrative that I genuinely think promotes reaching a skill cap as killer which prevents people from getting better. That's why i feel compelled to reply to you every time
  • lazerlight
    lazerlight Member Posts: 353

    Maybe when ruin gets cleansed, it could apply a 40/50/60 second reduced repairing speed.

    Or reveal gens that are being worked on for 3 seconds.

  • grayon444
    grayon444 Member Posts: 757

    If the swf is good they can win with no perks at all, depends on the swf.

  • JordanMalicious
    JordanMalicious Member Posts: 383

    You pressure one of them because you know at least 2 people are there, which is half the survivor team, which means when you arrive, half the team won't be doing gens. I'm a killer main, I do this often.

  • JordanMalicious
    JordanMalicious Member Posts: 383

    Amazing idea with the generator start up time after being kicked. Survivors being able to undo your generator kick by taking half a second to touch the generator is pretty silly. Very good suggestions. Seriously get @Peanits looking into this!

  • Withered
    Withered Member Posts: 71

    Ruin shouldn't be permanent, instead, all hex perks should have a permanent effect, and a cleanse-able effect.


    Hex:NOED- Permanent speed boost, temporary exposed

    Hex:ruin- permanent lack of boost for great skill checks, temporary regression for good

    Hex TOTH- perm bp boost, temp totem protection

    So on

  • PlutoniumYT
    PlutoniumYT Member Posts: 15

    I play both roles. Sometimes as killer it kinda suck when ruin is destroyed right at the beginning and when you get the first person 2 gens are already done, but often you can still manage to get at least 2 or even all of them.

    It also sucks when you are a survivor, most of the time nobody escapes. And if the survivors escape it's usually because the game gave them a killer of a lower rank.

  • MrsGhostface
    MrsGhostface Member Posts: 987

    Sounds like you’re just bad

  • Prex91
    Prex91 Member Posts: 764

    Playng both survivor and killer at high ranks (almost devotion 3). I think gen rush is a problem. Every match both role with ruin the game stalls a lot, because much of the surv have problems with ruin (me personally I'm improving with time for the perfect skill checks), so they lose time. Some killer matches I just dominate, but if I not close the match when they found ruin they just starts gen rush like crazy, even if they are injured, and re- open the match. When I play survivor with casuals just the same thing (if the other have no problem with skill checks or have toolbox gen rush immideatly, or wait to down the ruin and then gen rush). That is the only gameplay basic real problem I think, in fact the game is based on time, so it is necessary to balance it on all ranks (ruin obviusly stronger at low ranks, where people are not good in the game). Dont know if a new object is the way to go to make the games more fun and not rushed. Hope devs will find solution to that (buff some weakar gen stop/totem perks, dont know), or see if they decide to mantain the game ruin dependent.

    LULKEK Member Posts: 82

    you are just a noob dont play it if you are so bad thx and stop cry like baby

  • yoko123
    yoko123 Member Posts: 28

    Speaking from experience- Hex: Ruin is already a very powerful and valuable perk.

    It definitely makes my Survivor games harder and 100% makes my Killer games easier.

    Yes, sometimes you get unlucky and get a bad totem spawn, but that's the inherent risk of running such a powerful perk. Don't forget you can also get very lucky spawns.

    If Hex: Ruin were to no longer be bound to a totem, it would require a considerable nerf to its raw power.

    I'm sure a compromise could be reached, such as adding a timer or adjusting how Hex: Ruin functions, but as of right now, I think the perk is in a good place other than the fact that, for a lot of people, it often feels necessary in order to defend generators.

  • BasedMorlis
    BasedMorlis Member Posts: 29

    LOL!!! If you're concerned about survivors running 2-3 perks just to counter 1 killer perk, you need to look up the definition of balance. Your complaint is absolute and utter rubbish. If you are so concerned with protecting your perk, there are LITERALLY perks built into the game for it (Thrill of the Hunt). There is no reason to change/adjust Hex: Ruin from its current state. It is a perfectly balanced way for killers to extend the match times without being overpowered. Sincerely, a common sense Killer.

  • TBfishy
    TBfishy Member Posts: 28

    Low rank killers dominate low rank survivors, its higher ranks where survivors are able to get upper hand and learn, killers have a more noob friendly playstyle at first (not saying killers easy, just low ranks)

    I dont know how much survivor youve played, but when me and my friends got this game, ruin was the death of us. No new player is going to be hitting them, especially with the lag on them. It takes 100+ hours until you get the hang of it. Permanent ruin would drive EVERY NEW PLAYER AWAY. The low rank kill rate would be insane and the games playersbase would either stay stagnant or decline, which is not what this game needs.

    Also, I had the game for a year and a half before i got ruin (I legit got it a month ago). It is completely possible to do well without ruin, and completely possible to do good on the current map sizes.

    Instead of asking for BHVR to compromise their game for your unlucky games, you should try to take a look at your playstyle and critique what youre doing wrong, and try other perks that in my opinion are much stronger (and stay the whole game) to improve your kill rate.

    Im not trying to argue by the way, Im just trying to drive my point of why I completely disagree.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    2nd Objective should be permanent, not Ruin. Ruin should be removed.

  • BasedMorlis
    BasedMorlis Member Posts: 29
  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Ruin already is powerfull enough as it is

    Don't forget that new players have to play against this too

    Making gens longer would just make the boring side of survivor even more boring

    IMO they should just make the end game longer, something between the gens getting finished and the gates opening

    Something like instead of opening them manually the gates open after a fixed time

    Or 3 colered chest apear on the map that contains a fuse to allow you to open the gate

    Something like that

  • Psypho_Diaz
    Psypho_Diaz Member Posts: 185

    I've mention that forcing gen locks is one of the best strata as a killer. Let them repair the furthest gens while you work on downing other survivors. Keep your patrol area down so your not wasting time looking. Try to keep the last 3 gens close together to maximize end game pressure

  • BoneFish
    BoneFish Member Posts: 12

    Ruin is kind of a joke right now. It slows the game down, that's it, and against good survivors it doesn't even slow it down enough for me to consider it a 'perk' more than a necessity.

    Aren't perks supposed to be something optional that you run because you feel it gives you an advantage in a certain aspect of the game? Good survivors power through ruin like it's barely even there and not to mention, being a hex, it has a ton of RNG on where the totem spawns making you lose it almost instantly sometimes.

    In alot of ways it feels like this.

    "Choose Hex Ruin to make the game somewhat winnable, but still difficult."

    "Don't equip Hex Ruin and the game is over in 5 minutes because gens get done so fast."

    That's not a perk and honestly, if you're struggling vs Hex Ruin then you just need to get better as a player. Good survivors have demonstrated OVER and OVER that Hex Ruin is not that big of a deal and is just a necessary slot the killer needs to slow down gen speed to a "Reasonable" degree.

    Honestly I hate Ruin, I don't want to run it every game, I feel like I need it though alot of the times and sometimes I feel like I just get 3 perk slots because of it. They need to take a long hard look at how fast gens are done without Ruin and balance it based off of that.

  • StrickxNyne
    StrickxNyne Member Posts: 230

    Isn't that the very point of perks, add-ons hexes etc? Learn to counter and beat them. That's what the problem in the forums are. People finally learn to loop, use perks and get good at the game, people come to ask that they be nerfed because people have finally learned their way around. Then unfortunately as more are learning to do it, wham nerfs come in and make the entire game a nightmare for those in mid ranks, purple, who are just getting the hang, getting ready to finally get to red rank and now new play styles are forced. Any more nerfs etc need to only happen in red rank where the system is already incredibly harder to boot.

  • StrickxNyne
    StrickxNyne Member Posts: 230

    Before the nerfs over the last 3 months I spent more time in game actually playing and having fun. It's gotten so lame with nerfs and cry babies begging for nerfs etc I spend more time in forum than in game watching who caused the mess to begin with and guess what? Those same people are still in the forums an insane amount for getting what they begged for every step of the way.

  • Plaquer
    Plaquer Member Posts: 197

    If one person is on the hook, and one person is getting chased, and gets downed immediately after the other person was saved from the hook, how many people do you think will be doing gens? Downing people quickly applies pressure, not chasing people, so i don't think you understood that killers forcing altruism is what slows the game down, not just them chasing. Thats why killers like Billy, Spirit, and Nurse, don't need ruin at all, they down survivors so quickly that they are too busy saving each other to finish the gens. Ruin isn't necessary, there are plenty of alternatives, although I understand using it on weaker killers since they need he time to remove pallets and hook people since it will take longer for them