Legion's stun time



  • sailormars
    sailormars Member Posts: 122

    It really is. That's why mettle was such a ######### perk, it gave you two health states that gave you another chance when you threw your first one away. 1 chase can make a major difference in whether you win as a killer or not. The fact that you don't know this is sad. If someone throws away a first chase, that's them being idiotic. Who in their right mind would let themselves get hit just so a killer can bait their dead hard? It would make more sense to loop as much as possible, then get hit, and then use DH. I've never seen anyone use your "strategy" lmao. Any killer will tell you that even 2 minute can screw a killer over. Getting rid of the first chase greatly helps.

    The Plague is different as she has to waste time getting slowed by throwing up on survivors. This is why she's a low tier killer, she can't get the first hit in until she's thrown up on a survivor for a while. High walls and loops make this even harder for her to achieve.

    And again, you're not eking into account that the survivor doesn't always know where Legion is coming from or if they're even coming toward them. They can easily run into the killer. This is also a matter of how good you are. If you choose to go after the guy halfway across the map, then that's on you and you're obviously not going to get a hit. Even then you still close a whole bunch of distance that you wouldn't have done without FF. Mending takes much longer than a sprinting Legion's power, he can easily secure another hit and provide more pressure. If you're good, you'll get a down and get EVRN MORE pressure. It snot my fault you're just bad.

    And uh, I'm not saying Legion is nurse level lmao. I'm saying he's not that bad of a killer that he should be able to two tap like the Nurse. What the nurse needs is a much longer stun time or a complete rework of her power, you can't even compare them.

  • sailormars
    sailormars Member Posts: 122

    I've played Legion at high ranks and I've payed against him. Never seen any Legion struggle unless they keep making mistakes.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited August 2019

    Your arguments sound like you didn't care at all about the fun for Legion mains.

    Many Legion mains like to have fun. We don't do it as job.

    Punishments make no fun for the player that are suffering under it. Especially if they come up by every opportunity the Legion offers (you like to use your abilite?-stun, you miss a hit?-stun, you like to vault?-na, na, na->only slower as the pre patch Legion, you like to be fast?-na, na, na->only slower as the pre patch Legion, you like to down someone with your special abilitie?-how could you have this idea!, you like to see deep wound progress?-of course not!, 1 special abilitie works only outside of tr-check! = that covers almost 95%+ of the Legion gameplay if not more).

  • Nameless
    Nameless Member Posts: 869

    I wasn’t referring to the combo of Spirit fury and enduring but to the fact that The Legion can vault windows and pallets so if you make it so that they’re able to down people with their ability it would end up breaking the game. Their ability goes against core game mechanics and because they so drastically negate those core mechanics I believe they should be reworked, rather than be buffed. The devs are basically trapped because of this as they can’t change them too much before it becomes op.

  • leslie4445
    leslie4445 Member Posts: 44

    Omg this needs to be done to legion ASAP lol. I agree with ppl that have AMAZING BIG BRAIN buffs and reworks for legion. Like idk why the devs have legion tied up . Like the potential they can have is pretty big.

  • leslie4445
    leslie4445 Member Posts: 44
    edited December 2019

    But dude like many ppl say here ..not every legion player is gonna be good . So it doesnt matter if their power goes against core game mechanics Lol honestly i think the legion are good for now. Cuz i go up against survivors that are skilled and i get de ranked sometimes so. Honestly idk man. The game in general is just effd up imo. Both sides can get toxic quick. And if you are good survivor loops are your bff. Lol ppl abuse the games mechanics too as survivors so is that fair too?? I dont think so. And if you dont have decent perks as legion its game over bro. END OF DISCUSSION 😂🤣😅

  • RIP_Legion
    RIP_Legion Member Posts: 428

    Honestly Legion's 2.7.0 rework was a travesty, it's undefendable how sloppy and not thought out it was with the only argument being "It wasn't the biggest thing to worry about" which funny enough makes it look even less thought out, 80% of the killers addons were nerfed into oblivion being made unusable in every situation except for the Blades (which weren't even good after 2.7.0 but hey let's nerf things that nobody on Earth asked to nerf), Iridescent button, and duration addons). It sucks how the one time they touched them in over 7 months was a buff with unnecessary nerfs (reduced mend time and nerfing builds with perks like sloppy and STBFL for the moronic excuse of consistency meanwhile half of the other roster has far better abilities and doesn't have to worry a damn thing about "consistency", and the purple blade which was already a mediocre addon that existed to exist 3.5 seconds to 2.5 seconds). Overall I can't deny the latest patch came with necessary buffs but there wasn't a need for a give and take, he's not even good lol.

    They need to reduce the stun duration and everyone knows it even the devs, there's 0 reason for it to be so forgiving at 4 seconds. I'd make a list of other necessary changes but everyone else has already done it.

  • Spooky13
    Spooky13 Member Posts: 1,471
    edited December 2019

    I agree with this. The big reason Legion got nerfed in the first place in 2.7.0 was to get rid of exploits like moonwalk, Nasty and Filthy Blade making mending take 5 minutes after a few hits, and SWS and Frank's Mixtape. Now that those are gone there is no reason for Legion to still have such a high stun time and honestly they should just give back the exact stats they had before the rework. They just absolutely gutted Legion when they didn't need too. They could've just changed how DW worked to not be reduced in the Terror Radius, and changed the addons to prevent the Blades from being abused and SWS and Frank's being a guaranteed instadown. Legion was such a hot topic that they nerfed them so unnecessarily to get survivors to shut up about them. They made Legion almost unplayable to reduce the amount of Legion players so survivors wouldn't complain about Legion anymore. Legion and Freddy's first nerf are the worst examples of BHVR listening to the community and taking it to extremes for no reason.

  • People will try and pallet stun you out of power a lot more.

    land an attack, miss an attack, DS, Headon, all the usual stuns per the course, no problem....

    Miss an attack with frenzy? Blinding stun.

    Run out of power? Blinding Stun.

    They Deadhard your frenzy? Blinding Stun.

    Hit someone with frenzy twice by accident? Blinding stun.

    Like it's so easy to be knocked out of your power and stunned, it is really annoying.

  • Nameless
    Nameless Member Posts: 869

    Yes not every Legion player is gonna be good, but balancing isn’t about the very few players. It’s about the majority. What you’re saying right here is like saying Prayer Beads Spirit was fine because somewhere on this planet will be someone so terrible with Spirit, they will perform badly with her even with Prayer Beads.

    The fact survivors can abuse game mechanics too is completely irrelevant to this thread. This is about Legion, not the survivors. And again, as a dev you want these broken game mechanics gone, you don’t want to create new broken mechanics to balance to old broken mechanics.

  • FJSJ_Lunar
    FJSJ_Lunar Member Posts: 230

    no matter how bad he is people like ussylis will still complain lol

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    You guys have revive a dead thread^^ :)

    Even though the most problems are still actual.

    Btw. @Nameless

    Best would be, if balancing would be based on the average player, because really bad players and really good players are the exception imo.

    However - on the Legion patches you can see that they had not the average player in mind.

  • kate_main
    kate_main Member Posts: 178

    Meh, just reduce it to 3.5 seconds and they're fine.

    Legion doesnt need big buffs

  • NullSp3c
    NullSp3c Member Posts: 765

    The devs are too scared of making changes to the legion because the killer can become too overpowered/underpowered with a slight change.

    Legion is in that edge unfortunately and the DBD devs don't test that much so we have a big problem here.

    I hope they change legion in the next patch or im out for good.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768
    edited December 2019

    They are pretty good with nemesis+PWYF. But pretty good is not good enough in a world of commodious toolboxes.

  • Shraar
    Shraar Member Posts: 219
    edited December 2019

    (caps are edits to be nicer)

    I FEEL they don't know how to actually design legion properly

    genuinely, I FEEL the legion are their biggest disappointments

    the "gang of hooligans" theme? failures to deliver (they work alone, lmao, stupid)

    the fast paced chases? failure to deliver (4 second stun, awkward vaults)

    actually balanced? falure to deliver (considered the worst killer in the game, especially now that they were NERFED LMAO))

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited December 2019

    Bhvr has no excuse and so I will never show mercy for the Legionpatches.

    To pre-patch times bhvr got warned from Legion mains and some survivors that the next patch would destroy the Legion as we know it - a already weak killer to that time.

    They have not listen.

    Now in the aftermath they refuse to listen to all the ideas around the Legion. Nobody can say, that there would be nothing.

    From a simple undone of the Legion patches to completely new ideas - they have a whide array where they can choose from.

    And as such they deserve to get reminded over and over again about it until they have done something good.

    If someone on purpose takes the fun out of a large group of people, he deserves to be reminded on it until he mentally vomits in disgust for the crap he has done.

  • Shraar
    Shraar Member Posts: 219
  • ShadowRain
    ShadowRain Member Posts: 607

    Legion is dead

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    I don't think they are incompetent.

    However, I just think they are too afraid, to do what is necessary and listen sometimes to the wrong people, to easily. The result of this lead to a game that is dominated by swfs and to a horror game, that scares no one.

  • Vetrathene
    Vetrathene Member Posts: 1,425

    Legion needs a complete rework.

  • Legion is just not fun to play at all, everything gets you stunned out of your power, head on, pallets, dead hard, but they keep nerfing the power itself and not actually buffing him significantly in any way to make up for it.

    He is worse than just an ineffective killer he isn't fun to play anymore. You feel like you are the survivor's mercy. That is a really bad state for any killer in this game to be in.

    Thing is, it will be probably like months or even a year before they fix him now, cause they are gonna be working on doctor and leatherface.

    They took away his frenzy hits counting as basics too, so I can't chain franklins, that new dark devotion perk can't try that out, etc... it's annoying how they keep gimping him in ways that make him less fun, instead of any actual changes.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited December 2019

    I don't mind ds by survivors, if it is not in the late game of the match - it gives you one more reason to hunt them and with that, more bps.

    However. With the stun stuff you are imo right and I also feel me "forced" to tunnel.

    The frenzy of the old Legion had give you the peace to use it whenever you want. As a result you have attack your first target and then move on.

    Today you can't. Either you can not use your frenzy abilitie, because m1 penalitie (that means you have to stick on your target if you attack with m1 first), or you really weigh innerly the need of frenzy with your current situation, because you know that you will eat a feeled 2 hour long stun after frenzy, or a stun after a missed hit and that leads at least me often into the situation that I just m1 the survivor. Even if I need to tunnel him.

    M1 attacks have at least no freaking stuns and I can use them whenever I need them.

    Should bhvr's goal have been, to reduce the need for the Legion to tunnel, so I need to say... Well it has backfired badly thanks to the frenzy changes.

    If they would like to see a Legion that stays away from tunneling, they should buff frenzy more as already - maybe even back to the old days - so that it is a viable alternative to m1 attacks (I mean here just frenzy not dw, to be clear).

  • dooces
    dooces Member Posts: 27

    75% killer win rate.

    whats with these killers complaining? would you be quiet at 80%? 95%? would that stop you from complaining?

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited December 2019

    -I need to admit, I don't know the actual statistics for the Legion after the newest patch. I would love to have a link for it.

    -Imo, the complaining has to do with that the Legion currently feels clunky, not as fun anymore as to her first release and not fitting to the way they were advertised.

    I don't know what people think who buy the Legion about their winning chances, but we can highly assume, that the most people think that they buying a fast moving killer and while that is true thanks to the basic and frenzy speed - it is not what you get.

    Your speed doesn't matter if you are stuck in code-skeleton that punish you for every of your actions either directly, or indirectly, additonal to all the things other killers get already punished for even without any restrictions.

    And not every Legion-change would be bad for survivors. A few small changes in frenzy as example could take the pressure from Legion-players away to tunnel and I guess that would everybody make happy (well.. ok... If you like getting tunneled you will be disappointed, but it looks like as would the most people dislike it).

    Edit: With the last patch got frenzy already buffed and the world still turns :). Now a few more changes and the most problems would be gone.

    Post edited by Talmeer on
  • leslie4445
    leslie4445 Member Posts: 44

    Its not irrelevant cuz what you said is legion can ignore core mechanics of game. So legion is still weak even if he can ignore the core mechs of the game. Im pretty sure the majority of survivors dont go against legion atm. And I will vent about anything when it comes to this game. At this point ive just wasted my time and $$ cuz nothing will get fixed soon, things that actually need to get fixed. Id love for there to be new broken mechanics sure buddy anyday. As a dev i wouldnt want ANY BROKEN mechs that give anyone player a better advantage. Id like for both sides to be playable and actually involve some sort of strategy and skill. Fun is my main goal. This game aint always fun in general.

    Legion just needs to be reworked possibly..maybe the whole game at this rate lol