Take Notes Devs

As most of you know, Last Year had a major revamped to maps, game-play features and atmosphere. As from what I seen both seem fun and powerful. Classmates have a lot of things to do, like beating up The Killer or running to get parts to destroy a lock and so much more. Killers also have the same kinda thing to do as well, Like placing traps down to slow Classmates down or catching survivors off guard. The Graphics are nice, There not Dishonored 2 ( I highly suggest you play that game), But They are much better then DBD graphics. I really think that The devs should take some inspiration from last year for survivor gameplay and future map designs.
LY devs did a spider :O a big man eating spider
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Last Year dev did etc etc etc etc....
Yep. They better take notes.
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I actually want BHVR to have some kind of competitor so they would actually fix stuff more frequently.
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So Last Year is going to kill DBD again? Like they did the first time? With same success?
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Well tbh Last Year's Devs did alot to improve the game. I can see a bright future for last year If the devs don't run off to mexico again, which mostly likely they won't
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I'm not saying it's going to kill DBD, i'm basically giving my opinion on the game and saying that I wish that DBD's Survivor gameplay and Maps were similar to Last Year
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Right? lol
I remember, even Marth went on record saying it back then. "When Last Year is out, DBD will die."
*Last Year came out. Last Year was already dead*.
Many, again including Marth said the same about Deathgarden...and well, we all know how that cookie crumbled, don't we?
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Seriously I hated that game, the killer controls like a sloth going uphill on ice in winter time on a unicycle and the devs were shady as it gets.
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I dont think that is possible. When it comes to Maps, they would rework the whole of DBD. Because the concept, while being a Survival Horror Game, is different.
And regarding to Survivor gameplay... Killers are already crying about DS or Head On. Do you really want that Survivors can fight back? Killer Mains would complain a lot.
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I just want them to get more players. More Players = More Money = More inspiration to make the game better.
Maybe Ninja playing will help.
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I don't mean that for survivor gameplay, I meant more doing stuff instead of sitting on a gen for 80 seconds like getting parts for the generator so you can actually work on them .
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BHVR doesn't have an issue with money.
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Yeah I think we all know that lol
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I never said they did. I just said more money may tempt them to make the game better than it is now.
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Ah well, secondary Objectives are a thing that quite a lot of people would like to have. But it is not easy to implement. Despite the narrative, most games dont end in 3 minutes with all Gens done. So it is not that easy to implement second Objective(s), because it should not be the case that it is too difficult to get the Objective done.
But overall, I would guess that we will have second Objective(s) at one point in DBD.
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Cause that sure worked with all the bank they make with cosmetics.
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Of course it will have more players you can't really compare them as one has been out four years. so it will have a much,much bigger playerbase however I think LY is better in quality then DBD in a lot of ways.
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Nothings gonna kill dbd at this point.
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Only DBD can kill DBD
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This game is becoming the World of Warcraft of horror games.
I am pleased but we better start getting more story and lore. You opened this book you gotta keep flipping pages rawr.
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Classmates have a lot of things to do, like beating up The Killer
Right there: My #1 reason to not play this nor Friday The 13th.
Sorry to those games, but i'm just not one to like getting literally beat all the time.
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No is no where near WoW's level of popularity its very niche which has been its blessing so far. But its going up against predator next year and some other games are coming out with tons of money behind them. Bhvr lucked out out not because of game quality but because of how niche the genre is.
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Doesn’t mean that much. I don’t play last year because I don’t like the fact that you can respawn, the fact that killers are just able to roam freely in their invisible/creative mode. But everything else is cool. And I’m sure a lot of people don’t play it because of that. Doesn’t mean that it’s bad, it’s just not scary to me. The Devs need to take ideas from others because their ideas don’t work that good most of the time.
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Player numbers mean everything. At the end of the day, the game came out on Discord over a year ago, and was DOA. Now it's on Steam, and it's also DOA. Literally two releases, both DOA. It means the world.
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I really don't think objectives like in LY will work in DBD because a lot of the DBD survivors like to do things on their own and the gameplay in LY require a lot of teamwork. BHVR might be able to get away with it by adding more challenges in the rift or dailies, that require survivors to do something different, but team-based stuff is best suited for a whole other game. IMO, it would kill the game to change up a simple "working" formula that has brought the game so much success.
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what I mean is that it doesn’t mean BHVR shouldn’t take notes for some things.
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Ok but a 100% completely ######### game can still have cool ideas that other games can use as inspiration. So those numbers would be important if the claim was "Last year is going to overtake DBD" or "Last year is a superior Asymmetrical Horror game" (although even then that's subjective and wouldn't be something you prove with numbers anyway). However in this case the claim is that "Last year has some cool mechanics that I'd like to see equivalents of in DBD". Which isn't something the player count can be used to contest on it's own.
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Only if the game looks fun while he plays. The first time I watched him he was complaining that he couldn't use the ingame store while looking for match and then he got hit by the random disconnected from host error twice.
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Yes give the survivors molotovs shotguns c4 thats Gonna bring so much fin and balance to this game. Comparing What can't be compared.
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Dbd must be doing something right if people are still playing. I'd like to see last year do well but it wouldn't surprise me it'll be similar to death garden. It will be cool but the fan base will go back to dbd shortly. Deathgarden needed to make changes but they need to now gain new players, not just from the dbd community. They need players who are committed to their game, and won't just leave it a few weeks later.
My point is it would be nice if they did some little changes to survivor gameplay, the maps I'm fine with. However they are successful with their current formula and probably won't change it. I'd far rather they work on bugs and other things first.
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If you read a couple comments above you realize that not what I´m talking about
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Why you play dbd then? 😉
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No need to hate on a game. You can play either game or both.
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To have fun. 😊