A reason to continue leveling up beyond Prestige 0 Lvl 50. Hear me out.

In Prestige 1, survivors and killers still will reach their teachables (lvls 30, 35, and 40) but this time they become available to levels four, five, and six across all survs and killers. P2, permanent modifiers can be added to these perks such as Kate’s “Boil Over” giving double the Bloodpoints for successfully escaping the Killer’s grasp or increasing the amount of time that said Killer remains stunned from a successful escape. In P3, a second modifier can be added to perks.
I don't think that this is the best solution to making prestiging mean something but we can work on it sweetie
18 -
Perk mods nah.
But I think of you prestige someone making their skills show up in that blood web at a higher chance isn't a bad idea.
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Good God no
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God no, adding extra functionality to perks would mean they'd need to nerfed to compensate. You'd just need to grind even more (EVEN MORE THAN WE DO ALREADY) to get functionality out of perks. If you don't nerf them to compensate they'd be OP as all get out, and this game already has major balance issues.
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Nope. Terrible idea. That would essentially make prestiging characters mandatory. Prestige should never be associated with player power levels.
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The timing on this thread is kind of funny. I just got through posting about a way to make prestiging matter a little more without upsetting the balance of the game. From the other thread: I would like to see an option in the future to "re-roll" things bought in the bloodweb. Make it cost the same as purchasing the first time but the player can pick the thing they want. So for example on Hillbilly if I wanted to exchange a chainsaw file for a spark plug I could pay 3k bloodpoints. This would only be unlocked at level 50. For each prestige rank the cost is reduced by 10%. So a P3 Hillbilly could make the same exchange for 2700 bloodpoints.
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The reason to prestige is cosmetics, and that's all it should be.
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Instead of messing up the game's balance, how about just making learning the perks easier. Like when you P1 a character every other character automatically gets tier 1 of their first teachable perk.
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Quit trying to make prestige more than what it already is. No one is forcing you to do it and thats the way it should be.
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Actually, on second thought, I posted this in another thread, and I honestly think it provides incentive, but not necessity to prestige:
Each prestige level should unlock a loadout slot. So we can save loadouts (that would include perks, addons/items, and even outfits), per survivor/killer, for different situations without having to switch around perks all the time.
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They said as an example getting more BPs. That's one is cool.
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But is it really worth it for just one cosmetic? Why not entire sets?
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Read my latest post:
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Teachable perks are already problematic enough, thanks.
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How so? I find no issue with them.
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Perk mods for prestige that give higher BP for killers and survivors is a must.
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Maybe something similar to the Blood Market or whatever on Mobile?
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Can i buy pot from you?
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I don't think this is a good idea.
But i want too.
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I agree, but some of the cosmetics are insanely underwhelming; just looks like the base cosmetics dipped in ketchup. I think the blood should look a lot better, and you sould be able to put the prestige blood over all cosmetics, instead of them only having their own cosmetic. Just my thoughts.
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Hell no. Horrible idea. Its fine the way it is just add more cosmetics and keep it moving
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This just seems like a balancing nightmare. Ultimately theyd just end up tuning down the perks and have their strongest versions be equal to what we're currently using now.
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P1 teachables can be used on other characters but on level 1, P2 can use level 2 and P3 can use level 3. (example. P1 clown, you can use pop goes the weasel 1 on hag or p3 laurie you can use DS 3 on meg)
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Just make the modifiers BP or experience. Then it doesn't affect gameplay at all.
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This would make sense like p1 30% more bp whenever you use that killer. P2 60% then p3 100% more bp on that killer so you can work on others quicker after spending so much time and bp on one person.
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Prestige is fine imo but I think devotion should give you more shard as you level it. To me it seems only fair to reward those who have been playing your game the most.
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The only thing I can see them doing is that they'd make a fourth tier, per prestige 1, for the teachable perks each survivors have, for example Claudette getting a slightly faster self-care, more range to empathy and a slightly better speed for healing with botany knowledge.
Even then, this wouldn't be a good idea.
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I think a good idea would be to obtain one store cosmetic after reaching P3-50
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I'd generally be against that. What would more than likely happen is that people would flock to the survivors with the best perks (probably Meg, since she has three good perks). Personally, I'd rather people feel free to play the survivor they like most. It adds a little variety to the game and helps the killer tell who's who so they can (if they want) avoid tunneling the same person. If I've got four blendettes in my game, there's a good chance I'll accidentally tunnel them.
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No. Prestige should never be tied to balance.
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Not only would that require too much work, it also makes no sense, something like Prestige shouldn't give you an advantage, it should just show your dedication.
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The combination of different characters' personal perks creates some broken builds, and also makes the game stagnate.
For example, without teachable perks, you'd have to choose between Lithe, Self Care, or whatever else is meta at the time. Same with killers and running Hex: Ruin, Dying Light, etc. together.
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I feel a good way to potentially encourage gaining Prestige is giving each Survivor a unique yet small passive and enhancing that with each Prestige Level. For example Meg's Passive could be one of the following:
- Recovers from Exhaustion effects 5 / 7.5 / 10% faster
- Sprint Burst effects are 5 / 7.5 / 10% more effective
- Can run 2 / 4 / 6% faster
(Numbers are random but show how the Passives would work)
Would make the Survivors more play-style oriented and not mere skins.
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Ah, I see.
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Eh honestly all prestige needs for me is like a 5% discount per level of prestige on bloodpoints
If you really like a killer you can prestige them to get better acces to their addons