Hookcamping penalties need to be introduced


After playing 9 games today after the rank reset, every single one I have been hook camped on. It makes this game so depressing to play when you see this low quality ######### going on.

The killers already have this game easy enough, and they complain when they don't get 4K on a match. Gee, they annoy me. Anyway. 

I believe that there should be a penalty for killers who stay within terror radius of the hook for a certain period of time. It should start with a stiff blood point penalty and then if they still don't stop go right to pip/rank loss.


  • azazer
    azazer Member Posts: 446
    Camping is not only endorsed, it has been an intended strategy since it's development. They even have a perk for camping. As much as you hate it, that's how the game can be played if the killer chooses to.
  • jakeb_1993
    jakeb_1993 Member Posts: 50
    Clearly this is stupid. Unless you are in a sfw game and yo can tell your teammates stay away there is no tactic to deal with someone like that. That's just common sense.

    Clearly the devs like making over powered killers. You can't break chases at all, you can't escape their grasp and there is a hook around every corner. At this rate there won't be a yo e left in the game to celebrate the end of year 3
  • holywhitetrash
    holywhitetrash Member Posts: 289

    @jakeb_1993 said:
    Clearly this is stupid. Unless you are in a sfw game and yo can tell your teammates stay away there is no tactic to deal with someone like that. That's just common sense.

    Clearly the devs like making over powered killers. You can't break chases at all, you can't escape their grasp and there is a hook around every corner. At this rate there won't be a yo e left in the game to celebrate the end of year 3

    ok bye

    have you tried using your escape attempts but not finishing the action so your arms wave , people usually accept that as you are being camped

    you could also try pulling your self off the hook until struggle happens and then fail the struggle , i hear campers hate that

  • RuneStarr
    RuneStarr Member Posts: 850

    There is a penalty... time.
    Time is a killers most valuable resource, if they waste time camping someone hooked, 3 gens can be popped (if they're all on separate gens).

    It's a legit strat, and it can be fought with either making them lose the game by using that time to rush gens, or if you have some ballsy teammates, they can get you unhooked with a bit of team work (even better if someones running borrowed time).

    Camping will never leave this game, it's always been here and always will be, so instead just learn how to work around it. If someone else is being camped, hop on gens and get those going. If you're the one being camped, flail like no tomorrow so everyone knows to work gens. Waste that killers time by making him stick around (aka don't DC, and don't suicide on hook) to at least help your team and punish that killers strat.

  • jakeb_1993
    jakeb_1993 Member Posts: 50
    Firstly @holywhitetrash just get out

    Secondly @RuneStarr that's fine and dandy however if that is the case there needs to be a system in which the survivors can communicate the fact they are being hook camped asides from everyone rushing towards them only to feed a stupid killer more kills.

    In that case as well the wiggle mechanics need to be looked at: 12 odd seconds to escape is ridiculous, given that the map is practically littered with hooks. 

    I want to love this game, but it is so woefully unbalanced in the killers favour. I don't mind losing matches as long as I have fun, but I can't have fun when we have hookcamping, overpowered killers who moan when they can't end every match with 4ks, the game should be balanced so that the average match ends with 2 sacrifices and 2 escapes

  • holywhitetrash
    holywhitetrash Member Posts: 289

    @jakeb_1993 said:
    Firstly @holywhitetrash just get out

    Secondly @RuneStarr that's fine and dandy however if that is the case there needs to be a system in which the survivors can communicate the fact they are being hook camped asides from everyone rushing towards them only to feed a stupid killer more kills.

    In that case as well the wiggle mechanics need to be looked at: 12 odd seconds to escape is ridiculous, given that the map is practically littered with hooks. 

    I want to love this game, but it is so woefully unbalanced in the killers favour. I don't mind losing matches as long as I have fun, but I can't have fun when we have hookcamping, overpowered killers who moan when they can't end every match with 4ks, the game should be balanced so that the average match ends with 2 sacrifices and 2 escapes

    i go where i please

    oh man you hate it when killers cry about not being able to get a 4k, i hate it when survivors cry about not being allowed to escape
    if a killer camps you he is deciding to let every other survivor go (because they will finish the remaining gens before you die if you last the full hook timer) unless those survivors CHOOSE to all charge the hook, giving the killer those free hits/downs

    although i do agree with your final sentiment about 2k and 2 escape, you are for sure looking at the wrong end of this balancing stick

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    I still don't get it why survivor still complain about "camping".
    Can no one just accept that getting hook might eventually be you death?
    Is every survivor that entitled to play through the whole game?
    It's 4 vs 1, maybe just ONE of the team might be eliminated early… why is that considered "unfair tactic"?

  • jakeb_1993
    jakeb_1993 Member Posts: 50
    @Wolf74 cause it is considered unsporting to do so.

    I don't want to survive every match. I am more than happy only winning half of my matches, but what I want to do is have a good chase where the killer doesn't pull any bs like lag or being able to walk through a pallet. Actually have a half decent shot of escaping a wiggle without having to bloody use DS. And then I am okay with losing.

    Why to killer have to think they are entitled to four kills every match. You have speed advantages, you know where the generators and exit gates are at all time. You can also change your attack direction during a lunge??? You already have enough power. You just need to learn how to use it rather than being hookcamping scum cause you want to chain kills cause you can't tell everyone there is a hookcamping scum in the lobby. 

    This community is just downright toxic. The forum is just full of killers who believe the game should be balanced for them to farm 4k each match. It's pathetic. As I said before 2K2E should be the balance point, Along with it should be balanced for all ranks, not you rank 1 elitists.
  • RuneStarr
    RuneStarr Member Posts: 850

    @jakeb_1993 You can communicate, flail on hook = camping. (Spam attempt escape, but cancel before actually attempting). Sadly some streamers like to flail to say "Save me" (Ahem, HybridPanda), but it means camping, that was pretty much agreed upon upon release.

    If you're playing SWF, just tell them. If you play solo, run kindred 3 if you've come across a lot of campers during that gaming session. Plus if they do go ahead and make Kindred baseline for survivors (even if it's just tier 2) you'll be able to figure out what's going on pretty easily.

    but lol @ calling killers OP or the game killer favored. Play some more, learn the game mechanics, and honestly as you rank up you'll get less campers. I rarely ever come across them above rank 12, and if I do get camped above those I typically deserve it by playing like a jerk (sorry, not sorry killers) or if the gates are open (it's the smartest move at that point to guarantee a kill, not even mad).

  • jakeb_1993
    jakeb_1993 Member Posts: 50

    I want to say I believe you, but I don't. I can easily win a match as a killer against rank ones because I change the way I play, I focus on dragging the game out by damaging generators, not getting into chases with survivors and making them fear going near the gens.

    As time goes on and the gens come online they are left with less options, and they make more mistakes, and then I get them. I always win, I get my prey in the end but I am patient. Most killers just bolt at the first survivor they see, then moan that they were gen rushed. Like gee. What we you doing for most the match? Chasing survivors, then you wonder why? 
  • jakeb_1993
    jakeb_1993 Member Posts: 50
    Oh also, in those matches the minimum blood pints we leave is 15000 and that is for killers and survivors. We all have a good match. 
  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    @jakeb_1993 said:

    Why to killer have to think they are entitled to four kills every match. You have speed advantages, you know where the generators and exit gates are at all time. You can also change your attack direction during a lunge??? You already have enough power. You just need to learn how to use it rather than being hookcamping scum cause you want to chain kills cause you can't tell everyone there is a hookcamping scum in the lobby. 

    You must be a noob or biased on purpose.
    The game is blatantly survivorsided.
    With literally ONE killersided patch per year.
    Every other patch was in favor of the survivor.
    Stop complaining about killer.

  • jakeb_1993
    jakeb_1993 Member Posts: 50
    I am not biased or a noob, I have been playing this long enough. If the game was survivor biased then the killer would be slower, the doctors power would be nerfed, all the killers wouldn't have bullshit abilities and you wouldn't be able to hit people on the otherwise of a pallet or change attack direction. Please, this is clerly biased towards the killer. 
  • Dwight_Confusion
    Dwight_Confusion Member Posts: 1,650

    Another camping crying thread? Give it a break man.

    If the killer is camping, then precious time to do gens is there. Simple. You people act like if a killer camps he is winning the game by cheating or something.

    If he's camping, then do gens. Simple. Make him pay for camping.

    The survivor got caught. That is the origin of the camp. The survivor made a mistake. The killer camping might be intense and a jerk move for your fun, but you got caught.

    There's still borrowed time. And body blocking tryhard trash.

    I've had games where the team is hook rushing badly. Like I'll hook someone and I'll see someone close by. They'll taunt me with a flashlight or tbag me to come after them.

    I know if I do, they'll run to a loop and get their friend off the hook. So I choose to camp in that moment. It is the smart move.

    Then I get called a camping POS etc.. afterwards most of the time. I've been told to kill myself.

    If I hook someone, and see people around the hook. I'm not leaving.

    Just like if I hook someone as the gates are open or going to be opened. Why leave? They want me to leave so they can just escape easily?

    The entitlement on the survivor side is unobjective and sick.

  • jakeb_1993
    jakeb_1993 Member Posts: 50

    I am not acting like the entitled one. You are. 

    Your whole post was basically along the lines of "If I know they are going to be unhooked I will just sit there" 

    You are the problem. What you should be doing is: Okay, I know someone is nearby, so I am going to leave the hook and while they waste time unhooking and healing, they aren't doing gens, that gives me time to hit them, damage them and cost them progress. I have already hooked them once, so I will just get them again. 

    Seriously. Killers think they are hot.... But no, they are not. They have tunnel vision, get sloppy by just focusing on chases and hooks then moan they lose the game. I just did a killer game now. Focused on gens, not survivors, I got 4K and only 2 gens were repaired. I just bidded my time until I knew I had them. Maybe you should try it sometime rather than hook camp, it's quite refreshing. 
  • Dwight_Confusion
    Dwight_Confusion Member Posts: 1,650

    @jakeb_1993 said:

    I am not acting like the entitled one. You are. 

    Your whole post was basically along the lines of "If I know they are going to be unhooked I will just sit there" 

    You are the problem. What you should be doing is: Okay, I know someone is nearby, so I am going to leave the hook and while they waste time unhooking and healing, they aren't doing gens, that gives me time to hit them, damage them and cost them progress. I have already hooked them once, so I will just get them again. 

    Seriously. Killers think they are hot.... But no, they are not. They have tunnel vision, get sloppy by just focusing on chases and hooks then moan they lose the game. I just did a killer game now. Focused on gens, not survivors, I got 4K and only 2 gens were repaired. I just bidded my time until I knew I had them. Maybe you should try it sometime rather than hook camp, it's quite refreshing. 


    I play survivor and killer. I see it from both sides.

    You don't.

    Chasing someone into a loop or to a safe area, hitting them once, them getting to another area has a unknown amount of time to down.

    Unhooking someone and healing them has X amount of time. It is a specific time. Not an unknown variable amount.

    I'm right.

    You're wrong.

    My post stands the test of time with logic. Swallow it gently... it might hurt.

  • jakeb_1993
    jakeb_1993 Member Posts: 50
    OK, firstly.

    I play as survivor and killer and have level 50s in both. And your logic so doesn't stand. What you don't see is the fact that yes unhooking and healing have X amount of time, but you haven't factored in the fact that they will most likely run to somewhere safe to heal costing them more time. 

    It's OK, just admit your a bad killer and we can all move on. 
  • jakeb_1993
    jakeb_1993 Member Posts: 50
    And there we go, another match, 4k, they got down to one gen because I was off the ball a little bit still got 4kills in 15minutes. No hook camping needed.

    Remind me how killers aren't OP again? 
  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893
    And there we go, another match, 4k, they got down to one gen because I was off the ball a little bit still got 4kills in 15minutes. No hook camping needed.

    Remind me how killers aren't OP again? 
    I'm going to see this very slowly because people like you don't seem to get it through your head.  stop dictating how people should play the game

    Realise that in any game that has opposing sides the other side is not meant to make sure that you have a fun time the main priority is to win by any means necessary as long as they're not doing anything bannable. Suck it up and move on.

    Whether that means camping or tunneling and if you're a survivor looping infinite or generation rushing killer doesn't have a chance to murder you.

    That's your choice guess what it's not fun for the opposing party but you know what they need to do suck it up and move on.

    I'm sorry even if I can't communicate if I see a bubba clearly standing right by your hook, I'm not going to be dumb enough to go for a save I'm going to do a gen. if whatever random teammates you have decided not to do  that and foolishly go for a saved that's their own fault for being incompetent.

    Lastly sorry but I'm not going to believe that assertion unless I see proof because if you are going against rank ones like you claim unless all the survivors you were going up against were potatoes I don't see how they didn't pop at least two gens
  • RSB
    RSB Member Posts: 2,258

    @jakeb_1993 said:

    After playing 9 games today after the rank reset, every single one I have been hook camped on. It makes this game so depressing to play when you see this low quality ######### going on.

    The killers already have this game easy enough, and they complain when they don't get 4K on a match. Gee, they annoy me. Anyway. 

    I believe that there should be a penalty for killers who stay within terror radius of the hook for a certain period of time. It should start with a stiff blood point penalty and then if they still don't stop go right to pip/rank loss.

    So... Maybe there is a problem with you being first on the hook in 9 games in row, not the killers camping.

  • BottledWater
    BottledWater Member Posts: 248

    @jakeb_1993 said:

    The killers already have this game easy enough, and they complain when they don't get 4K on a match. Gee, they annoy me. Anyway. 

    You have made your argument completely invalid with just this single sentence

  • Camping can indeed be a decent strategy yet as a high ranking killer myself, I strongly feel that camping is only a good strategy when it comes to the gates are powered or open, when three generators are close together, survivors being way too overconfident, parties in the basement, basement builds, and finally when a generator is nearly done and you hook a survivor near it. You now have objective control over both the hook and generator yet my main concern is with the blatant camping aka griefing . I've had campers camp me for no reason and many others when 5 generators are up, and I find it highly annoying that there's really not many counters to camping beside genrushing " sucks for that guy". I think that is wrong that another player has to suffer just for someone's sadistic amusement!

    Suggestions/fix 2- I think it's not a bad idea to create items or more perks that can free someone being camped. What i believe should happen is that our report system needs to be reworked to deal with people who grief just to ruin your day yet here are my ideas.

    Purple Bomb- I name this item purple bomb to give homage to our good old friend( I hate you) purple flashlight. The light bomb would be an ultra rare that when thrown, will blow up on impact, stunning a killer near the hook for x amount of seconds due to the immense amount of Auric light or just light produced from the blast. The draw back of this item that the killer must be near a hook and only ONE can be brought into the game. If more than one purple bomb is attempted to be brought into the game, only one person will keep their purple bomb randomly and the others will have different items they own and if they own no items, no items will be brought.

    FireCrackers- They never bothered me once as a killer yet I found use as them as a survivor. I feel like firecrackers deafen mechanic can be looked at to change it to where a killer can't perform any action besides moving while deafen x amount of time depending on the firecrackers' rarity.

    Adding a special toolbox or toolbox add on that allows for a survivor to be able to unhook someone by causing the hook to collapse and if the camping killer is in that radius of the collapse hook, they're stun for x amount of time.

    Perk 1- The Jester's Demise- If a Killer camps you for x amount of time when the gates ARE NOT OPEN OR POWERED IN ANY AMOUNT the Entity grants you it's protection for x amount of time to you and your savior to where nothing can put you into a dying state for x amount of time. T-baging will disable the effect and borrowed time, Adrenaline, and no perks such as self care, dead hard, and much more cannot be used during The Jester's Demise and X amount of time afterwards on both players who have The jester's Demise on them. This can only be used once per Trial( game) If the killer is in a chase around the hook, the x amount of time will not be added. I put x amount of time as in how much time would be needed to active the perk.

    Perk 2- Not_Dead- If a killer camps you to second stage for x amount of time, the second stage will be delayed & The Fog will swirl around you, you will have a chance to hit a skillcheck. if you hit this skillcheck, the fog will teleport you to a safe spot on the map, very far from the exit gate yet very far from killer. if the killer tries to hit the fog that shrouds you in those moments, you will be healed to a healthy state.

    We could also add some items for characters for example a guitar that can only be used and found by Kate Denson Kate wil be able to use guitar to quell the killer for x amount of time by playing the song that caused her to come into The Entity's world or a foul pizza. Dwight can used a foul pizza ridden with auric cells to distract the killer to devour it for x amount of time.

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    @MrChills said:
    Camping can indeed be a decent strategy yet as a high ranking killer myself, I strongly feel that camping is only a good strategy when it comes to the gates are powered or open, when three generators are close together, survivors being way too overconfident, parties in the basement, basement builds, and finally when a generator is nearly done and you hook a survivor near it. You now have objective control over both the hook and generator yet my main concern is with the blatant camping aka griefing . I've had campers camp me for no reason and many others when 5 generators are up, and I find it highly annoying that there's really not many counters to camping beside genrushing " sucks for that guy". I think that is wrong that another player has to suffer just for someone's sadistic amusement!

    I don't get it, first you acknowledge in length that "camping" is a strategical decision that makes sense in a lot of sense in various tactical situations and than you come up with a crapload of weird "fixes" that are highly abuseable to "fight camping".
    Just you try to cover up any situation that YOU find unsuitable for "camping".
    But guess what? Camping or not is the decision of every player. You see your moments where you see camping as viable and others see theirs.
    You just try to rule out all situations that you would not camp.
    But you can't make sure that your ideas do only work in THAT situations. They will often work in situations where camping is a good strategy and ruin the killer players "fun".
    If "sadistic amusement" is a social issue for you, you might should consider staying away from HORROR games at all.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @jakeb_1993 said:

    After playing 9 games today after the rank reset, every single one I have been hook camped on. It makes this game so depressing to play when you see this low quality ######### going on.

    The killers already have this game easy enough, and they complain when they don't get 4K on a match. Gee, they annoy me. Anyway. 

    I believe that there should be a penalty for killers who stay within terror radius of the hook for a certain period of time. It should start with a stiff blood point penalty and then if they still don't stop go right to pip/rank loss.

    If you feel like the game is depressing, I suggest to switch games.

    Camping will always be part of the game, watch dev diary #3

    Penalties like you suggest have been tried already but they have been abused heavily by survivors, so they never became a thing

  • @Wolf74 said:

    @MrChills said:
    Camping can indeed be a decent strategy yet as a high ranking killer myself, I strongly feel that camping is only a good strategy when it comes to the gates are powered or open, when three generators are close together, survivors being way too overconfident, parties in the basement, basement builds, and finally when a generator is nearly done and you hook a survivor near it. You now have objective control over both the hook and generator yet my main concern is with the blatant camping aka griefing . I've had campers camp me for no reason and many others when 5 generators are up, and I find it highly annoying that there's really not many counters to camping beside genrushing " sucks for that guy". I think that is wrong that another player has to suffer just for someone's sadistic amusement!

    I don't get it, first you acknowledge in length that "camping" is a strategical decision that makes sense in a lot of sense in various tactical situations and than you come up with a crapload of weird "fixes" that are highly abuseable to "fight camping".
    Just you try to cover up any situation that YOU find unsuitable for "camping".
    But guess what? Camping or not is the decision of every player. You see your moments where you see camping as viable and others see theirs.
    You just try to rule out all situations that you would not camp.
    But you can't make sure that your ideas do only work in THAT situations. They will often work in situations where camping is a good strategy and ruin the killer players "fun".
    If "sadistic amusement" is a social issue for you, you might should consider staying away from HORROR games at all.

    these fixes are for facecamping and sadistic amusement is not a problem for me. It is simply a statement. I play plenty of games that are worse than this, bud. This piece was from a post i made ages ago which still applies to everyday problems in DBD that can be fixed. I don't mind when you clearly didn't read all my comment then nitpick a few pieces yet when you saying that i have social issues then try to attack me, go ######### yourself bud.

  • Baphomett
    Baphomett Member Posts: 394
    Laakeri said:

    I agree there should be penalty for survivors that camp the hook instead of working on gens.

    Bring back old hook timers when?

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    @Orion said:
    Already tried, Survivors abused it. Camping is a legitimate and officially endorsed strategy with well-known counters. You may not be excused from using those counters.

    how many times have you already posted this exact message? xD
    gosh, there is tons of these threats .-.

  • azazer
    azazer Member Posts: 446
    MrChills said:

    @Wolf74 said:

    @MrChills said:
    Camping can indeed be a decent strategy yet as a high ranking killer myself, I strongly feel that camping is only a good strategy when it comes to the gates are powered or open, when three generators are close together, survivors being way too overconfident, parties in the basement, basement builds, and finally when a generator is nearly done and you hook a survivor near it. You now have objective control over both the hook and generator yet my main concern is with the blatant camping aka griefing . I've had campers camp me for no reason and many others when 5 generators are up, and I find it highly annoying that there's really not many counters to camping beside genrushing " sucks for that guy". I think that is wrong that another player has to suffer just for someone's sadistic amusement!

    I don't get it, first you acknowledge in length that "camping" is a strategical decision that makes sense in a lot of sense in various tactical situations and than you come up with a crapload of weird "fixes" that are highly abuseable to "fight camping".
    Just you try to cover up any situation that YOU find unsuitable for "camping".
    But guess what? Camping or not is the decision of every player. You see your moments where you see camping as viable and others see theirs.
    You just try to rule out all situations that you would not camp.
    But you can't make sure that your ideas do only work in THAT situations. They will often work in situations where camping is a good strategy and ruin the killer players "fun".
    If "sadistic amusement" is a social issue for you, you might should consider staying away from HORROR games at all.

    these fixes are for facecamping and sadistic amusement is not a problem for me. It is simply a statement. I play plenty of games that are worse than this, bud. This piece was from a post i made ages ago which still applies to everyday problems in DBD that can be fixed. I don't mind when you clearly didn't read all my comment then nitpick a few pieces yet when you saying that i have social issues then try to attack me, go [BAD WORD] yourself bud.

    Face camping doesn't exist anymore. It was solved with swivel hooks. any use of the term in the current patch should be treated with suspicion since you are either ignorant of what it is or you are using it falsely on purpose.
  • pandorayr
    pandorayr Member Posts: 603
    edited August 2018

    "I want to love this game, but it is so woefully unbalanced in the killers favour"

    jajajajajajajjjjjaja lmao git gud rank 21

  • pandorayr
    pandorayr Member Posts: 603

    @jakeb_1993 said:
    OK, firstly.

    I play as survivor and killer and have level 50s in both. And your logic so doesn't stand. What you don't see is the fact that yes unhooking and healing have X amount of time, but you haven't factored in the fact that they will most likely run to somewhere safe to heal costing them more time. 

    It's OK, just admit your a bad killer and we can all move on. 

    u say that play both sides but ur replies it show that u are a main survivor, and maybe you're level 50 in some characters but I don't care because I'm sure u have 0 skill.

    In this game the rank 1 or level 50 does not mean anything.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @pandorayr said:

    @jakeb_1993 said:
    OK, firstly.

    I play as survivor and killer and have level 50s in both. And your logic so doesn't stand. What you don't see is the fact that yes unhooking and healing have X amount of time, but you haven't factored in the fact that they will most likely run to somewhere safe to heal costing them more time. 

    It's OK, just admit your a bad killer and we can all move on. 

    u say that play both sides but ur replies it show that u are a main survivor, and maybe you're level 50 in some characters but I don't care because I'm sure u have 0 skill.

    In this game the rank 1 or level 50 does not mean anything.

    The fact that the guy thinks that leveling up a killer to lvl 50 makes him somehow experienced should tell you already enough :wink: In fact you dont even need to play killer to lvl a killer to lvl 50 LMAO

  • AlexAnarchy
    AlexAnarchy Member Posts: 685

    Such a new player and yet already so toxic and entitled...