Sprint Burst has to be FIXED COMPLETELY. (Will not delete, too lazy and no longer a real discussion)

(Sprint Burst is broken as ######### in it's current state. I don't have visual evidence because I don't record my games nor-do I have a recording system but I'm more than certain a number of people have been going through the same bullshit I have gone through. I won't call exploit usage (although it could have a possibility in this case) or cheating because I've been versing countless people in my killer gameplay and I've even see the perk used in my survivor gameplay. I know how sprint burst works, you run and it activates so there's not a lot to discuss there; except the fact that I've seen 10 or more people all single individuals from different games using that perk, running from a hooked survivor (again RUNNING), and when I get to them and they're walking all of a sudden they start using sprint burst as if the perk was NEVER active. The perk might have been accidently "buffed" to an annoying level in the patches as of recently where that crap will happen, and again I'm saying it was an accident so this wouldn't have been intentional. I'd just like to know why the hell the survivors can run away after saving a hooked survivor, just run in general without using the perk, and when the killer shows up all of a sudden that damn thing ends up working. I don't understand this for the slightest and why it's broken is an answer I won't know. But I sure as hell and getting tired of seeing sprint burst used so terribly.)
Dev's, please look at sprint burst and see if there might be a problem because this occurrence hasn't been a one time thing in a match against cheaters or exploiters as far as I know. But please can the perk be looked at to know if it might have a chance of being broken.
This discussion was completely influence by self doubt, a bad day of gaming, and of course toxic survivors who pissed me off and who have to make it apparent that they're "better" than me. However this is not a dick measuring competition so why does any of what they say still effect (affect?) me, I dunno. So if anyone from here on out 1/3/20 takes this discussion seriously and rants about how survivor mains should be praised upon because they're a survivor main, yeah nobody cares, you wasted half your time on a stupid discussion that you caused, and as some of you have said to me "Get F*cking shot in the head".
Sprint Burst wasn't changed in a long time, just because people actually figured out how to use it doesn't mean that it needs to be nerfed... (99 the exhaustion btw)
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Are you talking about the 99% tech?
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I believe what you're describing is a trick Survivors use to activate their Sprint Burst when they need it.
To do this, you have to let your Exhaustion recover almost all the way, leaving just a split second of Exhaustion left, then start running.
You won't recover Exhaustion while you're running, so when you need to activate Sprint Burst, you just walk for 1 or 2 seconds, recovering your Exhaustion, then begin running again, activating Sprint Burst.
I understand your confusion, but the perk isn't broken, it does exactly what it's supposed to do.
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I mean it's the best way to use SB and plus you don't have to worry about them having DH or BL
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Even if it was a bug, doesn't mean it needs a NERF, it has to be FIXED. Those are completely different things.
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There are 3 super downside for SB to work
- Walk all the time (waste of time)
- Run all the time when 99% exhaustion recovered (no Gen repairing)
- Wait for Killer to get close to them from 20meter away then do a SB to make 6meter gaps. (While they can start the chase at 26 meter gaps from Killer)
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You can 99% it and start running, walk for a split second and activate the sprint burst. It's not an exploit.
You guys really want to make all perks useless don't you?
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If Michael can 99% his stalk why shouldn't survivors be able to 99% their sprintburst?
It needs a lot of timing and skill to get the most use out of it, it's a fine perk imo.
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Poor quality bait
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This exactly
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As soon as I read the title, I somehow knew I was gonna read about someone experiencing survivors who 99% their sprintburst. While I was pretty pissed about ppl who were using sprint burst exploits before, ppl 99% their sprintburst is really just a sign of good gameplay.
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Exactly. Hope dare other players be good at playing DBD. This whole new age of people thinking “Everyone needs to play fair” and “everyone deserves a participation award” is getting old fast
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I always say once things become meta, people complain and want it nerfed. SB wasn't used much since the exhaustion nerf. After the BL nerf it feels like SB has became meta again, and already killers want it nerfed.. shock.
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When all exhaustion perks got heavily nerfed with the update that contained exhaustion not to cool down whilst running anymore (and on top of that the devs made it so crouching doesn't affect exhaustion any longer. It used to decrease exhaustion by 33%) the developers themselves said the most efficient way to use Sprint Burst was to 99 it which requires good timing and anticipation.
If you don't time it correctly you have to stand still for too long allowing the killer to get a hit.
You want survivors not to play efficient so you can have an easy game?
Maybe you should try playing at rank20 so you won't have to deal with smart survivors.
Can't believe people complain about Sprint Burst in (almost) 2020 especially when half the community acts like Sprint Burst was trash compared to Dead Hard.
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This is the perfect example against doing something like 99ing Exhaustion to use Sprint Burst in an efficient way.
I cannot do anything about a Myers popping his 99% EW3 on me, when other Survivors gave him stalk for free. And when this is easily done, it is no problem that people 99% their Sprint Burst.
(Which is a good way of playing this Perk, but I guess thats not allowed)
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Sprint burst doesn't need to be nerfed....it only gives survivors a couple seconds head start if they haven't already used it and I actually like seeing people use it because I know when I catch them I don't have to worry about DH, Lithe, or balanced landing. Most people don't even use it at higher ranks. I can always expect it when I see a survivor walking away until I get really close. I don't know what the 99% thing is so I can't speak on that?
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I recently played a game where a survivor absolutely blew my mind. Twice they would 99 their sprint burst and bait me to chase them. Then they would vault a window, which activates a 99'd sprint burst, as you're technically not running while vaulting. That conditioned me into thinking they had lithe throughout the whole match. They absolutely made me look like a fool at the end when they finally showed me their sprint burst. I don't remember the exact situation, but they practically won the game by baiting me to take a chase thinking it's an easy down, as they were pretty much in a dead zone.
Only a really good player can pull stuff like this off and deserve to be rewarded for it. I'd hate for skilful interactions like this to be taken out of the game.
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Good to see there are some killers like me who actually appreciate skillful and rare survivors strategies. Guess most people want every match to look exactly the same.
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This. Survivors who run it are going to be about the least helpful survivors in getting gens done, thus giving the killer more time to get his job done.
I don't particularly use it because I'm a near constant runner, so I almost always exhaust it right at the start of the game...
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No, it’s fine. This 99% Tech has existed for a long time, you can’t rework it without reworking the other exhaustion perks.
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Yeah you got to know when to waste it or you'll get some BM post game lol
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Sprint burst is fine mate, what they need to fix is dead hard and getting hit while exhausted
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I sense a rant...
Awww man here we go again.
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There's always someone asking for high skill stuff to be removed from the game, on both sides.
Anyone can use sprint burst to get to a safer zone, but you actually have to be good and have good planning to use SB to its fullest.
That's the type of decision making and high skill play we need in the game.
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If sprint burst needs a nerf (which it doesn't) then so does Ruin. More than three quarters of all my games killer has Ruin and it just takes away from the diversity of the game, over time, when every single game killer has ruin + PGTW +BBQC.
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No, it does not.
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🎶Baby killer doo doo doo doo doo🎶
It's called survivor skills. Adapt and Git Gud
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Ok so you want the 99 to be removed?
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Fine, OP is right, remove exhaustion and set it back to a cool down, then let's see how ya like it :)..
the happy medium would be to recover exhaustion @ llike 33% normal while running.. which is a Nerf to the 99% but a big buff to all exhaustion perks (including this one) which would literally create mass hysteria on the forums from killer mains...
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I wonder if you ever played when infinites was a thing, when BNP was instant, when mori was instant, and now when syringe was instant. Or when there was no BBQ and chili and people play immerse. Or when SB was even more broken because you were able to recover exhaust while running from killer. Now its not. I use to love.sprint burst, but sprint burst isnt good anymore, especially if you already know they have SB. Lithe and balanced landing is better, even dead hard is better and dead hard is only good as a one trick. If a good killer knows you have it, than thats it you are screwed. 99% is not an exploit, only thing i see as an exploit is the doctor shocking survivors so they cant rescue survivors from hook. Or just playing doctor with the ultra rare add on.
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Maybe vigil will become viable.
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And the map exploit
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that doesn't exist anymore unless they brought it back then pretty good job so far
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I wonder how isolated someone is to Survivor Gameplay that they had 0 idea of the 99.99%Tech.
Survivor/Killer Main my ass.
But Vigil is actually going to be viable with its 8 second reduction.
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I think you are confusing survivors who hold their Sprint Burts, I don’t know how to explain it but I do it and it’s not a exploit.
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Did you just start playing 2 months ago?
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Sprint burst can be awesome. Does not need a Nerf (how would you do that without making it 100% useless anyways?).
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That is just people 99%ing their exhaustion, it is a balanced perk.
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It doesn't need a nerf. Decisive and borrowed time are wayyyyyyy stronger
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No, I've been playing for a while. I've gone against sprint burst many of times but it used to be a rare sight to see sprint burst at times. But this is different. I know for a fact something is wrong. The 99% is possible but I'm still calling Bullshit with this damn perk.
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I'd say just nerf the recovery time. It's a really strong perk in ways for looping giving survivor's the extra steps ahead and let me tell you, survivors most times are PAINFUL. I mean I should expect them to be ungodly amounts of painful. But come on, it feels as if they've had it on a 15 second cool down.
Again, to specify. It FEELS like it's 15 seconds, but it's not. So don't say I said the cool down's 15 seconds, I'm not saying that's the case but it's just a feeling on my end.
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Yeah ok I get it. But just, something has to be done. I want to play the game where I can get one kill or at least annoy the survivors and make the game last a little longer than 3 minutes since most apparently just gen-rush through Ruin or find it instantly.
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Mostly annoying gameplay.
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You don't have to be an Ass.
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To be honest all I want in the game is to play it. Since it's hard to play a game when nobody else is taking it as it is, A GAME. It's like in the competitive league with half the survivor mains, and the rest of them are toxic and sweaty. Same can be said for kill yes, but all I want from this is to actually PLAY the GAME. It's not technically a game or technically anything fun when people are being jackasses for literally no real reason.
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99%ing isn't rare.
If your so worried about it then I'd recommend trying out the new blood echos perk.
And before you say "reee perks are not counters", remember what the function of a perk is. The whole point is that a perk makes some aspect of the game easier or more reliable in order to cover your weaknesses or synergize with your strengths.
Not everyone has a problem with Sprint Burst, Killers that switch targets often, such as Legion, can mitigate the perks effect by quite a bit by doing so, and the various downsides to the different use cases for the perk keep it in check compared to other exhaustion perks.
Thus, if you have a problem with the perk the existence of other perks to counter it is specifically for people like you
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You know you can still play the game with ruin up. Yeah it makes it last longer but I'd rather have a game that lasts longer when I play killer rather than a game that just zips by me without giving me a moment to react. Also what the hell is PGTW?
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Ok real funny #########. |: |
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The perk needs to be fixed if its not fuctioning properly. Nerfs and buffs should be evaluated on working as intended effects.