So the official PlayStation Blog is promoting camping...

Just stumbled upon a blog post on the European PlayStation Blog, with tips on how to play DbD, as it is one of this months free PS+ games. I found it very interesting to see the 4th bulletpoint on how to play Killer:

"4. Bait the hook
Grab a weakened survivor, stick them on a hook and then…hide nearby. Wait. Would-be rescuers will be distracted long enough for you to launch an attack."

I'm a killer main myself, but encouraging new players to camp hooks is a surefire way to turn off any potential newcomers from playing survivor.


  • BoxingRouge
    BoxingRouge Member Posts: 606
    Camping is a strategy, lol.
  • Rex_Huin
    Rex_Huin Member Posts: 1,208

    "4. Bait the hook
    Grab a weakened survivor, stick them on a hook and then…hide nearby. Wait. Would-be rescuers will be distracted long enough for you to launch an attack."

    Its a strange turn of phrase which doesn't quite fit the game.

    I would actually interpret this as encouraging the use of insidious near the hook.


  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    Just stumbled upon a blog post on the European PlayStation Blog, with tips on how to play DbD, as it is one of this months free PS+ games. I found it very interesting to see the 4th bulletpoint on how to play Killer:

    "4. Bait the hook
    Grab a weakened survivor, stick them on a hook and then…hide nearby. Wait. Would-be rescuers will be distracted long enough for you to launch an attack."

    I'm a killer main myself, but encouraging new players to camp hooks is a surefire way to turn off any potential newcomers from playing survivor.

    Not sure if you realized, but camping isn't a bad thing.
    And in fact, bailing the hook is one of the strongest strategies because this way the survivors come to you and you don't have to follow them running in circles just to be stunned by a pallet

  • Mr_Jay_Stark
    Mr_Jay_Stark Member Posts: 539
     It’s called a bonding experience! The killer only wants to bond with the survivor!  ;)
  • Shadoureon
    Shadoureon Member Posts: 493

    @Master said:
    Flipkick661 said:

    Just stumbled upon a blog post on the European PlayStation Blog, with tips on how to play DbD, as it is one of this months free PS+ games. I found it very interesting to see the 4th bulletpoint on how to play Killer:

    "4. Bait the hook

    Grab a weakened survivor, stick them on a hook and then…hide nearby. Wait. Would-be rescuers will be distracted long enough for you to launch an attack."

    I'm a killer main myself, but encouraging new players to camp hooks is a surefire way to turn off any potential newcomers from playing survivor.

    Not sure if you realized, but camping isn't a bad thing.
    And in fact, bailing the hook is one of the strongest strategies because this way the survivors come to you and you don't have to follow them running in circles just to be stunned by a pallet

    Experienced survivors make a u-turn and do all of the gens while you think they are still close and whine in post lobby about gen rushing.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Shadoureon said:

    @Master said:
    Flipkick661 said:

    Just stumbled upon a blog post on the European PlayStation Blog, with tips on how to play DbD, as it is one of this months free PS+ games. I found it very interesting to see the 4th bulletpoint on how to play Killer:

    "4. Bait the hook

    Grab a weakened survivor, stick them on a hook and then…hide nearby. Wait. Would-be rescuers will be distracted long enough for you to launch an attack."

    I'm a killer main myself, but encouraging new players to camp hooks is a surefire way to turn off any potential newcomers from playing survivor.

    Not sure if you realized, but camping isn't a bad thing.
    And in fact, bailing the hook is one of the strongest strategies because this way the survivors come to you and you don't have to follow them running in circles just to be stunned by a pallet

    Experienced survivors make a u-turn and do all of the gens while you think they are still close and whine in post lobby about gen rushing.

    We are talking about beginner tipps here, camping is the strongest tactic on those ranks if you ask me.
    Also even experienced SWF are most of the time overaltruistic and try to save their discord buddy even if you stand a few meters away

    But of course in high ranks you cant simply camp all the time, you have to use it as a mindgame and you need to know when to stop because you waste too much time

  • MojoTheFabulous
    MojoTheFabulous Member Posts: 2,015

    It is part of the game and, at times, is a smart move. I see nothing wrong with it.

    Hell, even the Devs said something along the lines of this around/before the time of release in a Dev Diary.

  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864

    @Orion said:
    Camping is a legitimate and officially endorsed strategy. If they can't handle losing, they probably shouldn't be playing PvP games anyway.

    It's a terrible strategy, that more often than not leads to a loss for the killer, and plain boredom for the hooked survivor. Not exactly something that would encourage players to stick around.

    It really isn’t, over and over agin I see camping generate 4ks 
  • Tzeentchling9
    Tzeentchling9 Member Posts: 1,796

    Hell, even the Devs said something along the lines of this around/before the time of release in a Dev Diary.

    Something the Survivor mains love to forget.
  • Giche
    Giche Member Posts: 753

    And i see no problem with that, it's a strat.

    One that often pay, if played at the right moment.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    Camping has been an announced feature since the beta. Insidious is a camping perk. Leatherface is the king of basement camping.

    Yet survivor mains somehow think that camping is bannable.
  • ArkhamRobot
    ArkhamRobot Member Posts: 22

    Outright "face camping" during the regular course of a game should be discouraged and is definitely NOT a strategy. It just leads to a negative and bitter feeling for the survivor being camped. Not fun at all.

    As a killer mains, I actively "patrol" the hook as I search for nearby rescuers as far as 20-25 meters away circling the area of interest so this to me is legit. I am not willing to allow a rescue without a fight.

    However, if I'm being looped constantly by an individual or body blocked, I may reconsider once I've got you on the hook. To me, body blocking and looping falls into the same category as camping.

    If the gates are open, face camping is legit at this point since it will affect my Emblem results.

  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256

    Killer mains just want the game to die, and to make the game as unwelcoming to new players as possible.


  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    Camping is a valid strategy BUT some killers use it as an excuse to play cheaply and dirty to exploit how the game works. It's easy to say it's part of the game and a lot harder to address it as an issue. Killers have more problems though.
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    AshleyWB said:
    Camping is a valid strategy BUT some killers use it as an excuse to play cheaply and dirty to exploit how the game works. It's easy to say it's part of the game and a lot harder to address it as an issue. 
    You mean like running in circles?
  • Rex_Huin
    Rex_Huin Member Posts: 1,208

    There is such a massive difference between facing 3 or 4 survivors. Witness the games where someone doesn’t load in – the survivors usually get trashed.

    I’m a firm believer that you need to get one out the game asap. Once you get your first survivor to struggle stage you might as well camp them out. You will waste
    far more time chasing and hooking them again.

  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142

    Camping is a legit strategy. A killer is not responsible for the fun of the survivor.

    Looping is a legit strategy. A survivor is not responible for the fun of the killer.

  • Dr_doom_j2
    Dr_doom_j2 Member Posts: 869
    Eninya said:

    Killer mains just want the game to die, and to make the game as unwelcoming to new players as possible.


    I think you are so precious. You sit there and act above everyone, but you never stop to think when you play survivor how what you do has an effect on killer play.

    And you shouldn't. Obviously survivor mains don't care about new killers playing, evidenced by all the videos and montages of survivors "wrecking baby killers". Lmao really, that is just rich coming from them
  • Baphomett
    Baphomett Member Posts: 394

    Camping is a legit strategy. A killer is not responsible for the fun of the survivor.

    Looping is a legit strategy. A survivor is not responible for the fun of the killer.


    Both suck for the other side and are frustrating.  Neither side is responsible for playing by the other sides made up rules.  Getting your ass handed to you in any game or sport sucks, especially when its not because you lack skill, but lets all get some perspective 

    The devs should fix the looping issues, but holding it against survivors for using the tools at thier disposal is counterproductive.  Once looping is fixed, camping will be less rewarding than looking for other survs.  Then, and only then, would I support looking at ways to actively deter camping.

    Before anyone asks, I play surv at red ranks and despite calling myself a killer main (I like killer more, but can't play with friends) I dont usually get past purple ranks.

    I never loop, because it "feels bad" for both me and the killer, but that is a personal choice.  I do, however, FL save and blind at pallets and do other things I hate as killer, which I dont hold against other survs when I play killer.  T-bagging is always a chump move and I dont do it, ever.
  • Tizzle
    Tizzle Member Posts: 696

    @Tsulan said:
    AshleyWB said:

    Camping is a valid strategy BUT some killers use it as an excuse to play cheaply and dirty to exploit how the game works. It's easy to say it's part of the game and a lot harder to address it as an issue. 

    You mean like running in circles?

    Yeah, I'm sure these brand new Survivors THAT HAVE NEVER PLAYED THE GAME BEFORE at Rank 20 are running Killers in circles.

    Camping at that Rank is a surefire way to turn off new players.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    Tizzle said:

    @Tsulan said:
    AshleyWB said:

    Camping is a valid strategy BUT some killers use it as an excuse to play cheaply and dirty to exploit how the game works. It's easy to say it's part of the game and a lot harder to address it as an issue. 

    You mean like running in circles?

    Yeah, I'm sure these brand new Survivors THAT HAVE NEVER PLAYED THE GAME BEFORE at Rank 20 are running Killers in circles.

    Camping at that Rank is a surefire way to turn off new players.

    The clown show turns off old players.
  • Spiritbx
    Spiritbx Member Posts: 264
    Camping is a universally accepted hunting strategy. I mean you put bait and wait nearby to see what comes for it.  
    If you suspect the killer of camping, nothing is stopping you from abandoning the survivor and doing gens to get out.
  • jwentzel987
    jwentzel987 Member Posts: 150
    All I hear is waaaahhhhh waaahhhh. You're a killer killing people. Why the hell wouldnt you camp near a half dead person on a hook?
  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    Exploiting in my eyes is taking advantage and is part if the game. Cheating is different. Toxic strategies are unfun generally but they can be excused by saying oh its a valid strategy. Like one time the killer bodyblocked me in a dead end room for 20 mins with no doors or Windows and refused to hit me ir move then claimed to use strategy when I told him he played unfairly.
  • Esheon
    Esheon Member Posts: 568
    AshleyWB said:
    Exploiting in my eyes is taking advantage and is part if the game. Cheating is different. Toxic strategies are unfun generally but they can be excused by saying oh its a valid strategy. Like one time the killer bodyblocked me in a dead end room for 20 mins with no doors or Windows and refused to hit me ir move then claimed to use strategy when I told him he played unfairly.
    Unfortunately, "exploiting" has a definition that is different from that. It is taking advantage of UNINTENDED game features to gain an UNFAIR advantage, and is not allowed.

    However, the example you give where the killer blocked you in for 20 minutes without hitting you or moving IS a reportable offense.
  • Flipkick661
    Flipkick661 Member Posts: 20

    Wow, I created this thread because I was surprised to see Sony encouraging a strategy that breeds toxicity (not patrolling a hook, litterally camping it). I'm aware that the strategy is "legit" and the devs condone it, but it doesn't make it any less unsportsmanlike, and survivors witnessing this behavior time and time again are sure to employ equally toxic strategies in an attempt to counter this. Furthermore it's a boring strategy for both the killer and the hooked survivor. New players reading the blog post will end up thinking that this is how the game should always be played, and will end up walking away from the borefest that is staring at a hook with a struggling survivor.

    Once again, I'm a killer main, and I pretty much never play survivor. I'm not above admitting that I've used the strategy from time to time, but I much prefer running perks that reward moving away from the hook, as it's a lot more fun, and in my experience a much more effective way of winning games. I don't buy into the "it's not my job to ensure my opponent has fun" attitude many people in this thread seem to share. The way I see it, it's in all of our best interest to ensure that some fun is had on both sides, otherwise we'll end up with a toxic mess of the game, that will be so far from enjoyable, it'll die out.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @Flipkick661 said:
    Wow, I created this thread because I was surprised to see Sony encouraging a strategy that breeds toxicity (not patrolling a hook, litterally camping it). I'm aware that the strategy is "legit" and the devs condone it, but it doesn't make it any less unsportsmanlike, and survivors witnessing this behavior time and time again are sure to employ equally toxic strategies in an attempt to counter this. Furthermore it's a boring strategy for both the killer and the hooked survivor. New players reading the blog post will end up thinking that this is how the game should always be played, and will end up walking away from the borefest that is staring at a hook with a struggling survivor.

    Once again, I'm a killer main, and I pretty much never play survivor. I'm not above admitting that I've used the strategy from time to time, but I much prefer running perks that reward moving away from the hook, as it's a lot more fun, and in my experience a much more effective way of winning games. I don't buy into the "it's not my job to ensure my opponent has fun" attitude many people in this thread seem to share. The way I see it, it's in all of our best interest to ensure that some fun is had on both sides, otherwise we'll end up with a toxic mess of the game, that will be so far from enjoyable, it'll die out.

    I doubt that it will die out because of some camping low rank killers. The toxic problem comes more from the videos of Ochido and Noob3.
    We already have a toxic mess of a game. But surprisingly it hasn´t hurt the game. So i really don´t see the problem with Sony. Camping has been announced as a feature from the beginning. It´s a design choice. Killers get encouraged to leave the hook by perks like BBQ and MYC. But survivor don´t like those perks for whatever unlogic reason. Devs can only give players the tools. But it´s their choice if they want to play one way or another.

    The borefest takes maximum 2 minutes (even less if the camped survivor gives up) and then he can search a new game.
    And let´s be honest. Killers get called out for camping all the time. Even if they don´t camp.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Flipkick661 said:

    @Orion said:
    Camping is a legitimate and officially endorsed strategy. If they can't handle losing, they probably shouldn't be playing PvP games anyway.

    It's a terrible strategy, that more often than not leads to a loss for the killer, and plain boredom for the hooked survivor. Not exactly something that would encourage players to stick around.

    It's an excellent strategy that Survivors reward 9 times out of 10 because they've become convinced they should be able to ignore the Killer's presence in almost any situation.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Eninya said:
    Killer mains just want the game to die, and to make the game as unwelcoming to new players as possible.


    Killer mains want survivor mains to feel what they have to go through every game

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Tzeentchling9 said:
    MojoTheFabulous said:

    Hell, even the Devs said something along the lines of this around/before the time of release in a Dev Diary.

    Something the Survivor mains love to forget.

    Yet looping is a valid strat as well, something killer mains love to forget all the time complaining about it. Does that make them both ok then since the devs have said both are viable strats?

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Tizzle said:

    @Tsulan said:
    AshleyWB said:

    Camping is a valid strategy BUT some killers use it as an excuse to play cheaply and dirty to exploit how the game works. It's easy to say it's part of the game and a lot harder to address it as an issue. 

    You mean like running in circles?

    Yeah, I'm sure these brand new Survivors THAT HAVE NEVER PLAYED THE GAME BEFORE at Rank 20 are running Killers in circles.

    Camping at that Rank is a surefire way to turn off new players.

    Well as a rank 18 killer you can easily verse a SWF consisting of 3 rank 1s and a single rank 20. Now try to argue taht you wont be looped in that game :wink:

    I wonder how a "baby killer" will react after such a game. He will be like "#########, I need to get better" proceeds to google and finds out that the only way how to get better is by playing nurse or tunnel/camp.

  • lyric
    lyric Member Posts: 611
    powerbats said:

    @Tzeentchling9 said:
    MojoTheFabulous said:

    Hell, even the Devs said something along the lines of this around/before the time of release in a Dev Diary.

    Something the Survivor mains love to forget.

    Yet looping is a valid strat as well, something killer mains love to forget all the time complaining about it. Does that make them both ok then since the devs have said both are viable strats?

    Yes they are both legit and both have a downside, by looping you’re risking getting downed by the killer for refusing to break LOS and possibly putting your team in a bad position if you’re caught or you run into them with the killer on accident.  camping might guarantee you a kill if you play your cards right but they could pop all the gens in your face and leave, camping can generate 4ks pretty easy though if you have an over altruistic group and you can identify it in time. Honestly nobody should complain about either because they’re both part of the game and after a few years it’s obviously intended that way to give you multiple styles of play to choose from, if one thing isn’t working you can always switch it up 
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @Master said:

    @Tizzle said:

    @Tsulan said:
    AshleyWB said:

    Camping is a valid strategy BUT some killers use it as an excuse to play cheaply and dirty to exploit how the game works. It's easy to say it's part of the game and a lot harder to address it as an issue. 

    You mean like running in circles?

    Yeah, I'm sure these brand new Survivors THAT HAVE NEVER PLAYED THE GAME BEFORE at Rank 20 are running Killers in circles.

    Camping at that Rank is a surefire way to turn off new players.

    Well as a rank 18 killer you can easily verse a SWF consisting of 3 rank 1s and a single rank 20. Now try to argue taht you wont be looped in that game :wink:

    I wonder how a "baby killer" will react after such a game. He will be like "#########, I need to get better" proceeds to google and finds out that the only way how to get better is by playing nurse or tunnel/camp.

    I remember a free weekend were tons of rank 1 swf groups tried to bully noob killers.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Tsulan said:

    @Master said:

    @Tizzle said:

    @Tsulan said:
    AshleyWB said:

    Camping is a valid strategy BUT some killers use it as an excuse to play cheaply and dirty to exploit how the game works. It's easy to say it's part of the game and a lot harder to address it as an issue. 

    You mean like running in circles?

    Yeah, I'm sure these brand new Survivors THAT HAVE NEVER PLAYED THE GAME BEFORE at Rank 20 are running Killers in circles.

    Camping at that Rank is a surefire way to turn off new players.

    Well as a rank 18 killer you can easily verse a SWF consisting of 3 rank 1s and a single rank 20. Now try to argue taht you wont be looped in that game :wink:

    I wonder how a "baby killer" will react after such a game. He will be like "#########, I need to get better" proceeds to google and finds out that the only way how to get better is by playing nurse or tunnel/camp.

    I remember a free weekend were tons of rank 1 swf groups tried to bully noob killers.

    I remember that too. My killer was on low rank this time and I tried to give the bullies a hard time :wink:

  • Tzeentchling9
    Tzeentchling9 Member Posts: 1,796
    powerbats said:

    @Tzeentchling9 said: 
    MojoTheFabulous said:

    Hell, even the Devs said something along the lines of this around/before the time of release in a Dev Diary.

    Something the Survivor mains love to forget.

    Yet looping is a valid strat as well, something killer mains love to forget all the time complaining about it. Does that make them both ok then since the devs have said both are viable strats?

    Feel free to provide evidence of using the difference in hitboxes being an intended feature since before the game was released. I'lI wait.
  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    It is a strategy. But it's not fun for survivor who is being camped.

    Now wait till i see the "killer is not having fun too" post somewhere