What tunnelling means ( for entitled survivors )

DBDplayersRsaltyAFha Member Posts: 95
edited December 2019 in General Discussions

tunneling means to focus 1 player and ignore others even if it’s going to cost the killer the game and gens are popping left and right or ignoring others to focus and tunnel you for the full game/ .... anything else is not tunnelling .... please learn what it means before messaging the killer , if You get chased for a while it’s not tunnelling .... it’s as if they genuinely believe a killer should slap them and then move on once they are injured 😂😂😂😂



  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318


    Related: Survivors*

  • Tr0g
    Tr0g Member Posts: 241
    edited December 2019

    Nothing wrong with tunneling. 3v1 is much easier to manage than 4v1. It's not nearly as bad for the other party's gaming experience as SWF.

    Why should I smack another target when I can just smack the injured guy and hook him again?

  • qwopper47
    qwopper47 Member Posts: 40

    It's sometimes an unfortunate definition. You return to the hook and all you see is the injured guy. You don't want to chase them, but that's the only target you see. Unless the unhooker shows his/her face, the killer will go for the person they see.

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    Oh okay. Thanks.

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    In other words "Entitled survivors raise your hands" 😄

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Bonus content!!!

    What camping means ( for entitled survivors)

    When a killer stays near a hooked person when there are no other survivors around, even with gens popping left and right

    If a killers stays near a hooked person and another survivor is there, they are defending the hook

    Don't ruin your fellow survivor game experience by forcing killers to defend their hooks

  • Killernewb86
    Killernewb86 Member Posts: 31

    As of late I am noticing survivors are insta saving people off hooks. Why would I leave a hook and go waste 30-60 seconds finding someone when I know you both are going to be at the hook? So tired of survivor main logic.

  • MrsMaliciousX
    MrsMaliciousX Member Posts: 736

    I play both sides, so I try to see the point from both sides. But a lot of killer mains say "its what I gotta do" well technically you don't have to. But people don't like losing so they will do whatever they need to. Which is fine, But when survivors stop playing the game because of these "tatics" then there really isn't going to be a point in Q'ing up for killer is there?

    Im not saying that the game is dying tomorrow, or next month, hell even next year. But I am saying that a lot of survivors are tried of the okay tatics that the killers are using to ensure that they get their 4K. Now with me I gotta be "tunneled" outta x-amount of games before I start getting upset, But when you have a killer who instantly slugs at the start of the match and refuses to hang people..yeah its a little #########! or when you have a killer who finds someone but 1 gen hasn't even popped yet and they are still camping..its a little #########. Or when you have no gens done but someones hooked and you yourself take a hit for that person getting them off the hook and the killer still goes after that person yeah its a little #########.

    I have numerous times taken a hit well before getting someone off the hook (with bt) and then they downed me..and yet they STILL chase the other person even after hitting them into their mend state..and they STILL chase them just to hook them again..That is where is problems are..its not the fact that people do camp or tunnel its that no one is really getting a chance to even play the game.

    As I said between killers that go after and ONLY after the person thats been unhooked and the survivors that think oh its fine lets just yank them now without bt..they are the people that are gonna slowly kill the game.

    The toxic-ness isn't just survivors or killers, and you cant even say its just survivors or its just killers..its the people playing survivor or the killer.. And as I said up there..Survivors are not the only people in this game that feel entitled to anything. The river flows both ways <3

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited December 2019

    When I see, how I getting matched against high rank survivors as killer with not having even one purple perk in the slot and low ranks because I leveling at the moment two killers up...

    Then I am not worried about not enough survivors... Then I am more worried about the opposite.

    Btw. I assume, tunneling will only go away, if bhvr takes away the necessity for it.

    Aka. that killers have not to kill so many people for a rank up (or even staying at a rank) and in some cases, some killers would need to have more map pressure, so that a killer start to prefer to go to other point on the map, instead of hunting the guy, a few steps before him.

  • MrsMaliciousX
    MrsMaliciousX Member Posts: 736

    But that's not even the case. About a year and half ago they had the pip system for killer that you only have to actually kill 2 people and I'm pretty sure if I'm not mistaken that was considered a double pip..Or it might have been if you killed all 4 it was a double pip. It was super easy, and even then you had the same camping and tunneling. Now I'm not saying that its wrong because clearly its not and yes as killer if I have played the whole game and I have all 4 stacks on my bbq but yet I don't have anyone dead, Once that last gen pops you best believe Im gonna get a kill no matter what. To me its not about pipping its about trying to get the max amount of points that I possibly can while still having fun in the game.

    People seem to forget that ending the game very quickly or even camping a survivor does not get you a pip and it does not give you the max amount of points that you can get. But as I said I can see where people want to win the game, no one likes losing. But in this case the way that the killers (NOT ALL most tho) are driving away some of the survivor player base. And honestly there is no one to blame but themselves.

    You can keep telling someone to get good at the game. But in all honesty no one is god at a video game. Some people are really good and some people are not. But that doesn't mean that the people that aren't as good as the others don't deserve to play the game and have fun. And no I'm not saying that killers have to sit in the corner and let the survivors do the gens because that's what a lot of killers turn to.

    Just like the survivors turn to (and I have said it myself) well what do you want us to do ..spawn on the hook in struggle stage so that you don't have to work as hard?

    Yeah I get it, its a double edged sword. Everything is, But if a killer loses a chase with one survivor he has 3 others to chase, but if a survivor gets camped or tunneled out of the game thats its..But you would think with how long the wait times are most of the time that killers wouldn't want to end the game that fast..but we are wrong there too.

    Im just saying, that maybe those who never play survivor should take ONE day and play nothing but survivor and see if maybe their mind will change about how slugging, tunneling and camping EARLY in the game really isn't a tatic at all.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Wellety wellety wellety, here is how is see it:

    Killer hooks someone, guy gets safed, killer comes back, ignores the other survivor(s) and straight goes for the unhooked one again, even he could have hit someone else. Thats tunneling.

    If the killer stops tunneling the person for whatever reason (he cant get him for example), he still tunneled him, but failed at a certaint point.

    This is my opinion as a 50/50 Killer Survivor player.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited December 2019

    Before I had take a long break from dbd, I had also play as survivor. Not so often... Maybe 10% of my games were as survivor. Now where I have comeback, I first like to level two of my killers up, before I do anything other (1 new killer, 1 prestige level).

    I usual play also for fun and in matches were I clearly dominate the survivors, it is not uncommon for me, that I let the survivors, or parts of them go if they have not annoy me to much, or a archive-task forces me to kill everyone.

    However, since the newest rank reset I also run very often in survivor behavior that would other people lead to leave the game. Either beause of the toxicity, or because of the boring gameplay that comes most of the times with the survivors in the match.

    Imo, you see to often the same perks by the survivors - more as by killers. Some survivors say, that they have without them no chance, but that is imo a lie (if we not think yet about skills of a player and just about the perks).

    As survivor I have always avoid to take the usual survivor perks and I had fun with them. Of course, I have not always survive, but I know that I am just one of 4 survivor.

    I don't need to survive, to win the game. If I distract the killer enough before I die, or repair enough gens before, -I was always fine with it.

    You see we have a similar mindset. Just, that I am assume, that I am more killer-interessted and the point why I have write something here was just, to show, that on the killer side the gras is not greener.

    Killer struggle with the same, or similar problems as at least solo survivor.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    I once chased someone off a gen that was at 80%. Downed him and hooked him. Beneath the hook I found someone else, chased him to the other side of the map, then hooked him there. The 80% gen wasn't popped yet, so I said "ok, then time to kick it now". Found the first survivor again. Working on it injured. First kicked the gen, then chased him down, he DC'd

    Postgame chat told me he DC'd cuz I tunneled him.

    You also get called camper if you see scratchmarks nearby right after a hook and go search where the survivor is hiding (that is 'camping' at the hook). Sometimes survivors think all they see is all there is to know. I also notice that as survivor, when other survivors tell me I did nothing, just because they saw the wrong 20 seconds aura of me while they were downed.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    I also heard a youtuber say "I don't like the Legion achievement, it forces you to tunnel survivors". When the achievement was before the change, to loose the frenzied survivor and find him later to down him with another Frenzy attack. He literally said, chasing someone until he is down is tunneling.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    Well then, every killer is a tunneler, if we don't care about the circumstances of a specific situation.

    But imo the most streamer try to exaggerate a bit for a variety of reasons (that would lead in this thread to far).

    Still, a little truth hides in his words imo.

    The Legion is one of the killers, that is a bit forced to tunnel because of his abilitiys. I really believe that a Legionplayer would feel less pressured to tunnel, if frenzy would have less penalties. As said before, frenzy and not dw. But so many to that here.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    Where in fact Legions power is the most not tunneling power of all killers. If you feel tunneled against Legion, it should be just bad luck to be the last in the chain

  • Apple2o
    Apple2o Member Posts: 624

    Tunneling a bad survivor, who doesn't have DS, is the most optimal thing a killer can do in the game. If you don't like being tunneled, get better in chase and give the killer a reason to leave you.

  • Danielgdp3
    Danielgdp3 Member Posts: 452

    This is 100% how I go about describing tunneling you hit the nail on the head here

  • fozzy_ozborn
    fozzy_ozborn Member Posts: 48

    Incidental tunneling is what I get called on for tunneling. I play a lot of Trapper and do pretty well on trap placement and for some reason the unhooked person is the one who normally gets trapped 1st. I can't count how many after game messages I have gotten that say "Trash Killer" or "Tunneler".

    Now if it is down to 2 gens and I see the unhooked, ya damn right I will down them so another person has to leave gens to try and pick them up. Only time I hard camp is after the gates pop to see how altruistic the team is and see if I can get more kills.

    I don't stay in Red ranks as a killer since I meme with spooky Myers and ghost face for my fun matches.

  • Sushi_x2099
    Sushi_x2099 Member Posts: 39

    those whiny killer mains dont care plus all they do is cry to devs wen they dont win games and get their way as always instead of getting good wich makes us actual good killer/survivor players look bad

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Yeah, I mean if people are going to call you out for tunneling if it was just incidental, they're either not serious and are just salty, or they are silly and unreasonable and probably have never played a single killer game in their life. Either way, they can safely be ignored.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    On the paper you are right.

    If I just read about the Legion, it looks like the perfect killer to chain between survivors.

    However, in practice you often run in situations where either frenzy is not avaible, or it would be to "dangerous" to use it (wrong word imo). If bhvr would rework 2-3 penalties on frenzy, frenzy would be really that thing, that some people imagine and with that the Legion would not be forced to stay at a specific survivor sometimes and that without any balancing issuses, because the real danger in Legion's abilities was always dw.

    Back to tunneling.

    Tunneling is part of the game, if a killer not really goes tryhard on someone. If he does, the killer run in the most cases, in the same problem as would he face camp and that means, gens popping up to your left and right.

    I am guilty of that too, but I do that only if someone annoys me, because I know that I will lose the game, in the most cases. Sometimes you are really lucky and nobody touches gens in this time, but this is very rar after my experience.

  • AngryFluffy
    AngryFluffy Member Posts: 443

    The problem is that a lot of killers do this without any reason, like when going against solo players or in early game when not even one gen was done. Ofcourse 3v1 is easier and it is easier to just proxy camp and tunnel the unhooked guy, but it also ruins the complete game for this one person and also shows lack of skill from the killer imo. And people who do that will probably deal with BT or DS and come to the forum to cry about these perks...

    I play both sides and I know how frustrating it can be to get tunneled to death the first 3 minutes of the game. And as killer I try to avoid that, unless I have a good reason to. For example tbagging survivors in a full swf team who are obviously trying to bully, or if 4 gens are done and I didn't got a kill by then, but need one for a challenge or something, or if I just can't find the guy who unhooked, even if looking for them.

  • GH0ST3D
    GH0ST3D Member Posts: 93

    I completely agree. I play both sides, and I'm so tired of waiting 5-10 minutes as survivor just to get "hard tunnelled" out of the game. No toxic gameplay on my part to warrant it either, but then I jump over to killer and play fair by not tunnelling at all. But I did get some revenge on a killer for tunnelling me 3 matches in a row when I finally caught him when I was killer

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,311

    I mean tunneling is fine as long as you're not a hypocrite that cry if the survivors try to fight it with DS, BT and/or bodyblocking. If a killer does that they're just a scrub.

    But you're right when it comes to a lot of words being horribly misused. Tunneling, camping, gen rush, "toxic", the list goes on.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,238

    Sorry but in my experience its mostly survivors calling out tunneling unjustified while running those perks.

    They're the ones not realizing their hypocrisy

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    Bodyblocking is the only behavior where a survivor really has a high chance to enrage me.

    If you like getting tunneled until the world ends to turn, maybe even face camped... That's the way to do it by me :).

    I have no problems usually with tbagging, flashlights, the "wrong" survivor perks (even I find them boring, because they are always the same), toolboxes, keys, xtrem looping and other things that are often labeled as "toxic", but oh boy... If you try to bodyblocking me, I will try to make your life a living hell^^ :).

    Everybody has its personal weaknesses and survivors, don't act as you wouldn't have them by yourself, ->the endgame chat would prove you wrong.

    The whole discussion about tunneling shows, that you have ;).

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,311

    I don't mean to deny that at all, it's an incredibly overused and misused word. Perfectly understandable if they get frustrated if they feel they get tunneled even if they aren't actually being tunneled, but that doesn't mean they should start whining about it and harassing the killer post-game of course. Just move on to the next game lmao.

  • nerdguy5
    nerdguy5 Member Posts: 52

    :( pouts it’s not fair, he hit me twice and they haven’t been hit yet.... seriously?! This isn’t kindergarten

  • nerdguy5
    nerdguy5 Member Posts: 52

    It’s people that aren’t that good at the game that cry “camping” and “tunneling”. The game isn’t about it playing fairly and giving everyone a chance to finish a generator or save someone or get hooked. The game is simple. You try to survive and they try to kill you.. end of story

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    It is just an unfun strategy. I get why people do it, to swing the momentum in their direction. But it is super unfun to play against.

    As killers, do you play survivor? Because that is when you will notice how unfun and boring it is.

    Plus as I have said before, when you demonstrate to survivors you that you are indeed not going to tunnel. The games tend to be a bit more chill. They will search chests, do totems, heal because they know they will not be tunneled and camped to death.

    If you are going to tunnel, don't complain about "gen rush" meta because to a certain degree that is why it became the meta.

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737

    It means the killer is trying to do their objective as fast and as efficiently as possible. There's nothing wrong with that.

  • FairP1ayer
    FairP1ayer Member Posts: 500

    It really urks me when someone plays both sides and still tunnels as Killer! How do you repeat stuff I know you don’t enjoy as Survivor when you’re playing Killer?

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    I agree, I was a killer main until only recently. And it was when I learned how frustrating it is to just be straight tunneled out of the game.

    I played a game last night where killer tunneled a survivor right out of the game. Even through two BT saves. He hit her and chased her, hit her again and hook. Cost him almost 4 gennys but she got like 2000 points and a miserable experience.

    Plus she is a rank 19, new to the game.

  • FairP1ayer
    FairP1ayer Member Posts: 500

    I basically 3 gen ran an Oni yesterday because he started proxy camping me after he caught me. I died after 2 hooks because I went into second state with how bad he camped me, but guess what. He only got me and everyone else escaped, so he ruined both mine and his own experience (in a failed attempt at a 4K?)

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    Thats only the hardcore tunnelvision, but not tunneling at average meaning. But nevermind you entitled killer main ... lol

  • Kenidur
    Kenidur Member Posts: 156

    Something like this isn't tunneling or camping though and the survivor on the hook knows it, and most of the time will tell at the saving survivor for farming him off the hook.it drives me crazy when as a survivor, right after hooked, another pulls me off in front of the killer without BT. My feet hit the ground, killer hits me, and now I'm on 2nd hook. Not the killers fault, but disgusting game play none the less, and totally the savior's fault.

  • Kenidur
    Kenidur Member Posts: 156

    To note, some killers dont seem to understand slugging a survivor isn't always a bad idea. You put someone on the hook and another pulls him off slug the hooked right off the bat. No BT and they are down while you are chasing the other. Thus means a 3rd will go and save them, leaving 1 on gens, effectively slowing the game down more for you. Yeah he will get up, but at least for occupied 3 peoples time longer than if you just re-hooked them.

  • DBdude55
    DBdude55 Member Posts: 26

    Well what would you do if they unhooked someone and you see them and no one else, YOUR'E GOING TO KILL THEM

  • Hex_KillerMainBTW
    Hex_KillerMainBTW Member Posts: 449

    Maybe they want to pull your hair but haven't found the button for that yet. *UwU*

  • Shredder32
    Shredder32 Member Posts: 38

    So if it's "not good etiquette" for the killer to use a winning strategy then what are the survivors willing to give up in return? Is there anything that survivors do to make the killer's experience more enjoyable, even if it's counterproductive to winning? Survivors are trying to win aren't they? How long into the match is it acceptable for the killer to kill a survivor?

    While I understand it's no fun to be the first killed, someone has to be first. It's just the nature of the beast.

  • ASAPTurtle
    ASAPTurtle Member Posts: 968

    Hooking people who haven't been hooked is more efficient than going after one who has been hooked until their dead.

  • Killernewb86
    Killernewb86 Member Posts: 31

    If your objective is maxing out on points, yeah. If you enjoy actually killing survivors it isn’t. Forcing the 3v1 is how you really win as killer. (Vs half way decent survivors)