DBD Mobile < Identity 5

Listen. I have and am playing the game and I have a few gripes with it. Yes I know it’s in it’s testing form and this is just me giving my opinion.
1: Skill Check.
Change it. Make it them same as the others, it didn’t need changes.
2: Joystick placement.
Too many times I have stood still when I go to run because when I put my thumb. The circle is too small and precise.
3: Perks.
I don’t like how the game chooses with Perks you get and which you don’t.
4: Free characters now need to be payed for.
Why is David and Huntress not free? They are free on console and PC. Yet not the mobile version. (P.S DONT reply to this bit with boo boo. I have to pay gimme it for free. I am just asking why make the only characters that are free then not)
oh and a question. Does the game work with apple game pad?
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I don't think it's working with an apple gamepad. BHVR wouldn't implement somerhing like that. xD
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While it's great that you have constructive feedback to offer about the Mobile game, this isn't the place to offer it. Non-mobile DBD is run by a separate team, so the Mobile devs aren't likely to see anything you post here.
They don't have their own forum, but if you're a beta tester they've probably let you know in an email or something similar where the best place to leave your feedback is. Otherwise, the best way to contact them would be through the DBD Mobile website: https://www.mobile.deadbydaylight.com/
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Sorry, I didn’t know this. I just thought I’d share my thoughts on the mobile version with the community to see what they thought.
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I'm jealous of anyone who currently gets to play dbd mobile - that's my gripe with it :)
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Is Identity V still 99% facecampers? I haven't played it in over a year lol
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That's totally fine, just letting you know that if the mobile devs are your target audience, they're not likely to see your feedback here and you'd be better off posting it elsewhere. But if you just wanted to discuss it with the community as a whole, go right ahead 😊
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I like it, it just has some things that need smoothed out.
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I’m talking about how it plays.
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Yes. You're guaranteed to get camped and tunneled in virtually every game.
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Dead By Daylight Mobile is an entirely different team
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I just played a game and it has gone downhill.
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I’m just expressing my opinions and I didn’t know where
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I know
My mistake for not specifying which question
The david huntress one is what that answered