Why are Claudettes such a meme?

Hey y'all. Just a quick question about the community consensus on Claudette mains. I'm a Claudette main, and I'm constantly getting crap for it, and I dunno why. I started out as a Killer main, didn't like getting bullied, so I switched to maining Survivor (Best decision, love the intensity when being chased.) My brother said I should pick Claudette because of her teachables, so I did so. But after playing more and more and getting more immersed in the greater community, I learned that Claudettes seem to have somewhat of a bad reputation. They're seen as toxic tryhards (and I pride myself on being neither.) Can someone please explain where this reputation can from?
Best Answers
There are many claudette players famously referred as blendettes. They use urban evasion and crouch around the map, usually being useless
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It's Survivor Stereotypes. That's what it mainly boils down to, as ArslaN said above, many Claudettes are referred to as "blendettes," which usually means they're commonly using Urban Evasion and crouching around to avoid the Killer or any confrontation for that matter.
That's only some Claudette mains though, some also like to be overly toxic and constantly "BM" the Killer at every chance they can get. Sometimes in-game, sometimes in post-chat where they can actually interact with the Killer themselves.
Overall, this is why most Claudettes are seen as "Blendettes" or "toxic," you can thank the players that commonly do this... they give her a bad name and have every claudette main associated with that ideal.
Of course there are other Claudette mains that are selfless and actively save other Survivors with their stealth... and on top of that also do gens while wasting the Killers time with said stealth by hiding away when the Killer is surveying that area to look for them.
Not every Claudette is toxic, immersed, or useless... but because of the common use of her by players that do these actions... it all blends together... no pun intended.
What i'm basically saying is...
Because of the actions of other players... many Claudettes are seen as toxic, immersed, and useless to their team. This is why many Killers hate every Claudette they see, and sometimes they actively target them in-game to remove them from the match.
It isn't anything personally with you, it's just the many years of facing so many of those players has left her with a bad rep.
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That just sounds boring as all hell. Dunno if I could even blend in all that well, I use her emerald green shirt.
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Glad to know I ain't contributing to the stigma. Dankeschön!
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No problemo.
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Beside the camouflage and toxic thing.
I think all hate against other character or specific perks are mostly created by rant posts in the forum.
Actually you answered your question a little yourself. Claudette is mostly the first character because she has useful perks among other things. Beginners do stupid things and get bullied by other player.
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Somewhat true, but it's mostly what people turn Survivors into through their own... interesting concepts of fun I guess.
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Yes everyone should play, what they want.
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Weirdly, Dwight seems to be the only one of the original characters who doesn't have a bad reputation.
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Locker Mains. How have you not heard of that one before?
Dwight hides in a locker all game, Meg is a toxic tryhard runner, Claudette is invisible in tall grass, and all Jakes are only in it for the sabo build.
Every OC meme/negative stereotype from the start of the game.
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Yeah, I've heard of it, but I don't think anyone actually takes it seriously. The impression I get nowadays is that Dwights are just generally clueless sweethearts.
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Pretty much. The "Locker Dwight" meme has fallen out lately. And Dwight was my first character, back when Leader still affected generators. So, yeah.
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You must not know of the legendary bald dwight than...
Or the Freddy copy-cat Dwight... or the dwight wit-
Basically if they have flashy clothes, they're bald, wear sunglasses, use flashlights, and love to t-bag or flashlight click in-game than it's a toxic Dwight.
Every Survivor has a toxic side, none have been spared from this curse.
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I think a big reason for her "toxic" reputation is mainly from Ochido. He uses Claudette and constantly tries to get the killer to chase him, and flashlight blind the killer, etc. Killers don't like flashlights to the point of calling it "toxic".
I don't think I've ever heard anything about Kate or Feng being toxic honestly, though I've definitely seen some annoying Kates and Fengs.
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"Generally clueless sweeethearts" is nice said. ☺️
If you need heal or help Dwight is mostly there. Maybe I ignore his toxic meme side.
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Blue haired mask wearing Fengs are usually toxic and or selfish, but cosmetics don't really dictate if they're or not... you just need to know. But yes, they exist... a lot of them exist.
Kates don't really have a cosmetic that's popular with toxic Survivors, at least ones that I'm not aware of since I barely see Kate anymore. But yes, you can get flashlight clicking, BMing, post-chat insulting Kates...
Every Survivor has a toxic side created by "toxic Players," no Survivor is immune to this.
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Not to mentioned prestiged Dwights are notoriously toxic.
One way or another every survivor has a toxic rep.
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Wow, you are a fast responder. I hadn't even left the thread before I got the notification that you replied.
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Only when i'm around...
And when you're in another thread and get the notification RIGHT when you finished a comment on that other thread...
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I mean yeah but I was saying Kate isn't really a survivor known for being toxic, which is what I thought you were saying, that every survivor has a toxic rep.
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Not a noticeable rep for some, but other Survivors with less of a "toxic rep" still have a rep regardless...
But yeah, some are more known for toxicity than others.
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Claudette is a meme due to the character model's history of being hard to see. Part of this is due to dbd having less than stellar graphical fidelity even on ultra settings. Part of this is due to her having darker skin tone and darker clothing colors that in some cases work extremely well as camouflage. This is then compounded by the previous abundance of stealth play style users who pick Claudette and then proceed to slowly crouch everywhere to avoid detection. The devs has over timed lightened the color of her clothing and people generally don't stealth near as much as they used to. She's still somewhat hard to see in certain areas though and tend to get their teammates killed by getting in the way of loopable object in an attempt to hide.
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Ochido is the reason why people hate claudette, if you were playing around the time he was popular on youtube you would understand.
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Let's not bring up his name shall we?
It just starts fights, its best to leave that chapter of DBD alone.
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He who shall not be named! My apologies.
But yeah, just giving an honest answer as to why many people hate Claudette, not giving an opinion but we'll leave it as that :)
Them damn Blendettes! Can't let the blendy's escape >:o
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Lets just leave it at that, cause this post has enough answers and it's gaining too many comments on the wrong sub-forum.
Maybe @Rizzo90 can move it to the right forums, since this post clearly has a lot to discuss!
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d... did i just hear "meme"?
basically, these memes originate from the survivors stereotypes from way back in the day.
though, only 2 of the 4 survivors actually managed to get their stereotypes into memes, as "running the killer around" (Meg) and "Sabotaging" (Jake) arent really that uncommon / not character specific at all, so they never acquired this status.
basically, back in the day, Claudette was the medic, though the "blendette" meme originates from her, at the time even harder to see, playmodel - she could literally crouch down whereever she wanted and as long as there was some tall grass, she'd be gone. this is very specific to this one survivor, so no one else was ever able to get this meme status but her.
for Dwight, he never really had a stereotype. he was always this useless dude sitting in a locker, letting the team work while he had leader active. that's the origin of the "dwight loves lockers" meme. and lets be honest, when we pull someone out of a locker, it is at least a 65% chance that its a Dwight. even if you had no Dwight ingame, now you have one.
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Megs don't really run the Killer around these days... for some reason.
And Jakes sadly don't sabo the hooks anymore, big sad...
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You sound so serious, what a stick in the mud!
Blendy's are just a meme and I'm sure it'll stay that way, don't worry so much!
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I'm just discharging the conversation, mainly because we shouldn't be cluttering the sub-forum with a 30 comment post... this isn't the sub-forum for having dicussions, that's why I @'ed Rizzo to see if he also agrees to have it moved.
If and or once it's move, than we can continue the conversation.
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yeah, stereotypes have changed a LOT these days...
ever since players started unlocking teachables on their characters, the survivors all lost their individual playstyles and with that their stereotypes.
today everyone has Sprint Burst / Adrenaline on any Survivor, though back then, that was only Megs thing.
just like everyone has Selfcare or Saboteur now...
its a little sad when i think about how it was back then... you knew exactly what playstyle was gonna be played by each survivor, since, if they were a Meg they'd run you around, Claudettes woule be healers, jakes would be camped and dwights... well...
they all were unique characters, not just reskins of the exact same survivor...
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I am not lying about this
Once I came back after waiting for a lobby and the match just started, 6 minutes in after downing 2 people I open a locker and find a Dweet hiding inside
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Right, the identity they had is kind of diluted from how they were back in 2016/Early-2017.
Kind of a sad thing if you think about it.
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Bet the devs had dwight in mind as they made the perk "Iron Maiden" :D.
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Did you hear? Ochido is back in DBD on PS4. That means I might run into him.
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Again, lets not talk about him.
Mainly because he has very bad rep and other things, lets just avoid that one.
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Eh, I like his content. He inspired me to run the killer around all game, flashlight click, and tbag when they give up.
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You're missing the point, whether you like him or not isn't what I was referring to... he's just someone that isn't talked about here on the forums for a reason.
Hopefully you understand.
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Because good Claudette players dont exist
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I turned up the contrast/brightness on my monitor and now I laugh at blendettes. Sometimes they'll just sit there thinking I can't see them.. when that happens I pretend to walk past them, then turn at the last second for a surprise smack in the face.
Sadly this has to be done, otherwise P3 blendettes can be nearly invisible on some maps.
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U wot m8?
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I can’t stand that streamer. I couldn’t make it through 2 minutes of a video until my ears started to bleed.
As for the topic, I don’t care what people like, Claudette is Bae. I will always love her and make her as soon as I level up everyone else.
I show mercy to her as long as it’s not a quad group of her, then two of them must rapidly die to spare my eyes.
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His screaming/voice makes my ears bleed but his funny moment montages make me rofl.
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Claudette is smaller and quieter than most survivors, and her dark skin tone and many dark cosmetics lead people to play her because she can hide without having any form of skill.
Because of this, killers already dislike Claudettes. Better players also play a lot of her because all of the above is just added benefit.
Because killers already dislike her due to that, it has become popular to play her when you are a toxic player, or want to annoy the killer. This pairs with the fact that she has many very ugly, very fluorescent clothes for getting the killer's attention and being in their face all game.
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Honestly the part about Claudette being quieter than most survivors is not true imo. She's actually one of the loudest. I believe Kate is probably one of the quieter females. You can hear Feng or Claudette a mile away.
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Because Claudettes have everything any other survivor has, plus camouflage. The frame and color of the character lets a player hide in plain sight AND does anything else a survivor of different appearance does. If you want to win, why not pick a character that exploits the lack of an, i don't know, f---ing BRIGHTNESS SLIDER???? to win.