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No One Escapes the Endgame....

This is the Tome task that I need the devs to look at to make sure no future tasks are this ridiculous.

I've spent three or four games tonight massacring the survivors, then easing off because even though I'm crappy at killer, I'm still dominating, and I need at least two of these guys to survive through 5 gens and a door opening...

But every time, I only manage to have the opportunity to kill one. I almost had it as I face-camped a Survivor waiting for the grab, except I got a hit instead. However since they cleansed NoEd, I don't know if that would have counted.

The last game I felt so bad after knocking them on the ground over and over again (because I had to make sure that someone was standing to get something done) that I just brought the dying Survivor to the exit since he's teammates ditched him because apparently they're not a sweaty SWF.

I'm taking a break when I reach Rift Level 70.


This Tome task is a ridiculous task as it asks you to be so bad at killer that you let survivors finish 5 gens and open a door. You knock one Survivor with NoEd and expect someone to stick around. I think if I can get a 4k by sacrificing all Survivors that should suffice, because then I didn't even need NoEd to pop.



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  • Member Posts: 8,342

    RIP 💔

    In that case I would probably recommend a slugging strategy with NOED, Deerstalker and Nurse's Calling. Slug one person right before the last gen pops, down another using NOED, wait for a gate to open and hook them both, using Deerstalker and Nurse's to keep track of them and make sure they don't get healed. Try to kill at least one of their teammates in advance, and chase the other out the gate. It's not as reliable a strategy as Blood Warden, and it's a little mean, but it's the next best thing I can think of that could work.

  • Member Posts: 8,850

    I actually got this one first try. I ran Doc after seeing Otz's video. Figured id camp the 2nd survivor like HE did with treatment mode. In the end, didnt need to go that far since I had 2 ppl left alive...1 already on the hook and another slugged. Just walked over, opened a door and hooked the slug. I used Otz's tactic of just being an M1 killer with no power til the end, although I used double calm addons so I could at least benefit from a reduced TR.

    Heres the vid im referring to.

  • Member Posts: 61

    I just played leatherface, bodyblocked a totem by an exit gate, then went afk the whole game. Survivors love orbiting afk killers for some reason :)

  • Member Posts: 268

    Yeah, that's my issue too. Freddy is a pay to play, and I don't have most of those killers.

    Also don't have Leatherface for the same reason, though I did find BBQ from the Shrine!

  • Member Posts: 142

    And it's gonna be even "better" in Tome Level 4, where you have to kill 3 survivors the same way. They said they're going to change it, but as for this day data for Level 4 haven't changed yet. If they're going to release Level 4 on Wednesday as we have seen it during the leaks and change it later as they did for Level 3, I will really start to worry about their competence of planning and release management.

  • Member Posts: 2,213

    You can wait until the last gen pops, hook one(not last hook) and slug the other, open a gate and then hook the last one. You don;t need to down them with NOED.

  • Member Posts: 268

    Yeah, I have a feeling they will leave it as is at first to give people a chance to hate the game, and then they will make them easier for less rewards and less time to complete the Tome.

  • Member Posts: 268

    I got it done, but I'm not happy with myself. And not looking forward to the rereveal of Tome 4. Tomorrow? Ugh.

  • Member Posts: 201

    You just need NOED equipped it doesn't have to be active or anything

  • Member Posts: 11

    Just slug at least 2 and run the others out. Even then it may take a few matches but you'll get it eventually

  • Member Posts: 1,110

    I'll be honest, I knew this challenge would be, not so much hard, but a pain to make happen.

    So do what I did. Make them think you're farming, and pull the old double cross at the end.

  • Member Posts: 272

    I did the exact same but one survivor said "######### doctor" but the other three were understanding and still thanked me for the farm because they got their challenge too :)

    I felt really bad but I just had enough of that challenge.

  • Member Posts: 927
    edited December 2019

    So, you just have to have noed equipped, and the survivors hooked have to die on hook after gate is open. Got it with survivors hooked already, then opening the gate myself. The gate doesn't have to be open already when you hook them, just when they die.

  • Member Posts: 268

    It's just a very difficult task that most of us can't play the game in it's normal way and have to slow down the killing so there will actually be 2 Survivors in the end game. It way last task for the Tome and I was about to just give up until I did what I could in Tome 4 coming up.

  • Member Posts: 8,342

    To be specific, they have to enter the sacrifice animation after the gate is open. If you hook them on their first or second hook and then open the gate, it will count towards the challenge, but if you hook a survivor on their third hook and open the gate before the sacrifice animation finishes, it won't count.

  • Member Posts: 927

    Yeah, yeah. On the third hook, they just die. That's sorta what I meant.

  • Member Posts: 539

    I did mine as the clown on the newest map. I dominated pretty hard with 2 gens remaining/2 survivors so I took one survivor with me to the middle generator then walked around and found the hatch. Pulled jake out of the nearest locker and took him to the middle generator. They both then went to the generator nearest to the gate/hatch and I walked around for a bit. Soon as the gen completed, I downed one and then went for the other. Opened gate, hooked one who was waiting at the hatch again then rushed for the other crawling out the gate.

  • Member Posts: 873
    edited December 2019

    Does a Mori not work?

    I made it to tier 70 and then went back for some

    Killer challenges.. I had a pink mori, NOED, Blood Warden, Bitter Murmur, and BBQ on Hillbilly.

    Everyone was hooked once before the first gen was done so I was careful and hooked two survivors for their second time with 3 gens left.

    I decided to Mori Nea and basically chainsaw sprint around the Temple map and leave anyone I downed on the floor to milk the game a bit and not accidentally kill anyone else before the endgame.

    Then the last gen popped, NOED was still active so I found Meg and downed her, then someone opened the exit gate which triggered The Endgame Collapse. I downed Jane and hooked her for her second hook and made my way over to the exit gate to watch Claudette run face first into the Blood Warden wall.. Mori’d Claudette and Jane died on the hook.

    I found Meg before she bled out and I carried them to the exit and let them go.

    I just assumed a sacrifice is a sacrifice but I had no clue a Mori and hook wouldn’t be enough. I guess when I go again I’ll just hook or get the timer to run out.

    I even did my best to make it seem like I only had a green Mori to help avoid any disconnecting lol

  • Member Posts: 268

    You have to hook them as the sacrifice. If you Mori them, let them bleed out, or let the Endgame collapse take them, it doesn't count. Which is totally stupid. This would be easier with a Mori for sure, still tricky, but easier.

  • Member Posts: 8,342
    edited December 2019

    As far as the game, and if we want to go lore-level on it, the Entity, is concerned, moris and sacrifices are both kills, but a mori (or a "kill by one's own hand", which includes kills using Rancor, Tombstone Myers, etc.) is not a sacrifice. A mori will only work in progressing a challenge if the challenge asks you to "kill by your own hand" or "kill by any means".

    The only kills which count as sacrifices are killing someone on a hook, or allowing them to be taken by the Entity after the EGC timer runs out. It's worth noting, however, that for this challenge you have to sacrifice them on a hook. I suspect the reason why an EGC sacrifice doesn't count towards the challenge is because it technically doesn't happen during the EGC, but after it.

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