If you were a survivor, what would your perks be?

What would your perks be if you were taken by the fog?


  • Murcielago
    Murcielago Member Posts: 163

    The ability to let survivors see the aura of the killer when you first see them in a chase I would yell out when I see the killer

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396
    1. Grovel
    2. Grovel Harder
    3. Die
  • LegionMain343
    LegionMain343 Member Posts: 198

    Hidden Potential- I can just teleport to all survivors and mori them on the spot u3u

    10/10 -IGN

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    We need this as an emote in game. I'd love to smack the idiots who pull me off the hook while the Huntress is staring at me with here axe cocked back ready to go.

  • oh_0k
    oh_0k Member Posts: 712

    "Fog machine" - Every time you complete a generator the fog in a 14m range is greatly thickened

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    Survivor: FriendlyGuy

    "Just because i'm fat?!?" - When you unhook yourself while the killer is in a radius of ten metres he gets stunned for three seconds.

    "Lemme go!" - After initiating a chase with the killer you get a sprintburst at 150% for three seconds that triggers exhaustion for 40/50/60 seconds.

    "Damn Quanton!!!" - Everytime a Quentin misses a skillcheck you get a token. Dou can use the tokens to slap quentin stunning him for one second.

  • "Lockerphobia" - Whenever you enter the killer's terror radius, you cower in fear and run to the nearest locker, abandoning your teammates. Breathing loudness while inside the locker is increased by 50/60/70%.

    "This isn't like the games" - When repairing a generator, you have no idea what the hell you're doing. 90% increased chance of triggering a skill check, and generator regression percentage is increased by 5/10/15% when you fail a skill check.

    "Human-like" - You are a normal human bean. When struck by a killer's basic attack, you have a 50% chance to be put into the "Dead" state due to massive organ damage. If you survive the deadly blow, then you are put into a bleed out timer which lasts 15/20/30 seconds, which you cannot mend and decreases regardless of any activity you are doing.

    Yep, there ya' go.

  • Spooky13
    Spooky13 Member Posts: 1,471
    edited December 2019

    Anxiety - You are constantly on edge. Whenever you hear a loud noise notification, gain a Madness tier, no matter which killer you are facing.

    Tired - Enter the Dream World periodically. Skill checks are moderately harder. Normal skill checks give a 3% boost to progression, and great skill checks give an 8% boost.

    Lonely - You hold those who can tolerate you close and are afraid to come out of your bubble. When within 5 meters of another survivor, nullify the effects of Anxiety. When a survivor leaves this radius, Anxiety reactivates and you are afflicted with the Sadness status effect, causing Tired to activate more often.

  • Cornpopers_Evan
    Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428

    Oof, that lonely perk doesn't just hit close to my home, it shatters my window.

  • Cornpopers_Evan
    Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428

    I'm going to take a page completely out of Paulie Esther's book here.

    Crippling Empathy- Your desire to see people be happy and successful is incredibly strong. Taking a hit for a survivor will give them the haste status effect for 4 seconds at a 7% speed increase.

  • Exerlin
    Exerlin Member Posts: 1,352

    Anger Management - Being hooked fills you with immense anger. The first time you become unhooked during a trial, you gain a 3% haste effect, become broken, and breath 25% louder for the duration of the trial.

    Tunnel Vision - After 8 seconds of healing, repairing, or sabotaging, Tunnel Vision activates. When Tunnel Vision is activated, you become oblivious and turn all good skill checks into great skill checks.

    We're In This Together - When within 8m of an injured survivor, they gain a +4% haste effect. Taking a protection hit gives the other survivor a +50% haste effect for 1 second.

  • Jakojo
    Jakojo Member Posts: 214

    Book It! - Upon a successful pallet stun, break out into a sprint at 150% for 3s, causes the exhausted status effect.

    Data Accessioning - You cleanse totems 15/20/25% faster. Your HUD is modified to have a totem counter. Gain 100% bonus BP for cleansing Totems.

    Collections Management - Upon dropping your item, it's charges refresh up to 50% of their max charge.

    Thought of these in my Anthropology class during a lecture on Roman archaeology *snooze*

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092

    True Friend: Whenever you unhook a survivor in the killer's terror radius and take a protection hit for them, that survivor recovers a health state after 12/10/8 seconds.

  • GH0ST3D
    GH0ST3D Member Posts: 93

    Make like a Ghost- can go invisible to everyone when pulled off the hook in the terror radius. If you are the last one alive, can just walk through the exit gate opened or closed

    Camouflage- can 100% turn into something on the map at random. Cannot be used until you have been hooked twice. If the killer guesses what you are and strikes, you are dead instantly. Cannot move for 2 minutes, and will have the broken status effect for the rest of the match. Last resort perk.

    Anti-Charity: if a survivor has less than 10k bloodpoints and refuses to save anyone, you and that survivor change places. So they are hooked not you. If they are hatch camping, the hatch then teleports to you on the hook or in front of the killer. Cannot use a key if someone is hooked.

    Killer perk

    Anti-Teabagger: if a survivor teabags in your line of sight, and you can see it, they are dead immediately.

    (These are just for fun)

  • miotas
    miotas Member Posts: 42

    Just for fun, probably not going to break the meta, but I've always wanted survivor perks that did something like this.

    1. Attention Seeker: You thrive on external validation. Whenever you successfully distract the killer, you gain a 5/6/7% haste status effect for 20 seconds. Thrill Seeker can only be activated once every 60 seconds.
    2. Gossip: You love to share what you know with others. You share all aura reading with Survivors at least 16/20/24 metres away from you. Those auras are shown in Blue, and are delayed by 5/4/3 seconds.
    3. Escape Artist: Your successful escapes empower you to fight harder. Gain a token if you lose the killer in a chase and remain unfound for 30/25/20 seconds, to a maximum of 2/3/4 tokens. Each token reduces the time required to struggle from the killer's grasp by 5 seconds. Lose all tokens upon escaping the killer's grasp.
  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,515
    edited December 2019

    Annoyance: After being in a chase you can throw a rock at the killer stunning them for 1 second. The next time when in a chase you run at 150% your normal running speed for 3 seconds. This causes the exhaustion status effect for 60/50/40 seconds. (Doesnt stun the killer for long but having the speedboost would basically replace sprintburst in a chase aka youd annoy the killer more then anything lol.

  • DefaultText
    DefaultText Member Posts: 17
    edited December 2019

    Out Shaped: When not in a chase the survivor walks 3% faster and running is 5% slower, effects double while injured

    While in a chase you walk 10% slower and run 2,5% faster,effects double while in the healthy state

    Every second you run, you get one second of exhaustion (doesnt matter if youre in a chase or not)

    Edit: i think it feels underpowerd after i sent that, maybe you get 2secs of exhaustion while in a chase and you can recover 10% faster too in a chase

    Post edited by DefaultText on
  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172
    edited December 2019

    Pessimistic - Your ability to find the negative in even the most positive of situations is astounding at best. People tend to avoid your "doom and gloom" nature. You gain 100% bloodpoints in the self loathing category.

    Anti-athleticism - You have never enjoyed physical activity and are quick to accept your fate when being chased. While in a chase you do not run and may sometimes provoke a feeling of pity from the Killer, no matter how fleeting.

    Easily corrupt - You have a knack for finding the easy path to your goals. Why settle for crappy teammates when you can be the one swinging that machete? You are 100% more likely to join the match as a killer.

  • pemberley
    pemberley Member Posts: 1,510
    edited December 2019

    Name: Kristen

    Design: a woman in her mid-late 20s, lower half kind of shapely (one leg is noticeably more skinny and less toned than the other,) larger upper half with a bit of a tummy, short and unruly dark almost black hair, glasses, no makeup, Irish pug nose, likes to dress comfortably in leggings, oversized sweatshirts, flannel, and t shirts - bit of a hodgepodge in style but generally cute clothes that convey a love for Disney, women, and punching bigots.


    Cerebral Play: Being physically disabled urged you to sharpen your mind with books and learning like a sword with a whetstone. You walk 20% slower, run 60% slower, skill checks are 75% bigger and slowed down by 3/4/5%, great skill checks are 55/65/75% bigger (or whatever the numbers are to where tier 3 would mean a 50% chance to hit a great.) Running makes you exhausted. Exhaustion recovers 25% slower.

    Endure Pain: A lifetime experience has made you no stranger to pain. You bleed less frequently and your blood trails are less discernible and disappear more quickly by 2/3/4 seconds. Grunts of pain can be heard 8 meters less by the killer.

    Fairest One of All: Life is unfair, but it doesn’t have to be. Your strong belief in justice grants you the ability to use your secondary ability to either stun the killer chasing you or another survivor who was unhooked within 30 seconds for 5 seconds OR use your secondary ability to make yourself or another survivor UNDETECTABLE from other survivors who might wish harm for the rest of the match. One time use. Obsession perk. Using this perk on others grants you a 100% boost to Altruism.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    "pee cannon": Despite your best efforts you expect to get camped and die anyways so you think you might as well pee the killer in the face before you die.

    Allows you to pee with 100k psi of pressure (because Entity realm) for 10 seconds everytime you're hooked. As a result of this high pee pressure the killer can't camp as the mighty pee pressure will push the killer far away from the hook. Also causes the killer's camera to be yellow for a duration of 60 seconds if the pee hits them directly in the face.

  • Go_Go_Roboto
    Go_Go_Roboto Member Posts: 330


  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927
    edited December 2019

    "Make the best of it"

    -Sometimes, mistakes help you figure out how to improve your methods. Whenever you fail a skill check, your action speed (repair, heal, sabo, puzzle box, etc) increases by 5% for 3/4/5 seconds, and there is a 15%/20%/25% chance of regaining 10% of the charges of whatever item you are using. "Oops. That's not how you do it."


    -For better or worse, a part of your attention is always on your surroundings. Whenever a crow flies away for any reason within 15/20/25 meters, gain a sound notification. Skill check probability increased by 25% and skill check success zones decreased by 10%. "Wait. What was that?!"

    "You can count on me"

    -You can be relied upon in a pinch. Whenever you are working on a generator with someone else and for 3/4/5 seconds thereafter, if the killer would grab you, you instead take a hit. Additionally, if you are healing, mending, or waking someone up, and the killer lands a hit on them, you take the hit in their stead. "I won't let you down. I got this."

    Edit: I like these. Gonna put them on the suggestions forum, too.

  • MysticAdvisor
    MysticAdvisor Member Posts: 453

    “Clumsy”- When doing something important you screw up. When repairing an objective/ healing or running you have a 20/30/40% increased chance to trip or immediately fail a skillcheck.

    Hitting a skill check or completing a task grants you temporary immunity to immediately failing and you gain 10/15/20% more progress for hitting the skill check for 30/45/60 seconds.

    Rule breaker- When a window is blocked off by the entity you can vault through anyway.

    Cool down of 90/60/30 seconds.

    Outside the box- When hiding in a locker for at least 4 seconds you become invisible the next time the locker is checked.( you somehow hid in the locker)


    You hide in the most random places that no one would think of. When near an object or outer wall you may climb over or hide under objects.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    Not everyone survives: Not everyone survives this trial. Upon all other survivors exiting the trial, the exit gates will be reset if outside of them and if inside barricades until you leave.

    Your aura is revealed to the killer while the aura of hatch is revealed to you at the same time. Your movement speed is increased by 5%/6%/7% while inside the tr. If the hatch is closed by the killer all aura reading is blocked between you and the killer. The hatch can now be opened without a key through a lock pick process, you are oblivious and a loud notification will go off in the direction of hatch.

  • asergioam
    asergioam Member Posts: 363

    "Roundhouse Kick" - Every time the killer comes near you, you can sumon Chuck Norris spirit that imediatly roundhouse kicks the killer throwing him to the farthest corner of the map.

    AAAAA Member Posts: 558

    "Unsightly, Unfriendly, Unavoidable"

    Your ugly face and bad attitude is misleading to people who don't know you. Start each trial with 3/4/5 tokens. When an ability that reads survivors' auras would show your aura, your aura is not shown for ten seconds and you lose a token. When an ability that reads killers' auras would show an aura if a killer was standing where you are, your aura is shown for ten seconds and you lose a token. When you have 0 tokens left, all survivors can see your aura at all times, and the killer can see your aura when you are not in their terror radius.


    Just because you're going to lose doesn't mean you'll let the other guy win. When in the dying state, you crawl 15/20/25% faster, do not leave a blood trail, and do not attract crows.


    You enjoy working with your hands, and do so methodically and consistently. Great skill checks do not grant any additional generator progress, but after repairing the equivalent of one generator (without a toolbox) you gain a 5/10/15% speed bonus to repairing generators (without toolboxes).

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    If i were a survivor....hmmmm

    Hatchet Man - You are tired of playing the victim, once per trial you can grab a hatchet from a locker. The next time the killer would hit you with a basic attack, you can dodge the attack and repeatedly hack into the killer. The killer is stunned for 5 seconds and is afflicted with deep wounds status affect.

    Scaredy cat - You can climb trees or walls to hide from the killer.

    Truffle shuffle - You can only face the clown in any trial. Also you and clown get in a belly measuring dance off. Loser concedes the trial.

  • nimesulide
    nimesulide Member Posts: 39
    edited December 2019

    Handyman - The hours of DIY work taught you this and that. Repair great skill check success zones are 10/20/30% wider. Cleansing a totem gives you a token up to 4 tokens. For each token, you get a 5% stack-able repair speed bonus when repairing a generator alone. "I can do anything by myself, just let me handle it."

    Not today - You do your best under extreme pressure. When you became injured in a chase, your speed boost lasts 1 second longer. Also, you leave no scratch marks after becoming injured for 2/3/4 seconds. "Dying here is not an option for me. Not today at least."

    Robust work - Your work was always hard to mess up. When a generator you repaired before enters regression, the maximum amount of regression will be 30/20/10%. "Don't you dare ruin my work"

    Post edited by nimesulide on
  • LegionOfDumb
    LegionOfDumb Member Posts: 623

    Heckler - Anyone whose played a shooter knows, camping is never cool.

    Whenever the killer starts camping you at the hook, insult them as long as your within a 10/20/30 meter range.

    "Since you're here, wanna roast s'mores?"

    Vitriolic Hatred - Years of experience will tell you when someone is going to take advantage of your goodwill and stab you in the back.

    Whenever another survivor does a toxic move, you gain a token, up to 8/9/10. For each token you have, the toxic survivor's breathing gets 3% louder, there bleed out timer is speed up by 3%, their hook time is speed up by 3%, and they gain a blood point penalty of 3%. Also they get a special ass kicking from the other survivors that guy screwed over.

    "Thanks for stabbing me in the back, I'll enjoy laughing at you in hell!"

    Good Legal Team - Assault is not okay, under any circumstance. So suing someone for doing it is usually justified

    Every time you are hit with a killer's basic attack, special ability, or get hooked, you gain a token up to 3/4/5 tokens. At the end of a trial, if you survived, sue the killer for assault with a deadly weapon, reckless endangerment, attempted homicide, and damage to private property, with each token representing a lawyer. However, every time you complete a generator personally, stun the killer by flashlight or pallet, or open a chest, the killer also gains tokens up to 3/4/5. The killer gains as many lawyers as they have tokens and sue you for trespassing, assault with a pallet, unnecessary force with a flashlight, vandalism, and theft

    "I'll see you in court!"

  • thereals3vin
    thereals3vin Member Posts: 24

    This thread has made my day 🤣

  • StrodeWins
    StrodeWins Member Posts: 274

    “Blow Up”- once per trial, this perk is useable.

    while being carried, complete an extremely difficult skillcheck and pull out a grenade and blow yourself and the killer up in a sacrifice.

    all remaining survivors automatically win and the sacrificed double pips and gets 100% gained BP

    BP awarded post trial.